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Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??- Page 4

Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??

sally1112 Profile Photo
#75re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 3:24pm

When I met the Avenue Q cast, a few months into the run, they were amazingly nice. They posed for multiple pictures, John T. told me to retake one when my eyes were closed, and they all just really appreciated their fans that night. Great group of people.

fosca3 Profile Photo
#76re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 3:26pm

I want to add --

Mandy Patinkin

I've never seen him in an actual Broadway show (just in concert several times), but he definitely counts as a Broadway star :)

He is so patient, easy to talk to, and seems to really actually ENJOY talking to everyone

And he always brings his own black Sharpie!

He is an absolute class act

You don't go to the dragon without a present - Mark Rylance

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#77re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 4:34pm

"I would have to say Randal Keith and Michael McCarthy - both from the closing cast of the original run of Les Mis. The Sat nite show (the last show open to the public, since their closing show Sun was by invitation only, to former cast members) -- the 2 of them stayed with a bunch of us till almost midnite, talking to everyone, clowning around, posing for pix. They couldn't have been nicer "

I got to meet Randal Keith quite unexpectedly during a D.C. performance of "Les Mis" when a fire alarm emptied the theater during the first act! re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met?? The cast hung around with the audience on the sidewalk and were quite friendly. Randal Keith signed autographs for us and was very nice and chatty.

#78re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 6:45pm

Beth Leavel and Victoria Clark are probably the two most wonderful, generous, gracious people I've ever met in my life, and Christine Ebersole and Stephanie J. Block come in a very close second. They're all so wonderful, its humbling and awe-inspiring!

Gloryday225 Profile Photo
#79re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 7:45pm

Brian Stokes Mitchell- omg what a sweetie, I met him at the flea market and he ended up having a conversation with me about what I wanted to major in in college and what I wanted to do after college... so sweet, ahaha!

Someone mentioned her sarcastically earlier in the thread, but...

Charlotte D'Amboise- I personally had a great experience with her. It was raining and I looked like a wet rat and she came out and signed for everyone and goes "oh, your hair looks so nice! You're so pretty!" and STROKED my hair. I was kind of shocked because not only did I look TERRIBLE but I do not think I'm pretty by any means. She was a sweetheart.

bob8rich Profile Photo
#80re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 7:52pm

Michael Cerveris (after "Sweeney Todd")
Barrett Foa (after his last night in "Spelling Bee")


Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#81re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 8:02pm

yeah, Raul totally goes on my list too He's SO nice and easy to talk to!

Oddly, I found it hard to talk to him. I think that was because I was completely awed by his performance (as Lenny) and I wasn't feeling particularly well that day... but he was very patient. And when my dad was having camera troubles, Raul smiled at him and said "Uh oh!" re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

#82re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 9:42pm

1st HANDS DOWN Beth leavel
2nd Roger Bart

#83re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 9:49pm

yeah, Raul totally goes on my list too He's SO nice and easy to talk to!

Oddly, I found it hard to talk to him. I think that was because I was completely awed by his performance (as Lenny) and I wasn't feeling particularly well that day... but he was very patient. And when my dad was having camera troubles, Raul smiled at him and said "Uh oh!"

haha, see it was actually kind of really nice, because when I met him was after seeing Chitty (which I atually adored), and I really hadn't known much about him at that point. It was about a year before I really started becoming obsessed with Broadway. So I'll always be thankfull that I wasn't super starstruck when I met him. It was also great because it was gross outside when we stagedoored, and there were only a couple of other people there with us, so my mom and I spent a good 15-20 minutes or so chatting with him! He's so lovely re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??

Anthony Rapp, on the other hand, was a COMPLETELY different experience, not because of him (he's awesome as can be), but just because I was more startstruck than I have EVER been before. I litterally was like not going to even go up and talk to him, and then my mom was like "oh just come over here and talk to him!" So she dragged me over and made me get his autograph because she knew I was dying for it haha. I swear I think it's just because, having listened to his audiobook, I felt like I knew him even though I didn't. Just because his book is so intimate, and it was just really surreal actually meeting him in person haha. But luckily he's a total sweetheart and was just like "Heyy! sure I'll sign for you, what's your name? Thanks for comin' to the show!" :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#84re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/21/08 at 10:31pm

I've only stagedoored 3 shows...pretty much all of the actors I've met were nice and friendly...

So far for me, Jonathan Groff is the sweetest...him and John Gallagher Jr.

#85re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 10:59am

I love how Stephanie Block will ask to see the photo after it's taken ("Are we cute? Aww, look--we're cute!") and retake it if it's blurry and someone has closed eyes.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#86re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 11:01am

After last night I have to add David Burnham to my list along with Stephanie.

greenmyeyes Profile Photo
#87re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 11:12am

two contenders:

anthony rapp - he is very gracious and absolutely took the time to speak with me at length on multiple occasions

john gallagher jr. - he remembered having met me randomly outside of spring awakening before i came to see the show and then recognized me when i did go for the first time and had onstage seating. He said something to the effect of "i saw you onstage and was so excited that you came!" he also complimented my hair...i was sporting the girl mohawk at the time...

