
Kristin Chenoweth Is "Coming Home"

Kristin Chenoweth Is "Coming Home"

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#1Kristin Chenoweth Is "Coming Home"
Posted: 11/28/14 at 8:53am

I am setting my DVR for the Kristin Chenoweth "Coming Home" concert that airs tonight on PBS. Should be entertaining I suspect.
Chenoweth concert PBS

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#2Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 1:31pm

I Absolutely adore the Album so I'm really looking forward to watching this! I know a lot of people find her a bit corny, but her emotion when she sings these songs live just touches my soul. She is the ONLY singer that has ever made me cry listening to Bring Him Home from Les Mis.

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#3Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 3:05pm

Thanks for the heads up, I thought the TV broadcast was way off. Will definitely be watching tonight.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#4Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 3:30pm

I saw her last year at the Hollywood Bowl and she sang this one ballad that was from Toy Story that just broke my heart? anyone know the name of it? Is it featured on the new CD?

mrgiovanni Profile Photo
#5Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 4:40pm

"When Somebody Loved Me" - Sara M.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#6Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 7:06pm

Yes, indeed, Melissa, thank you very much! My DVR is now set.

rcwr Profile Photo
#7Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 9:56pm

Is anyone watching right now? What do people think?

I keep trying to catch glimpses of Mary-Mitchell Campbell, Chenoweth's musical director. She's playing piano here. She's really fun to watch.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#8Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/28/14 at 10:06pm

I just started watching it, she sounds great. My friend says she has a case of big head tiny body syndrome Kristin Chenoweth Is

uncageg Profile Photo
#9Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/29/14 at 1:01pm

Watched the rebroadcast this morning. Really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Loved that she pulled a local teen up to sing "For Good". I missed the song that her teacher told her to put away and sing later when she was ready. Glad I watched.

Just give the world Love.

#10Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/29/14 at 2:33pm

There's no denying that she has an extraordinary voice but I find her interp a bit forced, as if she's trying to show us what she's feeling instead of just feeling it. And she seems physically awkward to me, as if big, often pointless gestures will compensate for her being tiny. Didn't care for either the "Fathers and Daughters" song or "Upon This Rock" with the high school chorus, both of which struck me as badly written. But, boy, that gal can sure sing!

rcwr Profile Photo
#11Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/29/14 at 7:27pm

I was disappointed not to see her do "I Was Here," which the info listed as being on the song list. I love Philip Quast's version and was interested to see KC try it. Not sure if I missed it or it wasn't on the televised portion of the concert (in which case, I wish PBS's digital info hadn't listed it).

losttheatre12 Profile Photo
#12Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/29/14 at 7:31pm

I'll admit, when she said she was going to sing "Bring Him Home", I rolled my eyes and almost fast forwarded through it. When you've heard this song a billion times, you've heard it a trillion times. But my husband wanted to see what she did with it, and I'm really glad I watched it too. Won't lie- there were tears in my eyes when she finished with it. I never would've thought that song would sound good in a female voice, but at least for Kristin, I was floored by her performance of it.

#13Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/29/14 at 7:33pm

And she is also coming home to BROADWAY

CapnHook Profile Photo
#14Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 11/29/14 at 7:43pm

Anyone know if this will re-air or if it's online?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#15Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/3/14 at 11:58pm

I finally watched it, and while she has a magnificent voice, I was a little bored. Her schtick seemed a little overwrought, and a lot of it seemed like artifice.

Technically though she is fantastic.

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#16Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:27am

I finally watched it too and enjoyed most of it. I though "My Coloring Book" and "Bring Him Home" were highlights along with her general shtick. Grateful that she omitted the Dolly Parton homage that was part of the "Some Lessons Learned" concert.

It was nice to see her voice teacher Florence Birdwell there showing support.

#17Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:38am

She'd probably be more comfortable back on The 700 Club.

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veronicamae Profile Photo
#18Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:48am

She's so talented and I used to really love her but my goodness she's exhausting to watch nowadays. Everything is forced and exaggerated and second-hand embarrassing and worst of all, predictable. Kristin Chenoweth Is Kinda wish she'd just drop "the act" and get back to basics. (I say the same of Gaga - stop relying on some form of schtick, it's not needed.)

CapnHook - no clue, but they put it on DVD and donors were able to get it, so it'll prob show up somewhere before it's released to the public.

rcrw - her rendition of "I Was Here" is wonderful; I didn't realize it was a cover. Check YouTube; it was on her last album.

rcwr Profile Photo
#19Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 12:55am

veronicamae -- Thanks! And guess what, it's a totally different song! I shouldn't have assumed it was the same song just from the title being the same. Here's the unrelated "I Was Here" that Philip Quast sings if you're curious. It's gorgeous, and a similar theme.


ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#20Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 1:16am

My main issue is that I didn't feel any emotional connection between her and the material. Her interpretation felt emotionally distant, and yes, calculated. I love Chenoweth when she's on stage playing a character, but was pretty disappointed by the lack of genuineness I saw on display in the show. And I like her schtick.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#21Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 9:44am

Ray, completely agree.

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#22Kristin Chenoweth Is
Posted: 12/4/14 at 4:28pm

"Coming Home" will be streamed 12/17 6PM EST on Spotify.
"Coming Home" listening party
