A Chorus Line question

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#0A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 2:49am

okay, I have a few questions. I am auditioning for A Chorus Line on Sunday and am in need for some information.

First off, what is a good song to use for my audition for this style of show. I need one ballad and one upbeat. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

(I've only seen the movie, so that's all I have to go off of.)

Secondly, I know there are like 20 something named characters in the show, but not all of them remain on stage for the whole show in the "chorus line." how many male roles stay on stage the entire show as part of the "chorus line?"

And lastly, does anyone know (and I know I shouldn't ask this, but oh well...) where I can find a copy of the script. Preferably for free, haha, to familiarize myself with the stage version?

Thanks y'all! Any suggestions or comments will be great!

And y'all can PM me any of these answers, too if you don't want to post on the thread.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"
Updated On: 4/4/05 at 02:49 AM

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#1re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 5:26am

There are 17 people "on the line." 9 girls, 8 boys. Plus the roles of Zach (director) and the assistant. For those used only in the opening number (and as offstage singers), the script has 4 boys and 3 girls listed as characters, but the OBC used a total of 32 performers, meaning there were 12 "cut" dancers.

Anything contemporary Broadway would be fine. Note that this is BROADWAY. Not contemporary like Wicked or Hairspray. Chorus Line isn't a pop show, necessarilly. They need belters for that show, so just show them a good voice and you'll be fine. Most of the show is "belt it to the back wall" anyways.

If you do a search for free scripts on the boards I'm sure you'll find a link to a script website with free online copies.

Break a leg!

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#2re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 11:20am

I'm auditioning for A Chorus Line on Sunday(maybe Monday) too!!!!!! You wouldn't be auditioning for this in Denton, TX would you??????? I bought a copy of the script last summer from amazon.com, but I'm sure it is in the library......

BTW what do you guys think are good guy parts??????? I'm white, so no Paul(though I think that's a good monologue for auditions!!!). I think that I like Mark and Bobby.....
Updated On: 4/4/05 at 11:20 AM

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#3re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 1:39pm

I actually think that most of the guy parts other than Paul are pretty thankless. The only guys with solos are "I Can Do That" and "Sing!," which is a duet. But I think the Jewish guy and the 20-year old guy are great parts.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

#4re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 5:06pm

Paul mentions in the script that he "doesn't look Puerto Rican," so he could certainly be played by a white actor with dark hair. In fact, both productions of this show I've been in have had Pauls who weren't remotely Hispanic. Don't rule it out as a possibility.

Bobby and Mike are great parts....Greg and Mark have brief, funny bits. Most of the other guy roles don't have much to do, but they ARE on stage for the majority of the show.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#5re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 8:43pm

Question: I get the names of Mike and Mark mixed up.....but

Mike is the with the solo "I can do that" and is near the front of the line....

Mark is the youngest person and is near end of the line and has a monologue which starts "Hello 12...ect"

am I right???????

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#6re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/4/05 at 11:15pm

Greg is the homosexual one, right? well...who is Bobby? what does he do that makes him stand out in the show? what's his story?

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

wildcat Profile Photo
#7re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 2:44am

Bobby is actually my favourite part. He sees himself as a bit of a stand-up comic, and he talks about growing up in Buffalo when he used to break into people's houses and re-arrange the furniture.

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#8re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 2:57am

ZACH - director, mid 30's
LARRY - assistant, early 30's
PAUL - Puerto Rican (doesn't look it), gay, 28 yo
MIKE - "I Can Do That", 24 yo
DON - former stripper, 26 yo
BOBBY - "If Troy Donnahue..." rearranges furniture, 25 yo
GREG - "I'd be hard..." Jewish, gay, 32 yo
RICHIE - "Gimme the ball," black, 27 yo
AL - "Sing!", 30 yo
MARK - "gonnohrea!", 20 yo

That should be everyone.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#9re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 3:23am

is mark a good part? i just want to know who i should put on the audition sheet as the role i'd prefer...and i want a semi-big role. i just can't be Al because i could never pass for 30 lol. i'm only 20...and i don't want Mike (i can't tap). i've heard mike, mark, and bobby are the three largest roles, is that true?

sorry for all the questions...

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

wildcat Profile Photo
#10re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 3:27am

Mark is the 'baby' on the line, so if you're twenty then that's who'll they look at you for. All the roles are onstage all night so they're all comparable in size.

