
Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?

Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#1Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 12:04am

After seeing how behaves on his shows I really am starting to wonder if Andy Cohen hates women. He is starting to feel like a gay misogynist to me. I mean he casts these Housewife shows with women who he mocks whenever they are not in front of him, patronizes when they are in front of him, and then exploits and really seems to emotionally victimize at times.

Before anyone says these women ask for it, with any misogynist there are always women with little to no self esteem lining up for them. He is starting to rub me the wrong way-a master manipulator of women.

Am I alone in thinking this?

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

PalJoey Profile Photo
#2Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 1:54am

He's more of a misanthrope than a misogynist.

Updated On: 2/2/11 at 01:54 AM

StockardFan Profile Photo
#2Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 12:09pm

I never really thought about it that way. Maybe because I'm always making fun of those women too.


danmag Profile Photo
#3Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 12:22pm

Hmmm. Interesting question.

I guess if I had to hang out with Camille Grammar and Danielle Staub, I might hate women, too.

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

#4Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 12:48pm

But is Danielle really a woman? I mean with the amount of silicone and other chemicals in her body and the number of procedures she's had who knows what she really started life as. There are times when I'm not even entirely sure she's human.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#5Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 3:27pm

As long as he loves boys, then I am happy!

uncageg Profile Photo
#6Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 4:45pm

I used to like him and even thought he was cute but he just annoys the heck out of me now.

Just give the world Love.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#7Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 4:55pm

What is an Andy Cohen?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

StockardFan Profile Photo
#8Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 5:22pm

He's on Bravo, Diva. He's behind the Real Housewives shows and hosts the reunion shows. Plus he has his own show.


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#9Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 5:25pm

He looks like a Ken doll.

All plasticy.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

PalJoey Profile Photo
#10Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 5:34pm

A Ken Doll with chest hair.

Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?

#11Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 8:36pm

He thinks women are his personal Barbie dolls.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#12Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 8:41pm

I'm going to spend some alone time with that picture now.

#13Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 9:08pm

i'm sure he treats those women that way because it's as "real" as the "real" housewives are, which is as "real" as kim's hair, which is to say not real at all. of course things really happen as they do on camera, but i don't see how anyone can have any doubt that everything the viewer sees is staged to some degree, even if it is nothing more than a producer or cameraman egging the women on. how else could each successive season of these shows somehow be more outrageous than the last, and not only that, but more outrageous than the other incarnation of the show to air?

in other words, however andy treats the women, i'm sure they're "in" on it for the same reason they're "in" on the show, no matter how much they whine on interviews: it lights up the blogosphere and jacks the ratings, even for andy's little show. after all, nene is going on celebrity apprentice, betheny frankel has her own show, etc., etc., and have entire cult followings based on how catty they are to one another. life could be worse.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#14Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/2/11 at 9:56pm

I don't want to think he hates women, because I think he's hilarious. And I'm a woman.


nygrl232 Profile Photo
#15Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 12:41am

>He thinks women are his personal Barbie dolls.

Like the guy who produced SatC.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#16Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 1:52am

But if they (Darren Starr and Andy Cohen) hate women, then what does that say about the women who flock to this stuff?

#17Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 7:14am

He can be seriously annoying, but I look at him more as a circus ringmaster or an animal wrangler.

He gets these women all together in a pretty confined space and just lets them have at it. He encourages the sensational but the women somehow manage to provide the drama all on their own.

tazber Profile Photo
#18Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 7:29am

You know who is the biggest misogynist working in the entertainment business.

Lars Von Trier. The extent to which that man hates women is pathological. Did anyone see Antichrist?

If you didn't, don't b/c it's a terrible movie. But his whole point is (I think) that women, going back to original sin, are the devil's agents on earth here to destroy man.

....but the world goes 'round

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#19Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 3:15pm

^ That's pretty much just Danmag, though.

danmag Profile Photo
#20Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 3:29pm

Oh, Reg....that was my OLD agenda. Now I'm just bent on world domination!

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#21Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 3:35pm

Andy's been working out!

And what's wrong with hiring people just so you can mock them? That's what I do...it passes the time!

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#22Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 3:38pm

"Now I'm just bent on world domination!"

So, drinks will be cheaper.

danmag Profile Photo
#23Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 3:42pm

A bottle of Patron for every citizen.

And Andy, if you're reading this thread, Stockard and I are totally up for RHOBWW. And we don't care if you hate us.

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#24Does BRAVO's Andy Cohen hate women?
Posted: 2/3/11 at 4:28pm

Hey, I thought I was going to be a housewife too!! Damn, do I have to be the cross-dressing singer/hairdresser on this one? I bet you'd rather have Tdiva, huh?

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS
