
Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil- Page 3

Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#50re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:27pm

I don't think it's a good idea at all to expect performers to dance through an injury, or sing with worn vocal cords. I remember reading something about female athletes, and how they tend to play through serious injuries more often than male athletes. I'm talking about soccer players who tear their ACL 3 and 4 times, until there's nothing left. Obviously a dancer can have the same thing happen to them. If an actor is that seriously injured or sick, they should be allowed to take the time they need to recover. And there should be some transparency (though not to the extent that it violates HIPAA), so there's no repeat of Laura Benanti's experience with Into the Woods.

that being said, I do think it's possible to prevent most injuries and illnesses. accidents happen, but you should always take excellent care of yourself if you're in such a physical job.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad
Updated On: 8/19/09 at 12:27 PM

jansal Profile Photo
#51re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:30pm

So an audience member is an idiot if they're upset that they're not seeing an understudy instead of Tony award-winning actor? Damn, there's gotta be a whole SLEW of morons out there! Thanks for the heads up!

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#52re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:35pm

Usually I am not a fan of Riedel's column but I sure loved this one. I hope the entire cast reads it. While West Side Story's name is a huge draw, I am certain that some of the other actors bring in some people. It is upsetting to hear all these actors calling out and I am glad that Arthur Laurents said something.

#53re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:38pm

"I don't think it's a good idea at all to expect performers to dance through an injury, or sing with worn vocal cords. I remember reading something about female athletes, and how they tend to play through serious injuries more often than male athletes. I'm talking about soccer players who tear their ACL 3 and 4 times, until there's nothing left. Obviously a dancer can have the same thing happen to them. If an actor is that seriously injured or sick, they should be allowed to take the time they need to recover. And there should be some transparency (though not to the extent that it violates HIPAA), so there's no repeat of Laura Benanti's experience with Into the Woods.

that being said, I do think it's possible to prevent most injuries and illnesses. accidents happen, but you should always take excellent care of yourself if you're in such a physical job."

I agree with you, to a point.

But I have TWO WORDS for you:

Ann Crumb.

She had her foot severed when she was doing "Aspects of Love," and she DID the second act.

"Vocal problems" la la la.

Get your heel ripped off, and then talk to me about missing performances.

Updated On: 8/19/09 at 12:38 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#54re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:39pm

Someone there claims that Laurents wanted to fire Karen Olivo, whose absences he found to be unwarranted. When allegedly forbidden to do so by the producers because of the publicity of her Tony win, he apparently sent out a nasty email directed at her that was forwarded to the entire company.

And people wonder why "kids today" don't respect their elders. re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#55re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:42pm

So because she did it, everyone with an injury should continue dancing on it, risking further, more severe damage? I'm not saying all of these absences are legitimate and would easily believe many of them are not, but that's a little unfair, I think.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

MariusPontmercy Profile Photo
#56re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:44pm

So an audience member is an idiot if they're upset that they're not seeing an understudy instead of Tony award-winning actor? Damn, there's gotta be a whole SLEW of morons out there! Thanks for the heads up!

The "idiot" comment was - if I understood correctly - about people who just don't like the idea of seeing an understudy regardless of who the absent actor is. Being disappointed not to see a specific actor is one thing; being disappointed that person B is on instead of person A when you hadn't previously heard of either, seems a bit silly.

Just a general question: what are Broadway actors generally entitled to in terms of holiday? I know what the deal is in the UK, but not the US.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#57re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:47pm

Just a general question: what are Broadway actors generally entitled to in terms of holiday? I know what the deal is in the UK, but not the US.

It can vary from contract to contract. Someone like Hugh Jackman might get a lil more time than someone like Curtis Holbrook. Star power can equal negotiating power. But the norm is one week after six months of work. And I believe the six months does not include rehearsals.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

rwlevin Profile Photo
#58re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:50pm

I remember when I saw The Full Monty and Kathleen Freeman was out and I was upset because I recognized her picture as one of those "Hey It's That Guys" and thought it would have been nice to see her perform, as opposed to an understudy in a wig. Little did I know the reason she was out, which I found out when I read her obituary several months later. The woman had end stage lung cancer and was performing in a Broadway show right up until 5 days before she died! Talk about chutzpah.