#11re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 3:29am

i want to be mark! but bobby is good too.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#12re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 5:08pm

Paul is the best part for a guy......

#13re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 10:56pm

Dont put down what part you want, put down what part you are right for. I would love to play Richie but Im white.....PS. If you are in the "cut" group, you are also pit singers, which will sing in the pit or offstage for the dancers on the line.


Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#14re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 11:02pm

Ive seen Paul done by a white guy and he was great.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

#15re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 11:03pm

Who is the one who has the monologue about the bus? Mark? I think that is one of the funniest parts of the show

DBillyP Profile Photo
#16re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 11:11pm

Hmmm...MTR, I am not sure I agree with you. If you are talented enough to pull something off, though you are not right for it, put it down if it is what your heart desires. But also be conscious of your limitations and don't be disappointed if someone that is "more right" for a role gets it. Convince them that you ARE right for the role.

I am as white as they come, but I had wanted to play Paul since I saw a national tour of ACL when I was 14 or 15 at the Dallas Summer Musicals. It was the role I wanted, and I was blessed enough to have the chance to play it a couple of years ago. I took a chance, as did the director.

As for what role mywonder, the show can be a profound experience whether you play someone who gets cut in the beginning or if you stand on the line. I have done both. Just remember, you are being asked to bring to life not just a singular person whose story you are telling, but countless people who have dreamed of dancing. It is an awesome responsibility and can be an amazing blessing.

Merde on your audition. I look forward to hearing how it turns out!


"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

DBillyP Profile Photo
#17re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/5/05 at 11:14pm

P.S. Pardon my sappiness. It was the martini talking.

; )

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#18re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/7/05 at 3:00am

yes, but what are some good songs to audition with? i'm having trouble finding an upbeat song that is suited for A Chorus Line. any ideas?

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

lilstardrop Profile Photo
#19re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/7/05 at 9:00am

Goodluck with your audition. I am sure you will go well Updated On: 4/7/05 at 09:00 AM

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#20re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/7/05 at 12:10pm

Yes what are good songs?????? I'm going to this same audition as mywonderwa11!!!!!!!

SeeIreallycouldn'tSING!! Profile Photo
#21re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/8/05 at 12:51pm

Mark isn't a big part... If you want a big part get a part was in the "Big 6"... Thats what they used to call the lead roles (i.e. Cassie, Shelia, Diana, Zack, Paul, and I can't remember the last one... it might be bobby).

Bobby is also homosexual, but its not as big of a deal as with Greg.

Your never ever gonna find a copy of the script online, before I audtioned for the show I searched for weeks and couldn't find it.

ElTico68 Profile Photo
#22re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 4/8/05 at 1:02pm

Non-traditional casting can be a wonderful thing. I just played Bobby, and I played him my age (mid-30's), and I'm latin. Our Paul was Filipino, Mike was black,Richie was as white as white can be, and Sheila was black. Yeah, I know there are the purists out there who are having cows right now... (not just one), but it can work. It's up to the director's vision, and how close you can relate to your character.

BTW, I totally loved playing Bobby. I always thought the only part for me was Paul (I played him a long time ago), so it was nice that I could play someone else. And I had so much fun! Bobby's part is somewhat small, but his monologue is great fun, especially if you come up with an entertaining pantomime.

Happy, smile! Sad, frown! Use the corresponding face with the corresponding emotion! - Kate (Meg Ryan), French Kiss

#23re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:23pm

I ope your audition went well, im doing A Chorus Line for my performing arts exam, i play Bobby, i also think he is a bit of a stand-up comic, i have to admit A Chorus Line doesnt have much of a plot but it is a good show with some decent parts and songs *i can do that and tits and ass*

OtherDaryl Profile Photo
#24re: A Chorus Line question
Posted: 6/17/06 at 6:08pm

Every part is wonderful - each member of the line is in every group number and gets a "specialty" all their own. For my money, Zach is the best role - he has, virtually, every other line and the opportunity to interact with every single actor in the piece. You still get to dance ONE, but nothing else unless this staging includes him at the beginning of the opening - some do, others don't. You also get to "drive" the show as much as the conductor.

"Love Life. Live." Michael Bennett
