
Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?

Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?

#0Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 7:09am

It has become increasingly obvious to people that Michael Crawford will not return to the Woman in White in London and so there would appear to be little chance he would go to the States now. There are rumours that his illness was a smokescreen to cover his unhappiness with his role. Michael Ball is now covering as Count Fosco until the April 30th making his term filling in a total of 11 weeks. Brian Conley revealed that he was offered the opportunity to take over then as Count Fosco but chose to go into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang instead.

Anyways I had a thought the other night, Harvey Fierstein would make a GREAT Count Fosco, it is not a massively vocally demanding role, just needs a big character to pull it off and he would be perfect.

Any other thoughts ?

#1re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 8:10am

Michael Ball is getting great reviews for his portrayal. Why not him. It is considerably different than anything else he has done. Plus he is singing and playing the role entirely different than Crawford. Turning "You Can Get Away With Anything" into a showstopper. Just a suggestion Updated On: 3/3/05 at 08:10 AM

#2re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 8:34am

Micahel Ball is going on tour right after finishing his stint here but you are right, perhaps this is the role to take him to Broadway stardom.

#3re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 8:58am

His tour ends at the end of June and WIW opens in Chicago on November 15 for two months prior to Broadway. Seems like enough rehearsal time to me.

#4re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:11am

Sharon you know where I'm going with this. Michael Ball should return to Broadway in this role. The reviews have been outstanding and MB and Maria Friedman reportedly have great chemistry. Since she's rumored to be making the transfer it would be great to see MB come with her!

Seeing the show in London this weekend...can't wait!

"Take Care! When I am thwarted I am very terrible!"

#5re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:13am

Yes Friedman leaves at the end of May. Then to Texas for a short stint and on to Chicago for WIW. They are terrif together, even added the bit in the seduction scene. They work very well together.

#6re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:17am

Yup, I'd think itll be Michael Ball's role if he wants it.

#7re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 10:48am

To be fair, Crawford also turned "You can get away with anything" into a show-stopper.

Was Michael Ball able to make any of the rest of the character's scenes better?

#8re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 11:04am

Yes you are correct. A different turn on the showstopper. Please forgive me. They just do it differently. Updated On: 3/3/05 at 11:04 AM

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#9re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 12:24pm

Actually, Michael Crawford is supposed to return to the role in May.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

Loge Profile Photo
#10re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 1:12pm

I'm sorry but I think Harvey Fierstein would be absolutely wrong for this role. It does take some singing - not just raspy talk-singing, which worked in Hairspray!

I don't know who would be good for the role but I would love to see MB do it.

"What the hell happened to you? You look like a Make-A-Wish Kid. You know, I just knew you were gonna bring shame on this new family of ours, and it just figures you had to go make yourself over into some heroin-shootin skate board chic on the only day E! could interview you!" - Cherry Cherry, on her daughter Mary Cherry

#11re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 1:26pm

I think when it comes to Broadway they will re-cast two parts:

Walter Hartwright
Count Fosco

While I loved Martin Crewes in the show, producers will cast someone more well-known to theatre-going audiences.

Count Fosco is a tricky role to cast. It would have to be someone famous, who hasn't been onstage for awhile (which is what makes You Can get Away With Anything such a great number). I dunno. I thought Crawford was great, I dunno, I have tot think about it....

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#12re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 1:30pm

I would hope Michael Ball would be offered the role and would do it. I know I'd be camped out at the stage door every night. Are there any pictures circulating of Michael in the part? Does he wear the heavy prosthetics like Crawford?

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

Theatreboy33 Profile Photo
#13re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 1:34pm

Lee, so Crawford is unhappy with the role? I hadnt heard that rumor. But then again, im on the other side of the pond. Where did you hear this?

And as for the casting of the role.....ill have to go with John Stamos--broadway's go-to guy.

#14re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 2:23pm

MB wears the fat suit, facial prosthetics and wig and beard. Doesn't look like himself at all There are photos on the the Really Useful site & The Woman In White website. Also confirned that Michael Crawford has viral colitis. Sounds like serious stuff to me. Updated On: 3/3/05 at 02:23 PM

#15re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 7:18pm

I am going to London soon precisely just to see Michael Ball in the role of Count Fosco. I've read several reviews of his performance and the critics thought he looked more decidedly villainous in the role and carried it off really well. I probably won't recognize him onstage, but I'm sure there will be no doubts when I hear him start singing.

He would be an excellent candidate for the role on Broadway. It was disappointing when he did not come back to Broadway for CHITTY, as it has been too long since ASPECTS OF LOVE, but this could be another great opportunity for fans to see him back onstage. Updated On: 3/3/05 at 07:18 PM

Sally Profile Photo
#16re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 8:33pm

<< Lee, so Crawford is unhappy with the role? I hadnt heard that rumor. But then again, im on the other side of the pond. Where did you hear this?>>

It was mentioned on a Whatsonbroadway forum, but I'm convinced that it is nothing but a RUMOR. Crawford is sick, first with the flu and now, apparently, with colitis. If he wanted out of the show, they could easily come up with a story that would let him out and would not have to keep indicating that he will return. Michael Ball is doing well in the role and can continue until near the time when MC's contracted appearance would be at an end. There is no need to keep Crawford's name connected with the show.

Aside from the two posts on WOS, there is no "evidence" that Crawford is unhappy with his role (or anything else concerning the show). Why should he be? He has gotten very good reviews, won a couple of awards, and was nominated for an Olivier, although he didn't win that.

#17re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 8:46pm

Where are the pics of him as Fosco??? I cannot find a single one on either sites???

#18re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/3/05 at 9:12pm

If you go to www.womaninwhitethemusical.com the screen will open. After the opening go to news. That picture is of Michael Ball. Pretty unrecognizable Updated On: 3/3/05 at 09:12 PM

#19re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 3:12am

What about John Barrowman in the role of Walter Hartwright? That's immediately who I thought of when I saw the show last year.

phantom_tenor Profile Photo
#20re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 6:03am

When i hear that song, i imagine what it would be like with Anthony Warlow singing.

But this isn't a very likely casting choice.....

JP Profile Photo
#21re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 7:46am

I think this role, or any role that would get Michael Ball back to Broadway is a wonderful idea. He's made such a mark with the role he is in currently, that it seemes to me he is the obvious choice. Nothing against Michael Crawford, he's played the States for so long that he does have name recognition, albet some of it bad since the mess with DOTV . . would he want to go back to the same theater that was the site of that mess? I don't know, but I'd love to see Michael Ball give it a shot.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#22re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 8:22am

Brent Barrett would make a good Count Fosco

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

PalJoey Profile Photo
#23re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 11:01am

Kelsey Grammer would be perfect. And he would fill the house with Frazier fans.

#24re: Count Fosco in the USA - Suggestions for Crawford's role ?
Posted: 3/4/05 at 11:10am

To your statement Michael is returning as Count Fosco May 2, and there is still talk he will go to NY to play the count maria is going.

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************
