
ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011

ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#2ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:03pm

This is make me get into that theater. I am kinda excited to see this, or maybe just see how horrible Sutton is in it.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:03pm

Good theater for it. I guess no MERRILY revival yet again.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#3ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:08pm

The link above is sending to me an article about a production of the show at a middle school in Massachusetts....

Which, given Roundabout's recent track record, maybe we're better off with the middle school production. Updated On: 7/21/10 at 01:08 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#4ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:08pm

I like the new artwork much much better!

....but the world goes 'round

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#5ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:10pm

I can't wait. I think she will be good in it.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

tazber Profile Photo
#7ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:19pm

Lol adam, I didn't even read any of the article. I just clicked to see the artwork.

So I guess the Franklin Performing Arts Company has good taste in promo art.

....but the world goes 'round

#7ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:39pm

I love Anything Goes.

tazber Profile Photo
#8ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:41pm

I'm always up for a good production. The score is fantastic. Didn't they add some songs for the Patti version from the Porter songbook that weren't in the original show?

I wonder if they will keep those changes.

....but the world goes 'round

#9ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:49pm

tazber, they're sticking to the 1987 book by John Weidman if that's what you mean.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

tazber Profile Photo
#10ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:54pm

Yea, that must be it matt. Do you know if they are using the updated book?

....but the world goes 'round

adamgreer Profile Photo
#11ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:56pm

If the show features Irma instead of Bonnie, then they're using the updated (and IMO, superior) book.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#12ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:57pm

The 1962 Off-Broadway version was the one that included quite a few Porter songs from other sources. As in that version, the Lincoln Center version kept "Friendship" (from DuBarry Was a Lady) and "It's Delovely" (from Red Hot and Blue), added "Goodbye Little Dream, Goodbye" (also from Red Hot and Blue) and interpolated a Porter school song, "I Want to Row on the Crew," restored "Easy to Love" (cut in 1934) and cut the songs from other sources, like "Heaven Hop," "Take Me Back to Manhattan," "Let's Step Out," "Let's Misbehave" etc. The Lincoln Center version also restored "There's No Cure Like Travel," "There'll Always Be A Lady Fair," "Buddy, Beware" and "The Gypsy In Me" from the 1934 score, with "Where Are The Men?" and "What a Joy to Be Young" from the 1934 version jettisoned.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
Updated On: 7/21/10 at 01:57 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#13ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 2:01pm

Thanks Smaxie!

The Lincoln Center recording is even better than the OBCR, imo of course.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 7/21/10 at 02:01 PM

jv92 Profile Photo
#14ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 2:06pm

Good to know that a favorite writer of Sondheim's (He has often praised Cole Porter, at least, in the 1970s) will play his theatre. He probably gets a kick out of Pee Wee Herman too. And I am looking forward to hearing this score again.

#15ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 2:07pm

A good compromise but I love let's Misbehave and Take me Back To Manhattan.

Patti_LuPone_Fan Profile Photo
#16ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 2:58pm

Why is Sutton now interested in revivals, when she previously was against it? Also I would give her slightly more credit. She just might surprise you.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#17ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 3:22pm

This version uses:

"I Get a Kick Out of You" - Reno
"No Cure like Travel/Bon Voyage" - Company
"You're the Top" - Reno & Billy
"Easy to Love" - Billy & Hope (on the Reprise)
"The Crew Song/Sailor Quartet" - Whitney & The Sailor Quartet
"Friendship" - Reno & Moonface
"It's De-Lovely" - Billy and Hope
"Anything Goes" - Reno & Company
"Public Enemy Number One" - Company
"Blow Gabriel Blow" - Reno & Company
"Goodbye Little Dream Goodbye" - Hope
"Be Like the Bluebird" - Moonface
"All Through the Night" - Billy, Hope & Sailor Quartet
"The Gypsy in Me" - Lord Evelyn Oakleigh
"Buddie Beware" - Erma
"Finale/I Get a Kick Out of You" - Company

It is, IMO far superior to the other versions; although I do miss "Heaven Hop", which can be a great deal of fun with the right Erma. "Let's Misbehave" is also a classic which is missed in this version.

I'm excited to see what Sutton does with the role, but more excited to see who will play Billy, and many of the fantastic supporting roles (Mrs. Harcourt, Erma, Whitney, etc.)

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Broadway.com Audience Awards

suttonfoster Profile Photo
#18ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 5:36pm

don't laugh at me, and it's not bc i love sutton, but i personally thing she will be brilliant in this and will win the tony. Hopefully I will be able to re-post this next tony awards

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#19ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 5:43pm

"Let's Misbehave" is one of my favorites! Sad it's cut.

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#20ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 5:52pm

I love "Heaven Hop!" Too bad ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

castlestreet Profile Photo
#21ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 8:22pm

I have always wished the Porter Estate/Tams Witmark would license a hybrid version taking the best parts of the 61 Off-Broadway and the 87 Lincoln Center version. While I think the book from the 87 Revival works very well, I do miss a few of the songs from the former.

IMO- I also like the lyrics to many of the songs from the 61 Version vs. the 87- I think they are wittier. I also prefere Delovely from the 61 and the encore in the title song.

sondheimfan2 Profile Photo
#22ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 8:51pm

What new artwork? It's the same as the '87 revival.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#23ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 10:13pm

I believe the poster was being sarcastic about the artwork.

And I was in a production that added some of the songs from the '61 version, which while illegal, made for the best possible combination.

Heaven Hop was added for Erma, and Billy was added to Friendship, making it a trio.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Broadway.com Audience Awards

adamgreer Profile Photo
#24ANYTHING GOES to Open at Stephen Sondheim Theatre April 7, 2011
Posted: 7/21/10 at 10:18pm

Billy was added to Friendship, making it a trio.

The Papermill production (with Chita Rivera) did this as well.