Compare that to Rent in its early days (by early I mean first few). It was also known for actors calling out sick (the so-called generation X) The show had 7 understudies and one night, 8 people called out sick. So what did they do? They called Gilles Chiasson who had left the show and was performing in The Civil War to come back to fill in as the 8th understudy.

I take it as I get it. Personally, I'm in between generation x and generation whatever this new generation is. My mother never let me miss school unless I was seriously ill. One year I even had perfect attendance. I was in a college show a few years back, never missed a rehearsal, btw, the director said that any actor who missed rehearsals without an excuse would be replaced. Sure enough, one actor got replaced and the others knew to always show up. And then there was one actor, who I had several classes with, never showed up to class but was always at rehearsal.

Waiting for tickets to Hair August 2008

uncageg Profile Photo
#59re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:52pm

Just a few thoughts swirling around in my head...!

From the article:

"Our company is among the most talented and best trained in the business, and we are proud of the production the audience sees every night."

Then why are they not showing up?

As far as tourists and replacement slips. I agree that anybody, tourist or not, who has several slips fall into their lap realizes that they are seeing replacements. And if you are seeing replacements for leads, even if you are not familiar with the actors being replaced, there is some disappointment. I have gone to shows with friends who are not as familiar with stage actors as we are here and a slip or two for actors not in the leads have fallen out and they were a bit disapointed that we were not seeing the person listed in the Playbill.

As far as the work ethic, etc. of young people. Some of your posts were really interesting to read. My friends have discussed this and it seems that the 20 somethings these days (Not all of them!) seem to have an "it's all about me" attitude. At least here, there is a major lack in dedication to their jobs. No manners. And their work ethics are lacking. I am in my 40's. I can remember when it was thought that my generation of kids "might not make it". But when I was studying theatre, I was at all classes, rehearsals and performances. And that's because I was dedicated and WANTED to be there. A lot of the youth today just don't seem to have that dedication. Just my very random thoughts.

Just give the world Love.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#60re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 12:57pm

I don't believe Laurents wanted to fire Karen. Just in late June, during her absences, Laurents was GUSHING over her on Playbill radio.

I love Riedel, but he should have written about this like 2 weeks ago, lol. This is old news.

All the leads were in this past Sunday. And I've seen Karen AND Josefina 4 out 4 times, so i guess I'm lucky!

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#61re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:06pm

I was gonna say, this is so old news. And the man SERIOUSLY needs to stop making those references to Donna Murphy who only missed I believe 2 performances (technically only 1) during her run in LOVEMUSIK. Leave her alone already.
And I do wonder about the nasty letter from Laurents to Olivo, wonder if that is even true at all.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

ljay889 Profile Photo
#62re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:11pm

The nasty letter sounds like a rumor to me. Wouldn't Riedel have found out about it?

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#63re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:15pm

Merman wrote about it as 'taking the veil' and Christine Ebersole and Elaine Stritch have talked about the huge importance of getting enough sleep, but performing 8 shows a week has got to be incredibly strenuous

These performers - and others like Angela Lansbury, Mary Martin and Chita Rivera, John Raitt, Alfred Drake, and Jerry Orbach knew the commitment and rarely missed performances. Merman's stamina was legendary. In her 40-year career on Broadway, 13 shows, she missed very few performances due to legitimate illness. She knew that audiences has bought tickets well in advance to see her and she owed it to them to be there.

These stars didn't get to be stars by missing performances. You're starting a career in theatre, get known as performer who seldom misses shows and you'll have a long career.

WSS has a problem in that the choreography is extremely challenging. Sure it looks great, but at what cost. I blame CATS which was another show where members of the cast were frequently sidelined by injuries. Producers, directors and choreographers have to realize that even a youthful cast cannot execute these steps 8X a week without risking injuries. It's not like the ballet where they perform every 2-3 days.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on www.proudfm.com

#64re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:16pm

"I was gonna say, this is so old news. And the man SERIOUSLY needs to stop making those references to Donna Murphy who only missed I believe 2 performances (technically only 1) during her run in LOVEMUSIK. Leave her alone already.

And I do wonder about the nasty letter from Laurents to Olivo, wonder if that is even true at all."

YES, but....

