
STANDING OVATIONS 2 - Gimme Gimme Your Reviews!- Page 3

STANDING OVATIONS 2 - Gimme Gimme Your Reviews!

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#50re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:23pm

boobs, we are not mentioning the "c-word" today.

yes, flit, at home...i think. at least it looked familiar...

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

#51re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:42pm


daisy, dont attack - HOW COULD I FORGET ALICE???

AMAZING!!! And yes,they both did double duty. Alice was the second to go on, and then Liz, I'm assuming, went on close to the beginning at Voices For Change because was at SO2 for the second act. Ms. Callaway even made a joke about how she was just uptown at a Kerry benefit and how she liked the SO2 crowd better.

ALICE RIPLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

CapnHook Profile Photo
#52re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:53pm

The SECOND we are able to purchase the DVD, I am there to click!

Rob & Craig, let's raise more money and charge $30 this time. It's worth it!

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Craig Profile Photo
#53re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:59pm

Rob and I couldn't be happier with last night - what an incredible evening for everyone involved and in the audience. Thanks to everyone that came out and supported BC/EFA and all the artists. Like with the first Standing Ovations, the performers praised the audience at Joe's Pub for being so amazing.

I'd like to thank Scott Nevins for a wonderful job hosting again. He kept the evening moving and provided his sparkling sense of humor with some great zingers...

Jamie McGonnigal - Your contribution to last night event is priceless. Thank you.

Here's the song/performer list with some comments...

One Night Only (Toxic Audio) - Ending the original standing ovations, they blew the lid off of Joe's Pub. Having them open Standing Ovations 2 couldn't have been more apropos

And The World Goes Round (Billy Porter)
Applause (Alice Ripley)
Both Billy and Alice set the bar for the evening. These two performers gave their spine tingling performances before racing up to other events.

Something's Coming (Cheyenne Jackson)
Cheyenne had the crowd going wild with his rendition. A formidible talent!

Come Rain or Come Shine (Erin Leigh Peck)
Looking at Erin you would never imagine such a belt could come from her small frame. As Rob said, probably one of the best renditions of this standard I have ever heard.

Mine all Mine (Becca Ayers - Miguel Cervantes) * American debut of the new song for Bat Boy
What a treat for everyone to hear this new song which replaced "Inside Your Heart) - Thank you to Larry O'Keefe for not only sharing that with all of us, but also playing for both Becca and Miguel.

Never (Rena Strober)
I'll admit when I heard Rena was going to sing Never (a song Madeline Kahn sang in On The Twentieth Century) I wasn't sure that would come off well. Not because of Rena's talent - of which she has it in spades, but just because I thought there were other songs that would showcase her talent better. She nailed it to perfection and had the audience in the palm of her hand. Major kudos. (Catch her gig at Don't Tell Mama!)

Roxanne (Rob Evan) *original from Neil Berg
Rob has a presence of a voice that captivates you and Neil's song showcased it beautifully.

Wallflower (Mandy Gonzalez)
I have major love for Mandy. Not only is she one of the sweetest people I have ever met, she has talent coming out of every single pore of her body. I am so delighted she participated last night - considering that she's a week away from her wedding and has about a million things going on in her head!

I Am In Love (Matt Cavenaugh)
Singing this Cole Porter favorte, Matt charmed the audience and got several shout outs afterwards, proving he's not just the poster boy for Abs of Steel.

Fifty Checks (Marc Shaiman) from the upcoming Catch Me If You Can
Another great addition to the evening was Marc Shaiman - LIVE! Fortunately for us, he was actually IN NYC after being jet setting around the US. His 50 checks is only a sample of the amazing songs written for this show that I have had the pleasure of listening to.

Sweeney Todd (Michael McKean)
Not enough can be said about Michael McKean. He's incredibly intelligent, funny and can deliver a song in a style all his own. His rendition of this folk song was definitely a highlight of the evening for me.

Somewhere That's Green (Ellen Greene)
Suddenly Seymour (Ellen Greene)
What else can be said about Ellen? If you were there last night, you bore witness to the audibile gasps when Scott began to introduce her. You were witness to the thunderous applause before she sang. And the standing ovation and lengthy applause the followed her numbers. Having her fly out just to be a part of our evening was an incredible treat.

Popular (Jai Rodriguez)
Sung towards our director, Jai had the crowd in hysterics giving advice to Jamie - complete with his Zanna Don't wand to perform some magic!

The Boy Next Door (Jenne Leigh Green)
Jenna proved once again how wonderful her range and voice truly is.

I Believe In You (Eddie Varley and the Varlettes)
The never disappointing Eddie Varley held the audience captive with this great number from H2$. And the Varlettes? WOW!

As If You Never Said Goodbye (Josh Young)
A stirring rendition of a great song. Josh nailed it perfectly!

Forever Mine (Jenna Leigh Green - Michael Arden)
It's been so long since I heard this song and both Jenna and Michael were fantastic

How Not To Be With You (Randy Redd) *Original, Brian Lowdermilk
Brian has a true gift for lyrics and this song performed by Randy was an excellent addition to Standing Ovations 2. I'm looking forward to hearing Randy perform somewhere again - and soon!

Banjo Daddy (Annette O'Toole - Michael McKean) *Original MM/AO
The married duo performed this diddy which was filled with double entrendres - simply hysterical and beautiful too. Annette was so humble as to imply she might not deserve to be sharing the stage with so many divas... rest assured, she deserved to be there in spades! I can't wait for them to finish the musical on which this song came from...

Goodnight (Liz Callaway) * Original, Scott Alan
A beautiful song sung by a true theater legend/icon/fill in the blank. We were so blessed to have Liz perform this evening too. Like Alice and Billy, she was at the Kerry benefit, but raced down to pull double duty at our concert...

How Glory Goes (Michael Arden)
A beautiful voice singing a beautiful song. Let's hope he and Jenna (and the rest of the BARE cast) get back on the stage where they belong - and soon!

Elephant Love Medley (Jai Rodriguez - Cheyenne Jackson)
Also a major highlight of the evening. What could possibly be said about this medley topped off with an onstage kiss that made Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler look like they were just sharing a peck...

Meadowlark (Liz Callaway)
The perfect ending to an amazing evening. Thank you again Liz for sharing your gifts with us, you are a treasure...

I could write pages upon pages, but I think I'll stop here. Thanks again everyone.. see you at Standing Ovations 3!

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
Updated On: 10/11/04 at 12:59 PM

#54re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 1:36pm

um...one thought...

Alice Ripley is obviously extrememly talented, but someone needs to give her some music direction. She was really overdoing those "light" high notes, just to "surprise" us with the notes in the end (I guess). WE KNOW YOU CAN HIT THE NOTES, ALICE!

and not everyone is blessed to know how to scat over chords!! Leave it to the experts, baby!!

She's beautiful and incredibly talented, but please, that was not one of her better performances. She seemed to be in a trance.

But, alas, it was a benefit, and bless her and all the others who gave of their time. I shall crawl back into my cave now.

#55re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 1:51pm

I am not even going to respond to that.

No, I lied.

You have a right to your opinion just as the rest... I just happen to think Alice's unique delivery is what makes her performances so thrilling.

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#56re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 2:09pm

Alice did a supurb job with that song and I'm NOT a big fan of hers, but I give credit where credit is due. She was amazing last night !!! re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Corine2 Profile Photo
#57re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 2:10pm

I was not there, but I heard Eddie was the top banana.
re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Sorry I missed Eddie and Ellen.
I loved her in the Original Little Shop. Updated On: 10/11/04 at 02:10 PM

#58re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 2:16pm

Haha, damn straight daisy.

Everyone IS entitled to their opinion, it just so happens that TDK's opinion is wrong.

Alice is brilliant and her performance last night was amazing.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

#59re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 2:59pm

GREAT lineup...

Scott Nevins is absolutely hysterical and SO charming and adorable...perfect. His parents were right in front of me and his mom is so proud of him...so cute!

Where did Josh Young come from? Wow, what a VOICE. I'd love to hear him do some Phantom songs.

Despite Cheyenne's mishap during "Something's Coming", I cannot say how thrilled I was to hear him sing that song in that clear, GORGEOUS voice of his...it's too bad they're using real kids for the West Side Story revival! And the duet with Jai was just too much :)

I was pleasantly impressed with Matt Cavenaugh. I never gave him much credit before.

I love Scott Alan! Very pretty song that Liz Calloway sang with him!

Don't let Mandy's cute, bubbly exterior fool you...that girl can SING.

#60re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 3:30pm

"it's too bad they're using real kids for the West Side Story revival"

They are?????

*calls agent*

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#61re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 3:32pm


What an amazing evening last night truly was, there are so many wonderful highlights that I'm sure I'd miss too many of them if I start to list them! Rob, Craig and all the great BWW family have done a swell job in detailing them so I'll just say how proud I am of Rob,Craig, Jamie, Scott,Linda and Mark Hartman and his top notch band members....what a thrill to see it all come together! Their passion,talent and generous hearts brought a powerful production to the wram and giving audience. Scott Nevins was as sure and brilliant a host as ever, I adore him!

A word regarding the angel who is Ellen Greene, it was a lunchtime inspiration that started the ball rolling in getting her to join in on SO2, her joy in wanting to be a part of the benefit and all the hard work she and her gifted husband,Christian, did in making sure she'd be there (she flew in on Sat Night, left EARLY Monday morning!!) was a testament to the caring, stunningly talented person she is.....she made a dream come true last night...let's all join her on the 24th at Joe's Pub!

I know I always say it but, how AMAZING is Marc Shaiman and his heartfelt "50 Checks"? I'm so glad he jumped in and was a part of the night, that song is already a classic!

