
Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?

Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?

#1Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 9:13pm

I have a dilemma I'm hoping you guys can solve. I'm visiting New York this summer and am currently scheduled to volunteer usher Avenue Q. I've seen it already on tour, but from rear orchestra of a 2,000 seat theater. This would be my chance to see it up close.

But it's also my only free night and I was thinking maybe I should just pay the $75 on Gold Star Events and watch Spider-Man since it'll never tour. I know it probably will be terrible, but it'd be an experience to say I got to watch it. But is it worth shelling out money and missing watching a great show (that was intended to watch in a small theater) up close?

I'm also watching Newsies and Once, so I just have to decide which I'd rather do. Is Spider-Man really that horrendous?

Oh, is Spider-Man a show that is always at TKS? Is the discount decent?
Updated On: 5/27/12 at 09:13 PM

keb2 Profile Photo
#2Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 9:49pm

I enjoyed Spider-Man—not as a piece of theater, but as a spectacle. It was generally fun, not great, but fun.

The two times I've seen Ave Q (first at NWS not long after the transfer, then the non-Eq tour a year ago), I was disappointed. It's a show I feel has so much potential, but neither production lived up to that. Granted, I haven't seen the current cast at New World Stages, so it could be in better shape now than it was a few years ago.

The thing about Ave Q, like you said, is that you can see it pretty much anywhere, and it's mostly the same show, but Spider-Man is limited to NY and the Foxwoods (for now—I remember hearing a while back that they want to make it a Vegas spectacle? I don't know if/when that's happening, though).

Spider-Man was listed for 30% off for today's matinee on TKTS.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 9:53pm

See Spider-Man. I really enjoyed it, and you can only see it in NYC.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

CapnHook Profile Photo
#3Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 10:19pm

It is the intention to tour SPIDER-MAN in arena venues. The show will be the same, but the flying choreography and design will be different and extended. This being said, will the tour ever happen? That's difficult to say. They didn't get the Tony nominations they wanted, and their financial situation is no secret. But they ARE making quite a bit of dough each week, plus touring the show is where they can potentially make bucketloads - especially in an arena venue. So to raise the money to mount the tour could be easier than one might assume.

I'd skip both SPIDER-MAN and AVENUE Q. Go have a better theatre experience and see PETER AND THE STARCATCHER or ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS or GHOST (which I liked, but many did not).

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Polka Dot2 Profile Photo
Polka Dot2
#4Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 10:26pm

I second the idea of seeing Peter and the Starcatcher instead. Absolutely wonderful. One of the best shows of the season, and this cast is phenomenal.

#5Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/28/12 at 2:17am

Thanks everyone! I just looked into Peter and the Starcatcher and it looked great. But I went to book it and realized they don't have a Sunday evening show which is the time slot I have free.

I'm watching Once for Sunday matinee and have Sunday evening free to catch something else. Spider-Man and Avenue Q both have Sunday evening shows. So the dilemma still holds. Although I'm leaning more towards Spider-Man now based on the responses.

Updated On: 5/28/12 at 02:17 AM

#6Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/28/12 at 5:24am

Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?

Hey, I'd say, if you're going to already expect spidey to be terrible, go have fun at avenue q and be where you're comfortable and familiar so someone else can use your seat for more a valuable experience.

But it is truly a fantastic comic book adventure, loud, bright, colorful and whimsical.. Thrilling at times. So maybe you might want to give it a try. Grab a drink and have fun, let your inner child cheer out.

Oh, and who gives a f*ck about it's financial state. It's not your millions. It's kinda like talking about the weather at this point. Everyone knows the temperature.

And it will be great to say you saw it on it's original broadway stage, unless you don't want to shell out cash.

What a negative use of the word. It's common on this board. Maybe go see a movie instead? They're only a little over $12. Shell out a few more bucks for 3D.

Updated On: 5/28/12 at 05:24 AM

defyinggravity2 Profile Photo
#7Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/28/12 at 8:17am

I would go see SPIDER-MAN, as this may be your only chance to see it. I agree it is not great as a musical, but it is so fun and eccentric, I think you'll have fun. Especially since this is not schelduled to tour and you have already seen AVENUE Q.

Rabekriegerin Profile Photo
#8Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/28/12 at 10:10pm

I saw Spider-Man with my parents, who are musical connoisseurs, and I was somewhat afraid that they wouldn't enjoy themselves because as far as a musical it's reputed not to be "all that". Instead, they had a blast. It's a comic book in action, 'one of a kind', doesn't take itself too seriously, and what it promises to deliver on, it truly does deliver on. Let it be what it is, and a good time is waiting to be had.

Now, I don't want to choose for you, but if you can get a good discount? It was more than worth it for us. :)

#9Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/28/12 at 10:32pm

I would suggest Spiderman too. I had my doubts about Spiderman too because of some things I had heard about it, but I really enjoyed it! I'd agree that the score is not perfect, but there were quite a few songs that I found to be quite catchy and enjoyable. And I agree with others, you can only see Spiderman in NY now, so it'd be a special experience! Spiderman is not my favorite musical, but I had a good time when I saw it. It's unique because of the sets and the stunts, and is really one of a kind as a musical. I would recommend Spiderman just to experience a different kind of musical theater. And most importantly, don't judge it before seeing it, if you already have tickets for it, just be ready to have a good time. That's what I did, and I enjoyed it.

As for TKTS, I've seen Spiderman on the board quite often, but I don't know if it's guaranteed to be on there for every show. Generally I see it there for 40% off. But sometimes it could be 30% or even 20% off depending on the sales for that performance. No matter what you decide in the end, have a great time!

#11Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/29/12 at 12:35am

Thanks everyone! I think you guys are right and I should watch Spider-Man. Looking for discounts now (Goldstar only had a few dates available and mine wasn't one of them) since ticket prices are a bit more than I'd like to pay.

I arrive in NY at 7am, so maybe I'll just go straight to the theater, sit on my luggage, and play around on my phone until the box office opens and get a $39 rush ticket. I guess there's no telling what summer will be like, but hopefully it won't be too crazy. I should be able to be at the theater by 8:30.

Rabekriegerin Profile Photo
#12Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/29/12 at 8:30am

I don't know about Sundays later in the summer, but I took a group to NYC on Wednesday, and we saw Spider-Man. We arrived at the box office at 10:30 and had no trouble getting 4 rush tickets for the evening show. They're excellent seats, also.

Updated On: 5/29/12 at 08:30 AM

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#13Visiting NYC - watch Spider-Man ($75) or watch Avenue Q for second time up close (free)?
Posted: 5/29/12 at 12:15pm

The gutting of AVENUE Q going on et New World Stages is a shame, a bad production of a very good show. Going for free would be the only incentive and makes more sense than paying $75 to see a bad production of a bad show in SPIDER-MAN.

Do yourself a favor -- pay less to head downtown to the Barrow Street Theatre and see TRIBES, an exceptional production of an excellent play.