This thread is about WSS and the cast missing performances.

YES, you are correct, Murphy showed up for all of the performances of "LoveMusik." Good on her. That show closed in previews, and was GAWDaful, but whatever.

She misses more performances than Job, but, whatever.

I think ungageg said it best.

"As far as the work ethic, etc. of young people. Some of your posts were really interesting to read. My friends have discussed this and it seems that the 20 somethings these days (Not all of them!) seem to have an "it's all about me" attitude. At least here, there is a major lack in dedication to their jobs. No manners. And their work ethics are lacking. I am in my 40's. I can remember when it was thought that my generation of kids "might not make it". But when I was studying theatre, I was at all classes, rehearsals and performances. And that's because I was dedicated and WANTED to be there. A lot of the youth today just don't seem to have that dedication. Just my very random thoughts."

I agree.

alightinthedark23 Profile Photo
#65re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:18pm

I agree, This sounds like a vicious rumor that somebody started as a reason why Cody got fired. It make absolutely no sense to fire your only Tony Award Winner. Every time I've seen the show I have been lucky enough to see both Karen and Josefina.

"It's about the Benjamins, not the Bernsteins."-CapnHook

WestVillage Profile Photo
#66re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:31pm

"Murphy showed up for all of the performances of "LoveMusik." Good on her. That show closed in previews, and was GAWDaful, but whatever."

Wrong ... it began previews on April 12, 2007, opened on May 3, 2007 and closed after 60 performances on June 24, 2007.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#67re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:32pm

What in the world are you talking about, ZiggyCringe? Have you been drinking bong water?
LOVEMUSIK not only opened on Broadway, earning raves for Donna Murphy's brilliant portrayal of Lotte Lenya as well as a Tony nomination, but the show--a limited engagement produced by MTC--also received an extension.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#68re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:34pm

"Murphy showed up for all of the performances of "LoveMusik." Good on her. That show closed in previews, and was GAWDaful, but whatever."

Wrong ... it began previews on April 12, 2007, opened on May 3, 2007 and closed after 60 performances on June 24, 2007."

Did you see it? I did. It was GAWDaful. Talk to me after you've suffered through this crap. Cast Album DOESN'T count.

Updated On: 8/19/09 at 01:34 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#69re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:38pm

To be fair, Job had a really terrible track record with showing up. I'm still upset I never saw his Antigone.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#70re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:38pm

Actually, yes I did see it and enjoyed it very much. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I've seen many other shows that were much more "GAWDaful" than Love Musik.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#71re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:47pm

Phyllis, you've never missed a performance, right?

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

#72re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:47pm

West Village:

I dare you to name One.

Straight plays? Easy.


For me? "Welcome to the Club", closely followed by "Whoreouse, II".

I cannot believe you enjoyed "LoveMusik." Really? Did you like "Romantic Poetry" as well?

I'm just asking.

Updated On: 8/19/09 at 01:47 PM

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#73re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:49pm

"Just in late June, during her absences, Laurents was GUSHING over her on Playbill radio"

The very definition of two-faced.

I don't see how people are calling Cody a "scapegoat".
Didn't he miss the most performances of anyone?
Also the talk of him getting a payout is strange, you just wait till the actor's contract is up and you don't re-new, right?
And I know actors who that has happened to and than they tell everyone it was their choice not to re-new to save face.

As far as the email to Olivo, I doubt that is a rumor, especially if the entire cast also got it. Someone would come forward to dispell it.

I think Harvey actually had a wall of cast names at HAIRSPRAY and when they missed shows their name came down, and I think Harvey's was the last name to come down, and I think he only missed a half a show.

madophelia Profile Photo
#74re: Michael Riedel and West Side Story Turmoil
Posted: 8/19/09 at 1:50pm

Being disappointed not to see a specific actor is one thing; being disappointed that person B is on instead of person A when you hadn't previously heard of either, seems a bit silly.

Then call me silly. But I am capable of recognizing person A as being the star of a show, selected because he/she was considered the best by the director and producers, and person B, who is only an understudy.

Can you imagine the dull roar and loud murmuring if this had been the case when there were PA announcements about cast changes? I'm sure theater owners count on the fact that most Americans won't bother to read the inserts, thinking they're adverts or similar.
