Legally Blonde Rush

jordangirl Profile Photo
#25re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 6/27/08 at 8:26pm

Ok. Thanks for answering. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#26re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 6/28/08 at 12:57am

Yes, tickets purchased for full price (whether or not they are "rush seats") have the full price on them. :)

And for those who are worried, I'm sure they'll sell "rush tickets" that day, they just won't be the usual seats. Probably back of the orchestra on the side, or mezz/balcony.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 6/28/08 at 12:57 AM

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#27re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/7/08 at 6:41pm

obsessedjb is on the phone in complete and utter shock and anger at the box office of the show. She went to check to see if her ID would apporiate so she could rush and get tickets for Laura Bell's final show on Sunday, the 20th. However, the box office said that she couldn't show them a class registry instead of a dated ID because her college doesn't date their IDs. They said if she did use the registry and get a ticket, they would refuse her entry to the show that day.

She is so pissed and upset, I feel sooo bad for her.
What the f*ck, Legally Blonde.
This is NOT the Elle Woods way!

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 7/7/08 at 06:41 PM

winter_sky Profile Photo
#28re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/7/08 at 7:04pm

What's a class registry? I thought they accepted a transcript or a tuition bill or something.

Also "on Sunday"? It's not this Sunday but the 20th. She has time to figure it out and talk to the house manager.

The usual rush tickets are sold out and I'm sure rush will be overnight and crazy so if she has the means, I'd suggest buying a ticket.

#29re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/7/08 at 8:13pm

Thanks guys I really appreciate your answers!!! I just bought seats with a July 20th discount code anyway...... they were $66.00 and I am pretty happy. Need the code? Just pm me!

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#30re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/7/08 at 8:21pm mine for the same price but came to a total of 76.50 with all the stupid fees from ticketmaster. are you going to the 2pm or 7pm show for july 20th?. your welcome from all of us to you for our answers to the rush. i didnt even know they started to look for valid thru date for id's so i have to make my college do that for me. have fun at the show.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#31re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/7/08 at 11:44pm

Two things I learned today.

A) This new policy is awful
B) They don't accept transcripts if your id doesn't have a date on it.

#32re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:23pm

^You tried and it didn't work? I called the box office and the woman I spoke to said the same thing about transcripts/bills/schedules and the like. She basically said "feel free to try but don't get your hopes up"

How frustrating.

HBG Profile Photo
#33re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/15/08 at 3:00pm

I rushed LB on July 5th. My ID does not have a date on it. My friend's only had an issue date but no expiration (the issue date was in 2007). We had no problem getting tickets. The key is don't get the blonde box office lady. She's the one that I've heard gives you a hard time about tickets. If ever they tried to tell me that they wouldn't accept my ID because it doesn't have a date on it I would refuse to leave without my tickets. No where on any of their signage does it say that you have to have a "dated" student ID or other proof. These box office people need to get a life. Last time I checked selling tickets didn't make you God, or even important in my book. A monkey could do their job. Seriously it is so ridiculous

"Free from what, Tracy? Free from what?"

dshnookie Profile Photo
#34re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/18/08 at 2:39pm

well said HBG, date-less IDs FTW

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#35re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/18/08 at 4:32pm

Went to the BO today because I had heard that there wasn't going to be student rush for Laura's last but there is. They just don't know where the seats are going to be.

#36re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/19/08 at 9:10am

Speaking of Laura's last she did a small interview with us about leaving Legally Blonde and what's next for her. She had some interesting answers so you all should check it out :)

dshnookie Profile Photo
#37re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:28pm

Just an FYI, I checked to see what was available on ticketmaster for her last show and tickets are currently unavailable. is anyone definitely going? I'll be front mezz row A :)

singalongsong2 Profile Photo
#38re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:35pm

I'm definitely going to be there. I'll be sitting towards the back of the orchestra. It was the best I could get. I'm looking forward to it!

Jess03187 Profile Photo
#39re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/20/08 at 12:17pm

Did anyone rush the show today (7/20)? I was just wondering how crazy it was there and what time people started lining up. I wonder if everyone got tickets. I was so tempted to go but I didn't want to wait on line overnight and have the possibility of not getting tickets.

JP2 Profile Photo
#40re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/24/08 at 6:23am

I figured I'd rush Today. Does anyone know how long the line was yesterday fro Baileys first show?

#41re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/24/08 at 12:39pm

i was part of the rush for the july 20 7pm show. it was CRAZY. i wasn't there overnight but i know the first people got there 8pm the day before. =/ and by the time the box office opened.. the line had a turn and it went up to the 47th street. it was crazyyyy. but luckily they had more than that usual 24 seats for the evening show. =P atleast i think they did cuz i was near the border line of those tickets. =P but i got there at 6:30am.

