Stupidy 101

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#0Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 10:08pm

An idiot reviewer in Entertainment Weekly called Jerry Hermans score for La Cage unmelodic & said all his scores sound alike

The sheer idiocy of some of these cretins continues to amaze me

Poster Emeritus

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#1re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 10:10pm

Well, EW isn't exactly a Pulitzer Prize publication

#2re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 10:19pm

I can't remember the review, but I guess it was EW - they said that the Cagelle's dances were unmemorable or something similar. It totally blows my mind.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#3re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 10:21pm

Eh, who cares what this person says. In the long run, it won't matter.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

VeuveClicquot Profile Photo
#4re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 11:27pm

I'm 50/50 on that comment. Jerry Herman's scores are certainly melodic. He's the king of a snappy melody.

That said, his scores do kind of sound the same. I think you could probably substitute the title song from HELLO, DOLLY! with the title song from MAME, and nobody would notice the difference.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#5re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 11:31pm

The score for La Cage is unmelodic I think.

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#6re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 11:44pm

i've heard both things, but i've never actually heard or seen La Cage

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

VeuveClicquot Profile Photo
#7re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 11:46pm

Bronx, I think you're wrong.

You could classify the LA CAGE score as "pedantic," and I would see your point. "Trite" I would accept. "Dull" would even be an opinion that I could acquiesce to (although not necessarily agree with). "Repetitive?" Why not?

But "Unmelodic?" Nope. Can't go there. Updated On: 12/17/04 at 11:46 PM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#8re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/17/04 at 11:57pm

I agree that his score for LA CAGE is unmelodic - I think it's terrible - but his scores hardly all sound the same. I really thought this revival was crappy, but the Cagelles were anything but forgettable.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

VeuveClicquot Profile Photo
#9re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 12:08am

Apparently, those of you who are calling Jerry Herman's score for LA CAGE "unmelodic" have never seen a show composed by John Adams, Phillip Glass or Marc Blitztein.

Don't like LA CAGE? That's totally cool. But please try to find an appropriate word that effectively illustrates the reasons for your dislike. "Unmelodic" isn't it.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#10re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 12:14am

Just as it's my opinion that the score is unmelodic, it's your opinion that my choice of wording is not valid. I don't see why unmelodic is inappropriate, or why I should change my choice of words to please you. You want something that illustrates my reasons for disliking it. I dislike the score because I find it UNMELODIC. You're not really one to say that "unmelodic isn't it." I'm stating my opinion - not my opinion as outlined by you. So, despite what I've just said, would you settle for BORING, LAME, TRITE, or FORGETTABLE?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#11re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 11:22am

I think La Cage is very melodic, but I do have to agree with most of Herman's music sounds the same.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#12re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 11:29am

Damnit, I was hoping this would turn into a bitchfest!

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#13re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 11:49am

Regarding composers sounding the same

1. Wildhorn writes Pop music ( or so they say )
2. Styne wrote big brassy #'s
3. Sondheim, for the most part , writes in the same style

Many on this board can listen to an overture or song & know who wrote it just by the style & the type of instruments highlighted by the composer.

As far as sounding the same, as long as the music is good & listenable, who cares?

Poster Emeritus

CanWeTalkBroadway? Profile Photo
#14re: Stupidy 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 11:55am

{whispers} Psssst. Not for nothing, but when criticizing cretins, a person has more credibility when he spells the headline of his thread correctly.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#15re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 11:59am

To Can We Talk

It must be nice to be perfect. I tried to correct the spelling & it comes out the same

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 12/18/04 at 11:59 AM

CanWeTalkBroadway? Profile Photo
#16re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 12:23pm

I wasn't sayin, I'm just sayin. I don't have perfect spelling at all, I was raised in the South! I just thought it looked bad and took away from your very important message that who do these people think they are with there opinions?! We should all be supportive in this business because until you have personally tried to write a score and songs you should not put down, you should support.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#17re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 12:34pm

It's obvious that writing good music isn't easy. It's also obvious that making it in the theatre business isn't easy. But by people saying they don't like a certain score, or one composer's scores sounding alike doesn't mean we're not supportive of their work and don't respect their talent.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

CanWeTalkBroadway? Profile Photo
#18re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 12:37pm

Especially when they throw such awesome cast parties that we can see and be seen at!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#19re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 12:47pm

what are you trying to say...

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

CanWeTalkBroadway? Profile Photo
#20re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 1:01pm

I am not trying to say anything. I am saying that my lover and I were at the La Cage party and it was very glamorous. Now what are you trying to say?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#21re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 1:03pm

Are you saying you met me there?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

CanWeTalkBroadway? Profile Photo
#22re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 1:35pm

Helllllllllllllo? WHAT? Put down the mirror, and step away from the computer. I can tell from three posts that if we did meet you, we would have walked away. Quickly.

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
#23re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 6:13pm the unmelodic , I met/ didn't meet you at the cast party, bitch fest starting????

pab Profile Photo
#24re: Stupidity 101
Posted: 12/18/04 at 6:42pm

CanWeTalkBroadway?, to answer the question from your Icon, he would shoot a porn film.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
