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You know you're a B'way geek when...- Page 4

You know you're a B'way geek when...

#75re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/11/06 at 9:08am

Now this is obscure....

If a song has a particularly long musical intro at just the right tempo, I hear these lines in my head while waiting for the vocals to start:

"It's your own fault, Charity Barnum. If you'd only asked a few logical questions, you'd have put a healthy distance between yourself and a fella who wants to give the whole world a paint job...which I'm not so sure it needs."

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#76re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/11/06 at 9:51am

Joining the "holy crap that's me" bit with ahmelie, not only because of the textbook thing, but;

People are scared to mention anything broadway related because it is pretty much guaranteed that I will either
a. Bitch at them
b. begin to debate them or
c. Sing.

Yesterday, my friends actually made a pact to never say the word Broadway within three miles of my earshot… after I started screaming at them (…loudly) that Wicked and Hairspray are not the only two shows on Broadway, that have ever been on Broadway, or will ever be on Broadway.

[because OOH! OHH! you can't forget Rent or Spamalot! *headwall* I hate people]

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

glimpseofstocking Profile Photo
#77re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/11/06 at 12:00pm

Yesterday, my friends actually made a pact to never say the word Broadway within three miles of my earshot… after I started screaming at them (…loudly) that Wicked and Hairspray are not the only two shows on Broadway, that have ever been on Broadway, or will ever be on Broadway.

[because OOH! OHH! you can't forget Rent or Spamalot! *headwall* I hate people]

HAHAHA!! I've done that with people as well, but my friends don't even know what Wicked or Hairspray are. *face palm*

-Sing songs from Sweeney Todd while making pumpkin pies.

-Can't watch the Sunset Boulevard movie without humming the songs to the musical (while thinking how Patti LuPone was clearly a much better Norma than Glenn Close)

There wouldn't be lights bright enough!

#78re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/11/06 at 12:28pm

Someone says, I want you to and you finish them off with:

A story for me
That I can believe in
And what about
What about
What about love

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#79re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/11/06 at 12:38pm

When you are bored, whenever, and decide to start listing as many shows/performers/theatres/etc as you can.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#80re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/11/06 at 12:55pm

When you sit in your Shakespeare class and try to convince the professor to see some of the shows the plays were based upon. If theyre not on Broadway currently and there is a film version, you try that.

(I haven't suceeded Lion King, No Kiss Me, Kate, and no West Side Story." GRR

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

#81re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 3:15pm

You know all the information about everything Wicked, including Broadway, the tour, LA, Chicago, and London- and you have no desire to (ok, that's more for this board)

You know what OBCR, OCR, OLC, SRO, CSR, SJB, NLB, SITPWG, YAGMCB, etc. stand for

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
Updated On: 11/13/06 at 03:15 PM

#82re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 3:55pm

. . . feel the need to rip apart all shows. Especially the good ones, b/c that makes you feel superior to the "un-cultured masses".

#83re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 4:14pm

when all your ringtones on your cell phone are showtunes..and when and if there are "weird" lines playing.. you explain to your friends that are with you when your phone rings why it's a funny lyric..

"maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away" -sex and the city

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#84re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 4:45pm

When you have a crash course in musicals in your Intro Drama class, you don't need to write any of the notes down. And when the prof asks if anyone knows the answers, you supply most of them.

gertiecummings Profile Photo
#85re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 6:11pm

Your family has relations to President McKinley and that makes you feel more connected to Assassins, particulary Czolgas (I completely f*cked up the spelling, I know.)

Your computer keeps disconnecting from the Internet and you think of Kate Monster singing "The internet is really, really great", and think "F*ck you!"

#86re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 7:00pm have 18,571 show tunes on your ipod!

rose_pearl Profile Photo
#87re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/13/06 at 7:02pm see a kid leaving your lecture with a Lieutenant of Inishmore shirt on and proceed to chase him down to tell him you love his shirt. It happened today! = ]


Who would play you in the movie? "Taye Diggs." --Brian d'Arcy James

#88re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/14/06 at 5:38pm

When Maya Angelou comes up in English class "la vie Boheme" starts playing in your head

You are so obsessed with broadway your paretns threaten to take it away

It really said US Navy, but hey, I worked with what they gave me ok.

