Phyllis Rogers Stone
#50re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:43pm

Is Orfeh on this?

yankeegal Profile Photo
#51re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:45pm

Blackberry, Garmin GPS, a bunch of toothpaste and dental floss, a camera..cant remember what else.

#52re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:48pm

In a word: ABISMAL

PalJoey Profile Photo
#53re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:52pm

That's "abysmal" with a Y, not "abismal" with an I, because "abismal" with an I goes "ick" not "YECCCCH!"

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#54re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:54pm

Now the spinning people are on!

#55re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:54pm

Thanks Joey- I KNEW what i was typing !

jaystarr Profile Photo
#56re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 10:59pm

I got a lot of cooking done.. oh plus I did my Christmas cards already! Thanks to Rosie's show! I was sooo bored! If the show was longer~I could have put up the Christmas tree and decorations too!


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#57re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 11:02pm

I advise watching it at 4:20.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#58re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 11:23pm

In a word: ABISMAL"

Anyway you wanna spell it-It is abysml!


CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#59re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 11:24pm

Oh I agree
it was Bad.
But what went wrong?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#60re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/26/08 at 11:26pm

I'm guessing no one said no to anything Rosie wanted.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#61re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 12:10am

If it gets to be 4:20, I'd rather watch Liza, in her prime, do the REAL "City LIghts":

#62re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 12:36am

I cannot believe with all the amazing talent in new york that this is all rosie could come up with? Did any one see when Alanis was singing that horrible and painful song and she stopped for a second - the audience started clapping in the hopes that she was finished - and she kept on going !!! awful - Rosie , what is this attempt at being glamorous ? that hair and lipstick?? and singing ?? soo bad - clay did nothing . conan did nothing - I thought alec baldwin was gonna get a hernia rupture when he picked up rosie - it was so bad - then we had the cirque de terrible - round round baby - turn around end never come back!!! How about rachel Ray dancing with a huge turkey -hysterical !!!

My_Candle Profile Photo
#63re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 1:08am

I like the door.

I disliked Rosie's singing. Stop!

The show needs more Broadway talent...loved the dancers in the first act, and enjoyed Liza. But Rosie was off-key.

#64re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 2:17am

I liked the concept of the show, and applaud Ms. O'Donnell on bringing it back.

I saw last week these two young gentleman at the Beechman Theatre and could not stop thinking how perfect they would be for Rosie's show.

Their names are Will & Anthony, and they are like Martin & Lewis of the 21st Century. Granted I am old enough to remember actually watching Dean & Jerry do their variety show, but Rosie should have them on.

They are all over youtube and have their own site, I am certain. They would add so much to Rosie's show.

Go Rosie. Go hope for bringing back a pasttime our country needs right now...and I was laughing quite hard after she said she hugged every black person after Obama won.

Kiki Jabz

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#65re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 2:26am

Thank you, Kiki Jabz. I was hoping you would weigh in.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#66re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 5:19am

x-posting from the other thread:

It was light fare and I think a great first attempt at what could become a great variety show in the future.

I agree that the palette needs to be brightened up like Judy Garland's show and it has to feel overall less forced.

I feel like giving prizes to the audience cheapened the experience.

Cirque du Soleil should book Alanis ASAP because she is clearly already fluent in Cirque-ish (gibberish)

I think on paper all of it worked, but just needed some tweaking.

I feel like Rosie doesn't need to be cut out of musical numbers, but she doesn't need to be attempting to sing along with the professional talent. I was picturing the song "Like Zis/Like Zat" being a great song for a variety show, and in that case if she were to be involved she should be the talk-sing part. I was surprised to hear that her harmonizing was actually quite nice, most notably with Gloria Estefan.

The celebrity drop-ins are fun, but they shouldn't be fully staged/scripted. Let Rosie play the 'straight man' to whatever ridiculous fodder they bring up just like Carson did and the celebs will be pounding down the door.

I think if they're able to marry the idea of what many of the late night TV shows have become (monologue, funny clips, interview of celeb) with the variety format and mold them together into a cohesive show, she'll have a hit on her hands.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock
Updated On: 11/27/08 at 05:19 AM

#67re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 5:56am

It just seemed so "staged." I'll explain... You know when celebs try to be funny at award shows and do little funny bits before they hand out the award and come off sounding heavy handed and forced? It was like that...only with product placement. I would rather them have "bumpers" at the beginning of each segment saying "Rosie Live is sponsored by Blackberry" rather than having them be worked into conversation or a musical number. The whole night was just fake...Rosie is always like "Let's see who that is at the door"...What is this? Pee Wee's Playhouse?!?! Could have been so much better. Though, as always, Jennifer Cody saves the day a little.

#68re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 9:55am

Wow, I forgot to TIVO it, and I'm feeling like I really missed something...Is it available on i-tunes, or anywhere on the web?

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

#69re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 10:17am

I loved It!

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#70re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 10:30am

No way in the 21st Century should a pie in the face...count as being entertaining or funny. Unless perhaps, Anita Bryant or Sally Kern was a a special guest. If that's the best they can come up with...along with a dancing dessert cart they should let this project die...quickly.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett
Updated On: 11/27/08 at 10:30 AM

#71re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 10:37am

I LOVED this show. Full of great acts and wonderful writing too. It was NOT boring to me at all. It was a mix of the Carol Burnett Show and the Ed Sullivan Show, a great blend.

Posters here on this thread that are of a certain age grouping, will probably NOT get it. Of course, they are going to be bored out of their minds. This show was of very high quality, to say the least.

The right mental comprehension and good emotional understanding of individuals, this grouping WILL GET IT and know quality when they see it. This is NOT a broadway production. It IS a variety show. Some posters are confused in their futile efforts to compare and try to make a variety show to be a full scale Broadway production. Rosie is back and those of us of the over 40 generation as she is, is happy that great QUALITY is coming back to television, which has been lacking very badly in recent years. NBC has a vision on this project and I say HOORAY for NBC. They have the clear picture of what this show will be like. Good for them.

I am a baby boomer from that generation who really loves variety shows and we are so happy for Rosie that she will be the catalyst and mover and shaker to bring back the greatness that television USED to be in its glory days! Quality show and I am glad that I watched it.

Learn to appreciate quality. It was all there last night with Rosie and her show.


#72re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 10:39am

I forgot to DVR it and then caught only the last 10 or so minutes. Was Alanis sining a slowed-down version of "Eight Easy Steps.?"

As for the Estefan/O'Donnell duet, between the awful lyrics and the dancing food, I'm Kinda glad I missed the rest,

I told a friend there would be no middle ground with this would either be very good or a complete trainwreck. If what I saw was any indication, it was the latter.

#73re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 10:41am

I think by next year they will probly have bigger production numbers it just was more of a thanksgiving special last night. but some parts were funny.

GatorNY Profile Photo
#74re: ROSIE Live!
Posted: 11/27/08 at 10:46am

I was hoping for more comedic skits...maybe when the show starts its regular run...surely she could create some funny recurring characters (hell I know I could!). Also, I know she loves Broadway, but her singing really should be kept to a minimum, unless it is supposed to be a part of the joke...I'd love to see "City Lights" again with Ms O'Donnell off to the side.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."
