Seeing shows alone?

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#50re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:29am

I prefer it most of the time. I love to people watch, so I usually do that and eavesdrop during intermission. It's funny to hear some of the misinformation people have about performers, shows, etc.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

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Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

#51re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:36am

Better to go alone than not go at all.

TWOGAAB "A Class Act" will never die!

#52re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:38am

I go alone quite often also,the worst part is when I'm sitting alone util the seats around me fill up.

But the absolute best part is I have never done worse than six rows from the stage and that's calling the week of a show for an announced sell-out. I have almost never been denied one ticket.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#53re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:39am

Well, here in Greece I've never gone alone to a show, but when I am in London or NYC, most of the shows I've seen I went alone ! Going alone has many advantages, the biggest of which is, that it is way easier to get a good single ticket to any show !

SWTaffy Profile Photo
#54re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:39am

I've only seen one show alone and it was because I got the ticket as a gift. All I did last summer was talk about WIcked so a coworker got me a ticket. I was a little freaked out about going alone but I got all dressed up and went alone. It wasn't that bad until I got a kidney stone during "One Short Day", but there was no way I was going to leave so I sat thru the pain.

I go to movies all the time alone, I've never had a problem with that.

It's worth a shot/ :)

#55re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:41am

So the bottom line here is this. Its fun to go alone, hey try it once, if you dont like it dont do it again! Get up, go to Penn Station, go down the little stairs, get on the train and get off at Millburn I belive, where the train platform even says "Home of Papermill Theatre" and go see it! Itll be like being and explorer of self or of NJ for that matter! Go have fun!

uncageg Profile Photo
#56re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:42am

I enjoy seeing shows in New York alone. However, here in Denver, I always go with friends. The only time I go to the theatre alone here is on my Birthday. It's just a thing I do.

Just give the world Love.

#57re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:50am

I go alone frequesntly. Like the earlier poster, I travel a lot for work, and enjoy investigating theatre in new communities---- much better than sitting in my hotel room alone.

I'll also take soujourns to NYC and do Bway solo. I get 6 weeks of vacation a year, and my SO only gets 2 weeks. So I'll catch the shows that I know he would not like (last year was Bug, Bridge/Tunnel, Frozen, Caroline). I love him dearly, but he's more the Oklahoma/Millie kinds guy. Rather than one of us be miserable, we'll split up and meet up later.

On a related topic, I also go to movies alone when it is more 'my type of film' -- or when travelling solo too.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#58re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:52am

I LOVE seeing theatre and even movies alone. I tend to be a bit of an audience nazi w/ talking/candy wrappers, I can be embarrassing for some people, and I like to concentrate on the show.

Then again, if you are alone, you have a perfect flirting opportunity! Not a bar feeling and you have something in common to talk over during intermission! I'm very shy, but feel more comfortable talking to a stranger in a theater...have met some very nice people, NYers and tourists.

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"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

mikem Profile Photo
#59re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:54am

I often go alone and don't have a problem with it. For me, the biggest reason is seating. You can almost always find much better seats if you're looking for singles. You can almost always get a single seat in the front half of the orchestra if you have some flexibility with your schedule. Also, if you don't have to coordinate schedules, you can monitor the tickets and just grab an open ticket and go.

I don't have the boredom problem either. I'm the type of person who reads the Playbill cover to cover, and I also like to explore the theatre a bit. I usually get to the theatre just before the show starts, and at intermission, between reading the Playbill, checking out the theatre, and reading the reviews and looking at the pictures posted outside, the time flies by.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#60re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:55am

i've never seen a show alone but i've always wanted to. when i saw wicked i sat by myself but my friends were just a few rows away. i feel like seeing a show completely alone would allow me devote all of my focus into the show. i'd like to have that experience.
obviously, i love seeing shows with friends and family. that's always a lot of fun.
but if i had to see a show alone, i would.

Merrydothe Profile Photo
#61re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 12:45pm

I've seen Wicked by myself three of the six times I've gone. I think its mostly because not many people I know are willing to shell out the money that many times, and also many times I get the tickets at the last second on Ticketmaster and can't afford to buy two tickets, or sometimes theres only one ticket available. I honestly haven't felt very weird, but I probably look weird sitting there wearing green, grinning like an idiot and cheering when the stars enter. Ehh oh well. :)

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#62re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 12:55pm

i see shows by myself ALL the time, and quite frankly, i love it. i never have to worry about the other person not enjoying themselves, and many times it's easier to find single tickets!

although, i do love taking people to shows who don't go regularly. it's always fun to see their reaction re: Seeing shows alone?