#89re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/14/06 at 6:16pm get phone calls at all hours from people who sing a line or two from a song and want to know what show it's from. And you always know. get phone calls from dance teachers and studios wanting Broadway song suggestions for their next recital.

To The Stage!
#90re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/14/06 at 6:34pm

You are so obsessed with broadway your paretns threaten to take it away

Hah, yup. start talking about a show or a cast member and your friend goes, "oh god" or "..again?"

...instead of turning on the radio you listen to a cast recording

...during your classes you are looking at broadwayworld and everyone else is looking at myspace

So afraid of getting older

I'm only good at being young
Updated On: 11/14/06 at 06:34 PM

DancNdaMoonlite Profile Photo
#91re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/14/06 at 8:26pm

...your biggest crushes are on Broadway stars, not famous Hollywood actors can sit in your room for hours at a time doing nothing but sing showtunes (and sometimes choreograph dances) tivo episodes of any tv show that a broadway star is guest starring on

...youre not ashamed to say you listen to musicals when someone asks what kind of music you like start singing La Vie Boheme when you see 'rancheros' on a menu in a Mexican resturant set your ipod to Happy New Year from Rent and play it exactly 3 and a half minutes before New Years send text messages to all of your friends on December 24th, 9pm eastern standard time to inform them that its December 24th, 9pm eastern standard time write parody songs with your friends about Broadway shows/actors to entertain yourselves on Saturday nights

...a majority of your away messages on AIM are from Broadway shows

I have a lot more but I can't think of them right now.

Maile Profile Photo
#92re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 1:54pm

When you know what a tombola is.

#93re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 6:21pm

... you know obscure stories about Broadway. Such as

1 - When Mandy Patinkin first auditioned for "Evita", he sight-read "High Flying Adored" and sang it a cappella. Andrew Lloyd Webber sat there stunned and finally said, "That's the absolute best I have ever heard that sung."

2 - When Holly Cruikshank went on her first audition in NYC, she was sure she wouldn't even be considered because of her height. Then she discovered she was auditioning for Tommy Tune! know who Holly Cruikshank is. have wishlists on your TiVo with keywords such as "Chenoweth", "Menzel","Broadway", and "Mary Poppins"

musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#94re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 8:52pm

A helicopter flies over your house and you start singing "Heat Is On" from Miss Saigon.

You know the different versions of songs (during work shop) in a musical before its final version is performed on Broadway.

You wear your favorite musical's costume in your Halloween party.

You have all of the souveniers, programmes, and playbills.

You correct sellers on ebay when they don't provide accurate information on the souvenier from your favorite play.

And finally...all of the cast members know your name.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#95re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 9:09pm


Yes, when people ask to see you iPod you tell them "it's not that good & you wouldn't like it"
Because it is jam packd with showtunes.


When you risk the security of a school trip because you've just seen Les Mis, which is featuring your favorite person ever (Gary Beach) And you stay at the stage door until the dumb teacher comes back and finds you.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

#96re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 9:28pm

You call your friend Vanessa "Nessa" for obvious reasons.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#97re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 9:58pm

-- You can never stop singing the songs from your favorite musical

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."-- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Updated On: 11/15/06 at 09:58 PM

#98re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 10:19pm

"Yes, when people ask to see you iPod you tell them "it's not that good & you wouldn't like it"
Because it is jam packd with showtunes."

Oh my GOD. That is EXACTLY what I do. I stock it up with some other songs, just in case somebody wants it. Then I'll show them the Black Eyed Peas album and not let them change songs.

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#99re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 10:30pm

Hahaha, thank you.

So true though right?

Whenever someone asks for mine my friend goes "that is the most diverse iPod in history, just warning you"

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.
