
A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip- Page 2

A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip

best12bars Profile Photo
#25re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 7:29pm

It is different for them both to be singing her harmony note there... which means neither is singing the (original) melody note at the end.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 12/7/07 at 07:29 PM

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#26re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 7:30pm

i like her voice! THere's something sweet and dainty about it that hints at what she used to be.....and it adds a little warmth that i think is absolutely necessary for Lovett.

#27re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 7:39pm

I think you misunderstood me, b12b...I meant that I assumed they would both continue singing the harmony as it was originally written, since they began the line that way. That's all.

#28re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 9:26pm

I put the song on my Adobe Audition and stripped out the background music. It is extremely clear that they quickly lower Helena's voice a split second after the "all" note is sung. In fact, even without the orchestra blaring, you still can't hear Helena there. So I don't know.

sally1112 Profile Photo
#29re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 9:42pm

I know what I'll be doing Christmas.

#30re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 11:16pm

Wow, they actually sound pretty decent in this. Depp sounds so much better in this than in "Epiphany." Even Helena's singing is better.

Someone mentioned "Pretty Women"... I wasn't too thrilled with what we've heard of it. I just think that the song needs amazing singers to be carried to its utmost potential of gorgeous-ness.

Despite the singing problems that I have though, I am super excited for this movie.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 12/7/07 at 11:16 PM

ashbash1990 Profile Photo
#31re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/7/07 at 11:57pm

I think Helena's voice is starting to grow on me, though I must say Patti's is my favorite version of the role. I would have prefered a more broadway voice Lovett, but thats just me... Depp is fantastic, though...

What a night! I was in more laps than a napkin!

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#32re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 9:43am

I absolutely love the picture at the end of the song. Yay for paying tribute to the original!


Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#33re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 10:11am

What I love is how well their voices blend together; Helena is light, Depp is more dark in tone. It's a delcious mix of demonic and sweetness, not to mention surprisingly refreshing. They've managed to take a song I've heard many a time and make something new out of it. I also love the disjointed carousel vibe (leading up to "Have charity toward the world, my pet").

Overall, I'd say Depp is the most impressive, definitely unlike any other Sweeney I've heard.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

tophertilson Profile Photo
#34re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 10:14am

SporkGoddess, wait till you see the movie! You'll be very happy. "Pretty Women" is absolutely stunning. I knew what was (or rather what wasn't) coming and I was still on the edge of my seat. It's beyond beautiful.

"Me flunk English? That's unpossible!" - Ralph Wiggum

lovinlovett Profile Photo
#35re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 10:44am

SporkGoddess: Wow, they actually sound pretty decent in this. Depp sounds so much better in this than in "Epiphany."


I agree. I was also concerned about Depp in Epiphany but all that went out the window when I saw it. His Epiphany ROCKS on screen!

LilBwayLady Profile Photo
#36re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 12:40pm

Well i personally thought that whole clip was weak. I mean when depp says "I'll come back when you have judge on the menu" That is suposed to be a very angry potent line and he just kinda grabs her gently and says it. I felt like there needed to be a lot more anger in him and he needed to grab her more violently.

"A new chance, one that maybe has a touch of romance" -Jekyll & Hyde

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#37re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 1:39pm

...that was really underwhelming.

It looks beautiful but Carter sounds really bad. I mean even if she can't sing, the role of Lovett needs to be infused with a bit more energy to say the least. Depp sounds pretty good though.

Trap-Door Lover Profile Photo
Trap-Door Lover
#38re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 3:05pm

What bugs me is that BWW has turned into SweeneyWorld.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#39re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 3:12pm

Better that than Wicked World.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#40re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 3:13pm

And it's not as if BWW didn't become HairsprayWorld when Hairspray came out.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Rypm25 Profile Photo
#41re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 3:32pm

I think Carter sounds great! It's different. So what! I can't wait to see the movie!

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#42re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 3:36pm

Carter sounds delicious, but what is most impressive of all about the clip for me is the direction. That shot of Carter's (her hairstyle pays a nice homage to Lansbury's hairstyle in the original production) and Depp's backs as they are looking out the window, singing about the people they will kill and put in pies, is chilling, haunting, and ultimately breath-taking.
December 21st can't get here fast enough. I wonder if they'll do any midnight screenings in my town.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#43re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 5:23pm

"It's a light, breathy voice. It will always be so. Some people won't see past it. They can just hug the original Broadway cast album and the '82 national tour DVD tightly to their chests 'til they die."

You know what? Shut the hell up. Not liking her voice doesn't mean we're purists who hate anyone who isn't Lansbury. It means we think it sounds bad and doesn't work with the music. So quit acting superior.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#44re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 6:12pm

I don't share your opinion. Saw the film twice now, and still think she's smashing. Sorry. And you won't silence me from saying so.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Mistress Overdone Profile Photo
Mistress Overdone
#45re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/8/07 at 7:56pm

What bugs me is that BWW has turned into SweeneyWorld.

Um, where you around the boards when the Rent movie came out? This is mild by comparison.

Glebb Profile Photo
#46re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/9/07 at 1:05pm

Yay! From everything I've been reading I was expecting singing on par with Vanessa Redgrave's in CAMELOT.

I liked the clip and CAN'T WAIT!!!

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

ljay889 Profile Photo
#47re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/9/07 at 1:13pm

I STILL want to know if they really cut my favorite line... "wait, true we don't have judge yet..."

re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip I was told it would be in it.

Glebb Profile Photo
#48re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/9/07 at 1:23pm

And (forgive me for not knowing much about the film) but is the Ballad of Sweeney Todd not in the film?

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

#49re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
Posted: 12/9/07 at 1:37pm

Nope, Glebb, no Ballads. And I miss that line too, ljay. I don't know why they would cut it...it's not like that part of the music was removed.