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#63re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 12:59pm

Which reminds me of when I saw Spamalot and the woman next to me asked, "So are you here alone?" Just the tone of her voice and tone during subsequent comments was almost as if she was sad for me. LOL. She was nice though so it was fine.

I also enjoy 'eavesdropping' on conversations with incorrect info in them. The best is when someone is pretending they know alot, when they don't. My own private chuckle.

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

#64re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:06pm

Also I find I'm rarely alone in a theatre. Even the smallest of shows has at least 10-20 people in the audience with you.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#65re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:10pm

It's nice to go with someone but I enjoy seeing shows by myself.

Elphaba Profile Photo
#66re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:14pm

sure, whether with someone or alone I enjoy the show.......

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#67re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:20pm

I wish I could go to shows alone.

I always have to be with either my brother or my mom to see a broadway show. This often limited my choices. I couldn't see plays with my mom because she'd get bored easily, often asked me what was going on, and try to walk out. My brother is often busy nowadays to hang out with me.

"The cynicism you refer to, I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys!~All About Eve

Millie42 Profile Photo
#68re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:23pm

"I also enjoy 'eavesdropping' on conversations with incorrect info in them. The best is when someone is pretending they know alot, when they don't. My own private chuckle. "

Me too, Madame!

I love to people-watch and at the theatre is a fun place to do so.
I still remember almost bursting out laughing when I was at Assassins last summer. These two older ladies in front of me spoke exactly like the Coffee Talk ladies from SNL.
Before the show started they kept saying things like:

"Barbara, I think this is the little doctor boy from tv...What was his name?"
"You know! Several years ago on tv there was this genius boy who became a doctor! I think this is him!"

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

PennyLou Profile Photo
#69re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:24pm

I see shows alon all the time, the only thing is sometimes its boring at intermition.. but God invented Cell Phones for a reason.. But I just love going to see shows no matter who I'm with.

Grace: My love for you is like this scar (points to elbow) ulgy but permanent!

gymman Profile Photo
#70re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:26pm

I have seen many shows alone, especially more serious or offbeat shows that no one else I know wants to see; sometimes, as Margo says, it is not worth the trouble to coordinate with other folks schedules, especially if they don't want to be there in the first place (a friend I dragged to Pinter's "Betrayal" fell asleep and snored!!!)

Bonus: I have met some nice people at intermissions who were also alone, and well, you know...

Enjolras77 Profile Photo
#71re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:29pm

I have been to many shows alone and just as many with other people. Both ways have their advantages. Living in NC, I travel to NYC at least once a year to see all the new shows. Some years I have had someone to come with me, but many years I have gone alone. There were some times when I wished I had someone to chat with or to share the experience. I went to the Tony's twice by myself, and I guess that was the one time that I really wished I had a companion (or a date). When I have been alone it has been easier to get the seat that I want, easier to get to the stagedoor, and easier to get to meet the cast members that I want. I have also been able to meet some really interesting people standing outside the stagedoor, people that I may not have starting talking to if I had someone else with me. I took my girlfriend with me last summer and she had a great time, and it was loads of fun--we got engaged while we were there! So I guess from now on I will have someone to go with me! We are actually going back to NYC for our honeymoon--couldn't miss this year's shows! :)

"You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering." --Harold Hill from The Music Man

adamnyc Profile Photo
#72re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:32pm

I always go to shows alone. I lik eit better that way. That way I acan absorb everything on my own. I know that sounds strange but hey- what the hell right?

"I want to tell you that Elvis would be proud." I said: "Priscilla, if I get 100 bad reviews, it won't matter because of what you said."

#73re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:42pm

In the UK i drag people to the theatre. I hang around with a lot of lads though and they really aren't into it which is why i go to NYC alone. They don't see the point in going to somewhere for the theatre and especially where getting wrecked is looked down on... i still get my lads holiday but i do enjoy the time away where i can just become engrossed in the theatre district... it's a great form of escapism!

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Millie42 Profile Photo
#74re: Seeing shows alone?
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:47pm

Off-topic for a moment but Enjolras77, you just exhibited the cruelty of my life...
One of the few, if not the only, straight Broadway-loving man in NC---TAKEN.

Continue. *end threadjack*

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller