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#88re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 11:45am

Gloryday225, Charlotte is doll re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met?? She gave me a Ricola re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met?? I was wearing red and she smiled and nodded. It was like she knew why I wore red.


tgrabon Profile Photo
#89re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 11:58am

Kerry Butler because she was sweet, chatty, and not in a hurry.

Runner Up: Kristen Chenoweth. As she exited the stage door her bodyguard announced that she would sign autographs but not take pictures. I think she saw my disappointment. As she came around she whispered "lean over and don't look like we're posing". Photo taken. Awesome experience.


#90re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 12:49pm

Hm Harley Jay from RENT. he was SOOOOOO nice. Some random fan asked for one of his bracelets and he gave her his necklace! Also, it was during the time of adam/anthony so they still have the barricades up, and Harley jumped over the barricades so he could, as he said, "ACTUALLY get to talk to us". i got a picture, and conversed with him for about 5 minutes. he gave me his email and still writes to me.

Second would be John Lloyd Young. he did a Q/A session at a local community college and I went. he stayed at the end for a long time and even talked to me about making arrangements to come to my school.

LEAST KIND? hate to admit it because i'm a Die-hard fan, but Adam Pascal wasn't the nicest i've met. He was nice to me, but to everyone else, he just kinda blankly stared, smiled, and signed playbills. It was clear he HATED the barricades and the stagedoor. I think he might've enjoyed it more if he got more into it and tried to talk to people. I of course understand that he in particular has the wild crowds though. I still <3 him

#91re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 1:10pm

Nicest @ Stage Door:
Stephanie J Block - gracious and very aware of acknowledging familiar faces
John Bolton - such a nice guy - sweet and funny

Nicest Fan/Performer LTR (emails, myspace, facebook, etc.):
Nick Adams - he actually remembers you and responds
Richard Todd Adams - great guy and very gracious
Michael James Scott - so sweet and he responds!
Grady McLeod Bowman - nice guy; realizes that we are people too
Rebecca Locke (London Martin Guerre) - gracious and responsive

Disappointing Fan/Performer LTR:
Marcus Chait
Hadley Fraser
Alexis Ann Carra

I know you're there and it is really you but you won't respond:
Daniel Torres
Eric Hatch

tgn915 Profile Photo
#92re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 2:32pm

There were a lot of sweeties at the stage door.
Some of the best would have to be:

Felicia Finley
Tim Howar
Nicolette Hart [in TWS]

The worst was probably Anneliese van der Pol when she was Belle in BatB. She didn't even smile or pretend to care anyone went to see her.

Call me Travis. :)

#93re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 2:59pm

^I think Felicia Finley is the most FUN person I've ever met at the stagedoor. That girl is SO hysterical and awesome. I love her re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

tgrabon Profile Photo
#94re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 3:03pm

I forgot to mention the soon to be Bway Star - Jennifer Lee Crowl.
She's in the Young Frankenstein ensemble. Jennifer came out of the stage door after Andrea Martin and before Megan Mullaly (both very nice). She introduced herself to the confused fans "Hi, I'm Jennifer" as she happily signed Playbills and posters. What a genuinely nice person. Adorable.


spidey_882 Profile Photo
#95re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 4:01pm

Raul Esparza was absolutely lovely, stopping to talk us in the rain and joking about "wonderfully sick" the Homecoming is. Plus, he was really sweet to my mother who was with me, which carries a lot of weight with me.

I had the pleasure of meeting most of the cast of Sunday in the Park with George at last Sunday's performance and they were all very sweet and kind, stopping to talk with the small crowd that had gathered. Brynn O'Malley, especially, stayed for a good long time, taking photos, signing posters and Playbills, and discussing the production and her character with students who had questions.

Now, mother always said that whenever you hear a strange, frightening, and potentially life-threatening ghostly chant coming from the dark woods that there's one thing that you should do: Not wake the others and go investigate it alone...

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#96re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 4:35pm

Cheyenne Jackson, Kerry Butler, Patty Duke & Harry Hamlin.
All of them took time to talk, take pics, sign autographs & didn't leave till everyone was happy re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

logan0215 Profile Photo
#97re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 4:50pm

Thirding Felicia.

Met her at the Tasti-D around the corner from the Hirshfeld during TWS.

We were walking with her to the stage door as she was in a hurry to get get to her calltime, but as we walked by the strip club next door she goes "OK guys, gotta get into work, seeya later!"

She's a hoot!

Also, I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but I have to mention Maureen Moore. She'll talk to everyone at the stagedoor and both times I saw her in GG she brought all the school-aged kids at the door backstage to see the set and backstage area.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

#98re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 4:52pm

We were walking with her to the stage door as she was in a hurry to get get to her calltime, but as we walked by the strip club next door she goes "OK guys, gotta get into work, seeya later!"

ahahaha! she's too funny <3

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#99re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
Posted: 2/22/08 at 5:02pm

I, too, love Felicia. I just have to share this awesome picture of her and my cousin backstage at TWS. I was there too, but I look horrible.

re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
