
Cheno - what's the big deal?- Page 2

Cheno - what's the big deal?

perfectlypink3 Profile Photo
#25re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:25pm

Here is my two cents
First off I will state that I adore Kristin. She is very unique, unlike anyone else out there. And I believe that the amount of talent she has in her "freakishly small figure" is more talent than a lot of "artists" could ever hope for.
that said, Im not the kind of fan that only sees the good and ignores all the bad but really... I don't see the issue with her. I DO see how some people who arent very tolerant could be annoyd by her all consuming happiness but if someone doesn't like you because you are too peppy, well then I'd say thats a pretty good thing to not be liked for.
Also, I totally understand not liking what someone does. To each his own and i would never tell you that you are wrong for not liking kristin, but for BASHING her. Thats just not cool.
My two cents may not be worth much but in the case of defending Cheno, I'll take what i can get.

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Georgeanne Profile Photo
#26re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:27pm

I like the way you think, SorryGrateful. re: Cheno - what's the big deal?

Me, I like to live.
Me, I like to laugh.
Me, I like to love.

children&art Profile Photo
#27re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:32pm

well i guess that no one can express a viewpoint that differs from the majority or else the majority will attack.

this is my OPINION.

what i say or what you say has no affect on her career, she's doing fine without all of us chirping in.

sorry, in the future i guess i should just keep my mouth shut - or better yet let's keep Cheno's mouth shut.

Don't f*ck with me fellas. This ain't my first time at the rodeo.

#28re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:33pm

I find it funny that you can say you didn't see any of the shows that were up for the '99 Tonys and say that Mary Testa should have won. Based on what? A psychic vision? There you discredit your whole post.

children&art Profile Photo
#29re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:34pm

"I find it funny that you can say you didn't see any of the shows that were up for the '99 Tonys and say that Mary Testa should have won. Based on what? A psychic vision? There you discredit your whole post."

I saw FOSSE and ON THE TOWN (w/Mary Testa) - I didnt seeing AINT NOTHING BUT THE BLUES.


Don't f*ck with me fellas. This ain't my first time at the rodeo.

#30re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:36pm

It's not that you're not allowed to have your opinion. You just don't sound very diplomatic as you're having your opinion and, while that's not a requirement, it helps a lot. Plus the whole "too classically trained" argument just sounds foolish.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

Georgeanne Profile Photo
#31re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:38pm

I think it is great that you have the moxie to post your widely outnumbered opinion.

What I do not think is great is how you went about it. There was no need to say anything about her "freakishly small body". There was no need to call her a "squeaky mouse".

It's meanspirited - the whole Broadway community discredits such spirits.

No, what I say or what you say will certainly not affect Miss Chenoweth's career in the slightest. But it does affect the board when someone posts with attacks on a performer. It's unnecessary.

You may not like a performer, but is there really any reason to point out every single imperfection - especially physical? Broadway performers do not dine on ambrosia and live on Mount Olympus. They are not godly (though some heavenly!). They are as human as you and, imperfections and all. Some of them have big noses, some of them have squeaky voices, some of them have weight issues on both ends of the scale (pun mildly intended!). re: Cheno - what's the big deal?

It shows how childish you are that you focus on the things a performer cannot control and how uncivilized and defensive you become when others disagree.

Me, I like to live.
Me, I like to laugh.
Me, I like to love.
Updated On: 12/29/05 at 05:38 PM

perfectlypink3 Profile Photo
#32re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:48pm

Wow... I think you are really misinterpreting here. The common thread through all of this is that we arent saying you are WRONG for having your opinion. What you are wrong about is being so down right MEAN about it. Think what you want, what we say wont stop you anyways but unless you know kristin personally you can NOT attack her personality or her size...that has to be the most foolish thing i have ever heard. And you know what they say, any publicity is good publicity so if your real goal is to shut kristin up than maybe you should just do so yourself! Opinons are what make the world go round and i think that everyon's are welcome, in fact isnt that what these boards are for? but this negative just rudeness is unwelcome.