#42re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 12:56am

before you read my terrible experience i just wanna say that i am a huge elle woods fan, if i was old enough i would have auditioned and the following has abosolutly nothing against the cast, crew, or cool stage door guy who is awesome. i love them all to on with the show...

has anyone else had a terrible time at rush lately?

ive rushed at lb about...5 times and only got in twice.
im a junior in hs and never had a problem with my id

this past friday my friend and i went over and had an absolutely terrible time
i simply cannot believe how abnoxious the ladies were.

first we got there at nine, and there were about 20 ppl before us... when they opened the door at ten , the man announced that you must have a valid COLLEGE id...since when??? i felt bad for these girls that were like third on line that were prob there very early who had to get off the line because they were in high school. if you are going to change your policy make a note someplace we can see it outside the theater so we dont waste two hours of our life.

my school holds some classes at the local college so my friend actually had a college id which made us eligible for the tickets. however when they got to us they said well too bad we only have one ticket left...

i KNOW that there have been times where they have made an exception and pulled another ticket out of no where. it happened to my other friend a few weeks prior.

they refused and told us to bad.
and gave us a completely horid attitude
im sorry, i respect my elders and all, but when spoken to like she spoke to me, i raised my voice and gave her just as much attitude as she gave me

ok....fine. i gave up. it was a lost war.

but then they could not get rid of the single ticket and a girl in back of us was alone and had a college id

when the girl handed in her id the woman said " well how do i know this is a college, i know plenty of elementary schools in the area with the initals FDU"


we felt terrible for the girl she was crying and everyone knew she was right but the ladies ignored her and just kept asking for next in line.

no one would go forward
they were wrong.

later on after i basically got chased out of the box office (hehehe im really not that bad usually but they were big bitches i couldnt help myself)
my friend decided that she would go in and ask if they could give us the one ticket and the seat behind it for full price and we would split the cost between us.

the girl with the college id was still there and they still refused to giver her the ticket.

following her on line was a group of 3...
when they went up to the window and asked for a ticket the lady said we only have one left
the group said no and left

my friend was next
when she went up to the window the first thing the lady said was
"oh great, wheres your friend:

,,,um personal opinion here, but you should never refer to a customer that way, each time someone walks to your ticket window you should treat them as a new customer as if you have never seen them before, especially if they didnt say anything to you to begin with.

she then told my friend that the one ticket was gone..
who took it?

no one.
she just wanted to stick it to us.

the group of mothers behind us on line were so shocked by these women, they got off line.

another lady went up to the ticket window to retreve her tickets for the nights perforamnce.
aparently the ppl on the phone told her her seats were different than what the lady at the box office was telling her, and instead of trying to help this woman, the lady in the window put her hand against the glass and said well i cant do anything for you. and turnd and walked aaway from the window.

um excuse me ?
ive been going to the theater since i could walk and never have i experienced such terrible workers.

wow i just realised how much i wrote sorry. ill wrap it up soon.

for a show that you should be encouraging the hs crowd. why are you pushing them away?

i was in a cab once and called the palace theater for their specific address and my call got disconnected when i called back and asked for the address again, the lady said : I already gave it to you, and hung up. in the world do you know i wasnt some completely new customer? thats pretty rude.

idk maybe its my own personal feelings, but i felt that was not the elle woods way as someone said earlier.

my family says i should write a letter,
after seeing some other people have had a similar problem with these ppl im starting to think their right

any one else agree?
or should i just let it go because stuff doesnt always work out like you planned.


#43re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 1:35am

OMG, ElleWoods-Forest, i know the ladies at the box-office are so rude. i asked them where the rush would be and about what time i should get there and they gave me an attitude. they were like i dunno what time you should get there, but you better get there early. or whatever crap she said.

no wonder they needed to do all these promotional things to sell tickets cuz the box-office ladies are bitches!

Anakela Profile Photo
#44re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 1:59am

when they opened the door at ten , the man announced that you must have a valid COLLEGE id...since when???

Since a few months ago now?

I don't remember exactly when that all started, but hasn't the signage in the lobby been updated to reflect 'university id only,' or something to that effect? I thought I remember seeing a new sign the weekend this started.

#45re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 9:25am

They are so rude.
As is the lady at Spring Awakening.
The worst experience I had with box office personell-ever!

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#46re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 11:41am

That's horrible... I'll be sure to give them a piece of my mind if I run into any trouble when I rush this on Sunday.

Speaking of which, any inklings as to what time I should get there? The box office opens at 12, yes? Is 9 early enough?

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#47re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 11:46am

If a school doesn't put a date on an ID how is that the student's fault? So stupid

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#48re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 3:40pm


i understand that there has been that sign inside the box office since the beginning of the show, however, they have also accepted ANY STUDENT ID since then as well. last year i was a sophomore and my id clearly stated that i was a high school student and twice they said nothing. many of my friends have done it as well.
if they are suddenly going to seriously follow their policy they should post it somewhere on the outside window so you dont spend two hours of your life sitting there with the understanding that you can get in , if all of a sudden they have decided to finally follow their own policy.

Anakela Profile Photo
#49re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 7/25/08 at 4:09pm

Right- yes in the beginning they did used to accept any student id from any grade/year from any high school or university with a date or with no date.

The rules are different now- sometime at about end of April they changed their policy, to accept only university, only dated, ids. The weekend this happened the signage in the lobby was changed from 'student id' (or whatever the old language was) to 'college/university id only.' The sign that is there now is not the sign that was there from the beginning.

*shrug* If you've bought Blonde student rush tickets in the past three months using your high school id you've been *lucky*, anyone I know who has a high school (or undated university) id has been turned away. That's actually how I learned about this new policy- saturday morning text messages from friends who were being turned away at the box office the weekend this all started.
