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All Shook Up

#0All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:57am

I saw All Shook Up tonight and loved it. I wanted to stay and meet the cast. Has anybody had a chance to meet Leah Hocking or Cheyenne Jackson? What are they like?

#1re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:59am

Never met Leah but Cheyenne is one of the nicest people on the face of the earth.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#2re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 1:03am

Leah and Cheyenne are EXTREMELY nice. The whole cast is very friendly and thankful for everyone who comes to see the show. There is one cast member who refuses to come out after matinees that pissed me off a little bit. I mean, for God's sake, you're not that well known, hun.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde
Updated On: 4/27/05 at 01:03 AM

darren has a big butt Profile Photo
darren has a big butt
#3re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 10:53am

I loved All Shook Up too, I met both Leah & Cheyenne, they were both SO nice.. I love Leah, I've watched her in DOTV & she is amazing and we had the same coat and when I saw her on the street one day my firends & we walked passed Leah & saw it was her and she was so nice to us.. she walked across the street with us all & she was wonderful..same with Cheyenne..except I only met him at the stage door, but he was nice too :)

<3 darren

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 10:56am

Cheyenne is the biggest sweetheart in the world. He looks like he'd be really scary, but he's incredible. re: All Shook Up

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#5re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 1:29pm

i LOVED all shook up!! Seeing it again next wk w/ my mom! Can't wait!!!!!
Didn't meet any of them tho... maybe this time? I really wanna meet Cheyenne tho!

Lome2 Profile Photo
#6re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 2:33pm

There's another opening night video (apart from the one) from
re: All Shook Up

#7re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:44pm

glad you liked the show! Updated On: 4/27/05 at 04:44 PM

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#8re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 5:21pm

Leah and Cheyenne are very very nice!! They both took a picture with me, talked to me for awhile, and signed my playbill. One of the nicest cast on broadway

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

GirlforTartaglia Profile Photo
#9re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 6:19pm

Anyone met Anika Larsen? I waited outside opening preview night for her..maybe I missed her because I wasnt exactly sure what she looked like since Zanna Don't, but I didn't see her OR she just decided to leave before autographs

And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps... What did she realize, Kitten? That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs. What's wrong with that? Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had... Where? On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto.

#10re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 6:28pm

I saw All Shook Up last week(great show by the way!) and I met some of the cast at the stage seemed like alot of them came out...even alot of the chorus. They all were very friendly and just seemed down to earth. They seemed honored to talk and mingle with fans and sign autographs.

"You won't fight without layers of armor Suit on up and come brace my sword You look back when the pieces are missing Hollowed out hope that no time can restore."

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#11re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 6:35pm

Mr Jackson's attitude must have imporved when he moved to Seattle. When he was here, he wasn't the gracious person that people claim him to be in NYC, especially to crew members on shows he worked on. Maybe the big city humbled him a bit.
Updated On: 4/27/05 at 06:35 PM

bwaymargie Profile Photo
#12re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 7:48pm

Anika is very sweet. When i was in NY two weeks ago with choir, we did a Q+A in the afternoon and a talkback with the cast at night (well...Jenn,Nikki James,Alix Korey, and one other ensemble boy)with her as part of the Broadway Classroom Series and she was extremely sweet. (On a 2 show day!) We managed to get a picture with her and she is very intelligent and well-spoken not to mention way sweet.

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#13re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/27/05 at 9:36pm

the cast was extremely nice when i met them. my friends and i also recognized leah on the corner and we talked to her as we crossed the street. we all love her, especially since she was magda in DOTV.

#14re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 10:41am

I recently went to see the show and hated every minute of it. And it wasn't the Elvis songs or the fact that it was a jukebox musical. It was simply put, a stupid show. The plot was simplististic and juvenile, and the book was tacky and dated. With all its "gosh darn it" and "gee" dialogue I thought I was going to need a shot of insulin. I can't imagine it take a harsher beating with the critics. I can't even imagine how god-awful "Good Vibrations" must have been if this is supposed to be a better show.

#15re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 1:45pm

Fosse – I thought the show was great!! And what did you expect? You went to an Elvis musical called "All Shook Up" If you weren’t looking for a sweet story you should stick to musicals like "Assassins"

Would you rather the producers do a musical about Elvis dying of a drug-overdose on a toilet?

#16re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 2:03pm


Ditto, Ditto, I hate it!

Glad the cast is so gosh darn nice, but this show was a stinker!

#17re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 2:27pm

I didn't know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect it to put me into sugar-shock. I thought the gay subplot in the second act was not only unecessary, but a complete rip-off of Victor Victoria, not to mention a bit offensive in that it treats homosexuality as something to laugh at. The era of the jukebox musical REALLY needs to end...from what I hear "Lennon" is no masterpiece, and if there is a god, will stop this trend. But I digress, it wasn't the songs that made the show so stupid, it was the inane plot and the fact that some songs weren't needed.

musicman117 Profile Photo
#18re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 8:39pm

Fosse -

"I thought the gay subplot in the second act was not only unecessary, but a complete rip-off of Victor Victoria, not to mention a bit offensive in that it treats homosexuality as something to laugh at."

Hold on one second! Thats not what that was at all....

First of all, calling it a rip off Victor/Victoria is incorrect. Sure they are similar, but All Shook Up is a "rip off" of the Shakespeare comedies. That whole idea of a man falling in love with a woman who is dressed as a man is in both Twelfth Night AND As You Like It.

Second of all, This show doesn't treat homosexuality as something to laugh at any more than Shakespeare or Victor/Victoria (using your example) and no one seems to have a problem with it in those shows.

Also what needs to be remembered is this - All Shook Up is set in "a small you-never-heard-of-it town some where in the Midwest" in 1955. Even though it was released in 2005, All Shook Up is set 50 years ago - a time when homosexuality was not accepted. Honestly, how weird would it have been in the context of the show if Chad's love of Ed had been accepted by everyone in the town.

In short - All Shook Up is far from making fun of homosexuality. If you dont like the show, thats fine, but please don't back up your stance with falsely accusing a show of portraying homosexuality as something to laugh at.
Updated On: 4/28/05 at 08:39 PM

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#19re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 9:00pm

Cheyenne is a super sweet heart.

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

#20re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 9:02pm

I would hardly compare this crap to anything that Shakespeare wrote. Second, I stand by my comments about homosexuality. While this show takes place in the 50s, it was written in 2004. Regardless as to how homosexuality was treated back then (which, as any historian will tell you, is NOTHING like the way it is in this musical), certainly today, this show does nothing to to quell the material of poking fun at the "queerness" of being homosexual. It is a completely unecessary plotline, and most certainly makes homosexuality a punchline. And before you ask, I think the Lancelot subplot in "Spamalot" is equally, if not more, horrendous than this show.

musicman117 Profile Photo
#21re: All Shook Up
Posted: 4/28/05 at 10:44pm

How can you not compare All Shook Up to Shakespeare? IT has the same storyline as As You Like It and Twelfth Night?

and to be totally honest, IMO, having people accept homosexuality in that town in that time would make no sense...

Also to counter your comment ("Regardless as to how homosexuality was treated back then (which, as any historian will tell you, is NOTHING like the way it is in this musical), certainly today, this show does nothing to to quell the material of poking fun at the "queerness" of being homosexual.") i dont know what historians you talk to, but small towns like the one in All Shook Up still to this day have a lot of issues with homosexuality.... of course not all of them, but there were (and are towns) like the one in this musical.

And reguarding ("While this show takes place in the 50s, it was written in 2004."), does that mean that shows written now should not be historically accurate..... imagine a production the Crucible or Parade where African American Characters are treated with the same respect as the White Characters. Shows MUST be historically accurate.

Yes, the bit where Chad says he's in love with Ed is meant to be funny, but, as in the Shakespeare comedies, it is funny because of the mistaken identity.

All Shook Up is really not offensive, IMO. It is a fun, easygoing show that most everyeon can enjoy and HAVE FUN seeing.

Between this and everyone getting upset about Kristen Chenoweth going on the 700 club.... good grief. Not everything is meant to be an insult. All Shook Up is a fine show - a joy to watch

BUT i guess we can agree to disagree