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Aigoo Profile Photo
#33re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:49pm

maybe Cheno should stay on TV, get her own show - oh wait, nevermind! speaking of TV and stage did you see the way she massacred "Candide" on PBS? awful! i can only imagine the damage she did to barbara harris' wonderful "Apple Tree". from your other Megan Mullaly thread.

Let me revise:

Maybe Kristin should stay on TV and get her own show. Oh, never mind, that seems to be a silly idea, because she already had one.

Speaking of TV, did anyone catch how she massacred "Candide" on PBS last night? awful! I thought her performance was a little less-than-par. I know she was in Barbara Harris' "Apple Tree" and I hope that she did better than what I saw in "Candide". "Apple Tree", by the way, incredibly wonderful, state-of-the-art-ahead-of-its-time-masterful piece of work.

This is my signature.
Updated On: 12/29/05 at 05:49 PM

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#34re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:52pm

I like Cheno.

I think she is a little powder-keg of talent, and would happily watch her sing in about anything.

#35re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:54pm

So if Kristen "is too classically trained" for broadway than Barbara Cook and Audra McDonald are also "too classically trained" by your standards.

The towel waving reminded me of a Per?nist rally. I kept chanting "Evita!" whenever they'd pan to the crowds. - SM2

#36re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 5:55pm

Not to mention John Raitt, Ezio Pinza, Alfred Drake. All of these people were trained classically looooong before the Kristin came around. Yet they're known as musical theatre legends.

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#37re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 6:06pm

Actually? Your subject line is "Cheno - what's the big deal?" You know, maybe it's the part where you asked what the big deal was about her? And that's why people are replying and telling you what the big deal about her is?

No one's attacking you; the only attacking is how you're attacking Kristin Chenoweth (you know -- in a vicious and uninformed way). But you're expressing your opinion and other people are expressing theirs. If you wanted a rally of Cheno haters to party with, maybe you needed a different subject line.

loridunn Profile Photo
#38re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 6:08pm

I definately agree, there were many classically trained performers berfore Ms. Chenoweth but just pointing that out as a flaw is ridiculous. I enjoy the fact that she is so trained. We have many performers trained in musical thetare but this performer can also do opera. There is nothing wrong with a little extra training. PLus when we all go see a show we know that part of the cost of the ticket is going to someone who really took the time to prepare. She's been training since she was young, and it paid off. I consider myself lucky to have her talent around. And in reference to an earlier post - I also have my tickets for her concert on February 26th! I am extremely excited to hear this "squeaky mouse" that is "too classically trained" sing out of a "freakishly small body."

"First and foremost I want to thank God, because there is no way that somebody with my name from South St. Louis ends up at Radio City Music Hall holding one of these without some divine intervention" -- Norbert Leo Butz (Tony Speech)

#39re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 6:11pm

I think it is HILARIOUS!!

that you just said WICKED was Elphaba's/IDINA'S show.

Are you a freakin' tweeny!? Calling WICKED Idina's?! show?!

You need to seriously think that over, because there are more hating Idina that Kristin.

Wicked is ELPHABA'A show, Idina was just the one who played the role. The show is Shwartz's, he wrote it, it is his.

BWAYboi_yes Profile Photo
#40re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 6:38pm

As a child, I used to perform in local theatre group musicals. Every now and then they'd cast this one girl, Sarah, in the lead. Everyone would say, "That is sooooo political. They just cast her because her daddy paid for it." Or "It was PREcast." Please keep in mind that I was guilty of these sentiments as well.

Looking back, it was always the girls that weighed 250 pounds and the guys that were covered in acne that dared to question the casting. Some of those girls thought THEY should play Maria in the Sound of Music, or Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. The trashy people around them would encourage them by saying things like, "They'll cast whoever is best for the role-- it doesn't matter about anything else."

So, I spent countless hours as a young child sitting around eating Cheetos will the trashiest of people in the theatre green room talking bad about every talented, beautiful, or moderately ambitious person who walked through the door. We were jealous, at heart, but honestly just thought we deserved the same "fame." People are horrible judges of their own talent.