All of the performers were shockingly beautiful and in amazing voice, what a cast, it again was an honor to share the stage with them..a very special thanks and bravo to my,"Varlettes", Robert (robbiej) Maitner, David (voice of a GOD) Gurland and the lovely and oh so talented Gil Hagovsky, all of them rule the stage as performers and were sooooo generous with their time and talent. I Love Ya Dudes!

Meeting so many new BWW friends and seeing all my beloved favorite site "family" members was the true higlight of a night that was FULL of them...BRAVO to all!

Are you following BroadwayWorld.com yet on Facebook & Twitter? click here.

JamieMcG Profile Photo
#62re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 3:54pm

Hey there,

Thanks to all of you who attended last night and your very kind words about the evening. We all had a great time putting it together. I was in awe of all the incredible talent backstage...from listening to Liz Callaway do "Meadowlark" during soundcheck, to being one of about 4 people treated to Ellen Greene warming up on "Somewhere That's Green." It was a very special evening.

Just a quick note: Scott Nevins is a truly fantastic host, and we were all very glad to have him there. When I had to ask him to cut any patter other than "please welcome to the stage," he was a true professional about it and sacrificed many more jokes...we could have been there another hour...When we were halfway through Act 2 and I saw we had 8 songs left and about ten minutes, he kept things rolling incredibly. So thanks so much to you, Scott!

And all the performers who might read this, thanks so much for being a part of this concert. You all should be really proud of your performances, it was amazing! Thanks again everyone!!!

"There is nothing scary about life, if you are not attached to the results." - Conversations With God

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#63re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 4:20pm

oh, so Scott Nevins has an exuse for using the oldest trick in the book: entering on someone else's applause

I sat watching him primp backstage for about an hour...every hair had it's place...It was sorta tantric and put me in a bit of a trance

I found myself walking right into Cheyenne Jackson...over and over and over again

sabrelady Profile Photo
#64re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 4:22pm

OK u lucky ducks.... When are we gonna see photos?
& Craig & Rob- get that DVD out asap I am SOOO wanting to see this!
(Maybe u can post a little "taste" on the board like b4? Hmm? HMMM?

Craig Profile Photo
#65re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 4:24pm

Pictures will be up soon. As for the DVD and highlights, we'll keep you posted...

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

bwaybabe85 Profile Photo
#66re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 6:17pm

NativeNewYorker, you can find out more about Josh Young at his website: http://josh-young.com/

adampascalgal Profile Photo
#67re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 8:22pm

Wow, Sounds like it was such an amazing night!!!

Pictures will be up soon. As for the DVD and highlights, we'll keep you posted...

I am feeling like a bad B'way Worlder right now, I did not realize that this would be avaliable on DVD, I am soooo excited, really it made my night!!! THANK YOU!!!

Do we buy it right from this site? Just want to make sure I know when and where to get it?

"All they say Is "Trust in What Is Writen." Wars are made. And somehow that is wisdom. Thought is suspect, And money is their idol, And nothing is okay unless it's scripted in their Bible." -Spring Awakening

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#68re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/11/04 at 10:13pm

Congrats, Rob, Craig, Jamie, Scott & Co.!

So glad you all had a ball! And I'm sure it was twice as fun as last year...if that's possible. Eddie, you're breaking hearts again and lovin' it I'm sure!

I was away on my annual "Fall moutain resort Fun weekend"
Sorry I missed you all...well most of you! I did have an odd encounter with a giant beaver this weekend who looked much like Marc Woo-Woo in that pink fur coat!...as well as a dude who resembled either Sasquatch...or Right Said Rick...hard to tell.

Looking forward to another SO adventure next year!

www.pbentertainmentinc.com BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

Eyemakeup3 Profile Photo
#69re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/12/04 at 2:34pm

Thank you BWW for creating such a wonderful event, and giving so very much for the goals and needs of BC/EFA..sadly I was unable to attend but await the pictures with baited breath!

You should be proud of all your hard work.

"Real friends are very special, but you have to be careful because sometimes you have a friend and you think they are made of rock, then suddenly you realise they're only made of sand." Maria Callas (American soprano. 1923-1977)

#70re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/12/04 at 5:37pm

I had a lot of favorite parts but none more satisfying than overhearing a certain BWW "celeb" gushing to George C. Wolfe about CAROLINE, OR CHANGE, less than a year after trashing Wolfe's direction of Millennium Approaches in comparison to Mike Nichols' adaptation for HBO. Sweet and delish!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#71re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/12/04 at 6:51pm

So late to chime in! A brilliant concert! I didnt think anything could touch last years and this certainly did!

Bravo to everyone involved!

#72re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/12/04 at 9:01pm

bwaybabe85, thanks!

Wow, Josh is so young!

bwaybabe85 Profile Photo
#73re: gimme gimme gimme, i need some more
Posted: 10/13/04 at 6:36pm

You're welcome! Josh may be young, but he has enormous talent.
