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So--who will replace Bernadette?- Page 3

So--who will replace Bernadette?

best12bars Profile Photo
#50So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 5:26pm

I think Marin could act the part even if she "isn't" the part. Seems like many people said the same thing about Bernadette. And Marin could sure as hell sing it.

But she's already in rehearsals now for Carrie.

I sure hope Tova gets the call!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

blaxx Profile Photo
#51So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 5:30pm

Faith Prince

Yes, I can see that. I vote Alison Fraser.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#52So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 5:39pm

Fait Prince would be wonderful (hopefully, she can be a bit hit or miss, but when she's on she's ON), I can totally see her as Sally in the style of Bernadette.

I think Marin could act the part even if she "isn't" the part.

I agree Besty, and I'll also add that usually that's the kind of casting that can produce some brilliant, unforgettable performances.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

AMH Profile Photo
#53So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 5:51pm

Paige O'Hara (voice of Belle in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) would make a brilliant Sally.

Sounds good to me, Gaveston! I could definitely see her as Sally, and would be interested to see how she performs "Losing My Mind." Plus, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was one of my favorite movies as a kid. So--who will replace Bernadette?

"I'm the swell swab on the poop deck."

ljay889 Profile Photo
#54So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 5:59pm

Seems like many people said the same thing about Bernadette.

In DC, the problem with Bernadette was that she was styled completely wrong. Once they got it right (new dress and wig) on Broadway, she really became Sally. Not many do petite, girlish, and vulnerable better than Bernadette.

I don't mean to be putting down people's choices. It's just that Sally is one of my favorite characters ever, so I am extremely passionate and protective about casting. I can't help it!

angelovett Profile Photo
#55So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:07pm

I can't decide if Ellen Greene would be amazing or absolutely awful as Sally.

HistoryBoy2 Profile Photo
#56So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:17pm

If Ellen Greene were tightly directed, she could be INCREDIBLE. That's the most exciting suggestion so far.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#57So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:23pm

Keep in mind that the show is playing in Los Angeles, everyone. Names like Paige O'Hara and Marin Mazzie won't even be on the table when there are already no "names" to be had amongst the cast without Bernadette. The only reason someone like Vicki Clark would even be considered is because of her familiarity with the material, given how short the new rehearsal period is bound to be.

Otherwise, I'm sure CTG is already pursuing an array of women with at least some mainstream recognizability. Megan Mullally is much more in line with who we're likely to see cast, though the prospects for celebrity involvement get really interesting if Jan Maxwell stays behind.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 12/22/11 at 06:23 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#58So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:26pm

^ So true.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#59So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:27pm

Ice queen Marin Mazzie would not be able to display one iota of the warmth or good-naturedness that Sally possesses. Nor would she be believable for a second as delusional. A terrible idea.

The most interesting suggestion in this thread thus far has been Christine Ebersole. That's a Sally I'd love to see.

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#60So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:31pm

You will all think I've lost my mind, but PATTI LUPONE could act and sing the hell out of Sally. As for Tovah Feldshuh, her Youtube clipping as Rose should automatically disqualify her....

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

#61So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:36pm

Christine Ebersole has that Hollywood recognition we all think is important for an LA run plus would just be amazing.

I still feel like Marin is too young? Paige O'Hara in recent appearances sure looks like a delusional Sally, but I doubt she'd ever actually be considered.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#62So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:39pm

Marin is the right age. Sally is 49.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#63So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:44pm

Calling Marin Mazzie an "ice queen" is pre-Next to Normal.

She spilled guts in that show and was a walking, aching, wounded doe.

No one who saw her play that part will ever again think of her as an ice queen.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#64So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:52pm

I saw her as Diana 3 times, and I stand by everything I said. A disastrous performance from her bizarre acting choices (playing Diana like a PTA mom having a bad day) to the fact that she sang the score to a rock musical like it was The Light in the Piazza.

Updated On: 12/22/11 at 06:52 PM

broadwaybabytn Profile Photo
#65So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:53pm

"I'm sorry. But I don't see Marin Mazzie prancing around the stage in a girlish frenzy saying things like 'I'm so happy!' "

Would I sound bitchy if I pointed out that Ms. Mazzie played a role that has always struck me as girlish very well in Passion, in a role that required some sort of onstage "prancing" nightly, all while singing the phrase "I'm so happy I could die..."

Updated On: 12/22/11 at 06:53 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#66So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 6:57pm

I would not describe Clara as "girlish." Marin played her very sexy and demure.

in a role that required some sort of onstage "prancing" nightly, all while singing the phrase "I'm so happy I could die..."

Not the prancing that I'm talking about. Marin sang that lying in a bed. Bernadette literally prances around the stage.

broadwaybabytn Profile Photo
#67So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 7:11pm

"I would not describe Clara as "girlish." Marin played her very sexy and demure."

I found the performance to be girlish. No in the way that Bernadette is in Follies, but there was a childish quality to her Clara. And yes, she was also very seductive, but I don't count that against her potential as a Sally.

"Not the prancing that I'm talking about. Marin sang that lying in a bed. Bernadette literally prances around the stage."

I know, i'm just being ornery, mainly because I really would love to see Mazzie in the role.

#68So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 7:21pm

This is moot because Marin is doing Carrie, but if she were to play Sally, she shouldn't try to emulate Bernadette because she's not Bernadette. I think she would do a beautiful job of making the role her own. Since Marin is out of the picture, I'm hoping for Victoria Clark or Christine Ebersole.

Updated On: 12/22/11 at 07:21 PM

HBP Profile Photo
#69So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 7:33pm

wow, yes. can i second a well-directed ellen greene, please?

#70So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 7:45pm

Please not Judy Kuhn...I would have to see it AGAIN, and this time fork over airfare...

ComingUpRoses2 Profile Photo
#71So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 7:46pm

Greene and Ebersole are wonderful and interesting choices. It's such a wonderful role. I can see so many women knocking it out of the park in different ways.

I'd kill to see Toni Collette in the role, but who knows if she'd actually do it or not.

Anyone wonder if they'll contact Kim Catrall again for Phyllis if Jan doesn't transfer? I always thought she'd be wonderful. I know she's busy right now, but when does her show close?

trentsketch Profile Photo
#72So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 8:18pm

BroadwayBaby, disqualify Tova? Or make the show that much better? I'd love to hear Follies in the key of "what range?"

#73So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 8:40pm

La Swit

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#74So--who will replace Bernadette?
Posted: 12/22/11 at 8:41pm

"A well-directed Greene",
have we all forgotten who the director of this production is?

I agree we will all might be very dispointed when a TV star is cast.