The sign of true talent is when you're able to recognize it in others. What's the big deal about Kristen? People like to see her. She's cute, her voice is great, and she is smart, funny, and enjoyable to watch. Let's not talk bad about people-- it makes us all look like we need a big bag of "Funnions" in our hands.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#41re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 6:45pm

"Watching [Kristin Chenoweth in You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown] is what it must have been like to catch a novice named Bernadette Peters lighting up a musical spoof called 'Dames at Sea' 30 years ago."
That is Brantley's opinion in the Charlie Brown review back in 1999, a review that dedicated the first two paragraphs to Chenoweth, referred to her some more in the middle, and dedicated the last part of the review to more Chenoweth praising. Brantley also said in his review of Wicked that Chenoweth was the only redeeming quality of a show he considered rather mediocre.
Now, that is Brantley's opinion, I just wanted to add what someone considered a theatre expert thought of her.
Personally, I've only seen Chenoweth in Wicked along with Menzel, and I think the show belonged to them, not to Menzel only. I've seen the show with other casts and I miss that I-don't-know-what Chenoweth and Menzel gave the show.
I did not see any of the shows with actresses nominated for the 1999 Tony for Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical, perhaps Chenoweth did win because Andrew Lippa wrote a song for her, but he wouldn't have composed this funny, star-turn song if the actress he wrote the song for wasn't a talented, funny, remarkable actress with the necessary attributes to pull the song off.
We're all entitled to our opinions, I'm just giving my own.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

ljay889 Profile Photo
#42re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:01pm

Children&Art is quickly becoming one of the most annoying posters here.

Why make a thread just to bash a performer? She has an incredible voice and singing range. And she is going to be in a ton of upcoming movies, so deal with it! Because soon she will be well known in movies, not just Bway.

children&art Profile Photo
#43re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:03pm

fine! no differing opinions or ways of expressing thought here.

how can i delete this whole threaded mess i started.

Don't f*ck with me fellas. This ain't my first time at the rodeo.

perfectlypink3 Profile Photo
#44re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:09pm

This is becomming increasingly frusterating for me.... PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ENTITLED TO YOUR OPINION! THAT HAS BEEN STATED MULTIPLE TIMES! just not the WAY you went about saying it. I don't know how to explain it any plainer than that.

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children&art Profile Photo
#45re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:23pm

let me say this in non-judgemental non-bashing terms

Chenoweth is no comparison to:
1. Gwen Verdon
2. Ethel Merman
3. Barbara Cook
4. Audra MacDonald
5. Donna Murphy
6. Bernadette Peters
7. Idina Menzel
8. Sutton Foster
9. Carol Channing
10. Carolee Carmello

Don't f*ck with me fellas. This ain't my first time at the rodeo.
Updated On: 12/29/05 at 07:23 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#46re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:27pm

She has a very distinct, gorgeous soprano voice. I find her to be sorely lacking in the acting department. Presence makes up for where she lacks there.

But really. That's not acting.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#47re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:34pm

Children and Art i respect your oppions but i disagree with them. Durign Wicked it was Kristin's show in my opinion because Idina's acting was about as intresting as a stump in the middle of the woods. But i am not here to bash Idina, i think she was ok.

I guess i just find Kristin to be a very good actress and great singer i mean damn look at the girl on west wing.... she is very cheeky and smart... but that is just my opinion.... how about we turn this into a Chris Sieber love thread

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#48re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:39pm

I take offense at the "freakishly small body" comment. I'm the same size as Kristin, so that was like a slap in the face to me. All my life I've been teased because I was short. I don't give a lick what you think of Kristin as a performer, but DO NOT attack her for her body type. It's very rude and hurtful. For your information, Judy Garland was also our height. Do you think she was freakishly small? I may be short by society's standards, but you are the one with the small mind.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#49re: Cheno - what's the big deal?
Posted: 12/29/05 at 7:52pm

I would LOVE to hear the topic-starter sing any song, let alone high E's, and would love to see what their body looks like...

Kristin is a tiny woman with huge boobs, I can't think of anything wrong with that...

and she is effing fabulous..and no I'm not a dumb teeny. I just know talent.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...
