
NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/2/04 at 9:59pm

i was reading a thread about raul esparza, and i was intreaged by the number of hours people have listened to taboo non stop-

whats the longest ammount of time you have listened to a song or cd continuously and what were you listening to?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#1re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:00pm

When Cabaret closed, I listened to it all the time. I kid you not. Unless I was in school, I was listening to that CD.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

aspiringguy715 Profile Photo
#2re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:00pm

I've listened to BARE for hours on end, not sure the exact amount of time. It's usually when I surf BWW in the late hours of the night...hmmm...

#3re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:01pm

I'm not sure but I can put just about any b'way cd and listen to it for hours!

#4re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:01pm

i've listen to glory for 5 hours straight.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon
Updated On: 9/2/04 at 10:01 PM

Delphine Profile Photo
#5re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:02pm

I listened to Red and Black from Les Miz: Duisburg for a long, LONG time (I don't remember exactly). The reason for that, other than it's an awesome song, was that I was trying to memorize the lyrics but I don't speak German. re: obsessed?

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#6re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:02pm

hmmm i forgot to say anything about me...

when i was in high school i would listen to the first rent cd on the way to school in the morning and the 2nd one on the way home. thats a lot of rent. now i love so many musicals that i cant listen to one for a long time because i know that there are so many others i could listen to

#7re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:03pm

I listened to nothing but Abbey Road for about a month and a half. I love that CD. :)

#8re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:03pm

Listened to Rent and nothing else for months. My Petrified record is three hours, the longest I've listened to any song straight.

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#9re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:03pm

---i've listen to glory for 5 hours straight. i've also watched the clip i have for 2 hours. ---

ooh can i have a link to the clip if thats possible?

#10re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:08pm

Take it to the PMs or not at all. You will get your asses kicked.

#11re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:10pm


"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

Emutional Profile Photo
#12re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:12pm

In 7th grade while i was doing my homework i needed to listen to music, and the kind of music i listened to gave me headaches if i listened to it for too long (i know it doesn't make sense, but thats ok), so I listened to Rent EVERY DAY while i did my homework for like 3 months straight. By the end of 7th grade the covers, backs, and inside covers of all my books and note books had Rent lyrics all over them.

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#13re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:15pm

i listen to Boy From Oz constantly. walking to class, in my dorm, going to lunch/dinner. lets just say my roomie knows I Go To Rio by heart now. she wants to put me in a box and send me there. but ever since i saw the show in july for the second time it's been in my cd player.

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#14re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:19pm

Not a broadway cd exactly...but I've listened to Idina Menzel's Still I Can't Be Still for hours and hours at time time.

And here's my shameless plug for both of her CDs...great works even if you are not a fan of her theatre work. Updated On: 9/2/04 at 10:19 PM

J-Pill Profile Photo
#15re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:30pm

I once listened to "Another Day" (Rent) for 3 hours straight. Same story with "Will I?".

GYPSY (2003) was in rotation from March - June.

That's probably it with obsessing. There's too much to just listen to one piece of work!!

DFYINGRVTY Profile Photo
#16re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:40pm

dont anyone hate me....but i must admit wicked....hahaha, i have a thing where i listen to the cd NON stop till i know all the words, like les miserables, ave. q, 42nd street, annie get your gun, phantom, etc...but with wicked, i bought it last november and its been played so much that now it skips...and there are no scratches on it...haha...is that sad?!?! ahahah......

Citizens of Oz, there is an enemy that must be found and captured! Believe nothing she says. She's evil. Responsible for the mutilation of these poor, innocent monkeys! Her green skin is but an outward manifestation of her twisted nature! This distortion, this repulsion, this - - Wicked Witch!

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#17re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:56pm

I also must admit to Wicked. I have been playing it virtually non-stop since I got it in April. Unfortunately I have so much work I can't listen to it as often as I would like. However, I think I will need to get a new one soon because it is getting scratched.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

cutiepie0882 Profile Photo
#18re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:02pm

When I first got Wicked, it was the only cd I ever listened to! I loved it and memorized all the words within days.

Thus is how the book of man and woman shall be written endlessly crashing into each other like 2 vengeful bumper cars - I Love You You're Perfect Now Change

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#19re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:04pm

I listened to Blood Brothers 1995 cast recording for an entire 8 hour flight from London to New York in July.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#20re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:07pm

Slightly off-topic, but my friends watched Finding Nemo six times on their flight from Australia to the US.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#21re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:13pm

I haven't listened to anything but TABOO since June. I'll spend all day listening to the recording. I won't take phone calls because "Petrified" has come on. I won't come down to dinner until the 30 seconds left of "Come On in from the Outside" has played. My parents are actually starting to worry.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...
Updated On: 9/2/04 at 11:13 PM

#22re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:14pm

From the end of June to August eighteenth, I listened to The Producers non-stop. I don't know why I stopped.

little_sally Profile Photo
#23re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:57pm

When I first bought the "Taboo", "Assassins", and "Caroline" cds, I didn't listen to anything but them for two weeks after I bought them. As for songs, I've once listened to "Run, Freedom Run" from "Urinetown" for an hour and a half straight. Lately, all I play is "Role of a Lifetime", "One, and "Are You There" from "Bare". That's been going on since middle of two weeks ago.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#24re: obsessed?
Posted: 9/3/04 at 12:04am

I had an internship in the Adirondaks in upstate NY this summer and I drove there and back from Pennsylvania, a 5 1/2 hour drive. I had a stack of cast recordings in my car and rotated them as I drove. The stack included Taboo (British and American cast), Wicked, Ave. Q, Rocky Horror Show (NBC), Once on This Island, and Rent. I know, more than 5 1/2 hours... my poor, poor housemates didn't know what they were getting into when they had to use me as a ride back and forth to the theatre each day. :)
