
LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!

LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#0LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/1/05 at 11:15pm

Okay, I don't have the time for a proper well rounded review. But I just returned home from the ACTORS FUND performance of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES!

It was BEYOND a JOY and the HIGHLIGHT of my Theatre Season! ONE HELL OF A SHOW! Those Girls/Boys - WHATEVER they are were UN-F***ing believeable! Gary Beach has GROWN LEAPS AND BOUNDS from where he started in November and it FINALLY shows! While I will admit that I did prefer Daniel Davis' Georges, this production is much better suited for Robert Goulet. It just ISNT time to find the inner meaning yet Danny - you were years beyond your time and I applaud you for it! Goulet on the other hand, is dashing, yes a bit too old (but who really cares), the man can sing like he is 40 again! WHAT A VOICE! My God! He sure as hell knows where each and every single Money Note* is and he SHINES in all of his songs! Davis' Song On The Sand was an anthem in its own, Goulets fits this musical to a tea! No Diva moments pulled here, but a true performer! I do love you Daniel, and hope you recover from whatever the trouble may have been - but Goulet, if he gave the performance he gave tonight to each of the critics this weekend - will be Lauded On Broadway as the best thing since sliced Bread! And wow, what it does for Gary's performance as ZaZa/Albin! He is soooooooo dead on now and hits every height (except for that entirely too rushed version of I AM WHAT I AM) that you want to just run up on stage and kiss him!

Ruth Williamson is still turning in the most consistant performance of the entire cast and does it will great vigor. Michael Benjiman Washington is robbed if he doesnt garner a Tony Nom and Gavin Creel has a voice that could put a Lion to sleep!


#1re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/1/05 at 11:17pm

have you heard any more about your petitions for a cast recording?

Thenardier Profile Photo
LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#3re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/1/05 at 11:23pm

I am still in constant communication with the Production Compamy who is wanting to prouduce the album! The Recording Labels want it now that Goulet is involved, but the $$$ still remains the issue! The producers are bidding their good ol' time waiting for the Tony's - noms & wins! KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED! If the wins happen - you can bet your bottom dollar that I will make 100000% sure this cast is recorded. I am behind this company and many others, who are willing to contribute (just not enough yet) are as well!

*** IF ANYONE has any hope and dreams of recording and investing in this album - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me! Or write to the Producers, Harvey Fierstien, and Jerry Herman and LET THEM KNOW!

Cyndy Profile Photo
#4re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/1/05 at 11:53pm

This is one show where I wish they would not only record a cast album but also record a video/dvd. The Cagelles are such a great part of this show and I'd love to have their dancing as well as singing recorded in some form.

"If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having." Henry Miller

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#5re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 12:15am

If Gary Beach knows what's good for him, he won't let them record his performance in this train wreck.

Perhaps the cast has grown since that bleak early December night when I saw the show, but the direction is so god-awful that their "talents" will only take them so far.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

justthefacts2 Profile Photo
#6re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 12:34am

LaCageAuxFollesFan2, you are one of the fairest-minded and open-hearted people I've read - you've found the most graceful way to address everyone's feelings on this board. As angry as I am at the producers of this show for their behavior, and as heartbroken as I am over not hearing Daniel sing this part again, such devotion and kindheartedness as yours deserves to be rewarded. Sorry, don't mean to be sappy here. And you gave excellent insights into the quality of Davis' performance. Also, Beach may be doing better now that he is not divding his time between Albin and the Producers movie.

Salmon leap from the womb of the white sea you look on; they are calves, they are lambs of good color, in peace without slaughter.

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#7re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 9:01am

Justthefacts - Thank you, that was quite nice. Whatever the faults of LA CAGE, or anyones Dislikings of it, - 6 months into the run it is still in Tip Top Shape, and that cant be said for a handful of shows that have lasted as long.

I love the show for many reasons but am a huge supporter of it's lighthearted way of telling what I believe is a pretty powerful message. Daniel Davis, while an accomplished performer, took a very realistic approach to the role and while he came off looking like a million bucks because of it - the show is better suited with a "showman" like Goulet - it for the first time, completely gelled for me and the love between the couple was extremley evedient. It's a passionate, exciting, and fun show that is a specactle - but yet carries a moving tale of love and those are only some of the reasons I am quite passionate towards it!

Thanks again!

sallyfan101 Profile Photo
#8re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 10:49am

They really need a cast recording.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#9re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 10:58am

While I will admit that I did prefer Daniel Davis' Georges, this production is much better suited for Robert Goulet. It just ISNT time to find the inner meaning yet Danny - you were years beyond your time and I applaud you for it!

Umm, Huh? WTF does that even mean?


DAME Profile Photo
#10re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 11:01am

I am thrilled you enjoyed the show again this much. However; I wouldn't use a actors fund performance as a varomiter of how the critics will re-review the shw. I do know people who went on Saturday and were very dissapointed.


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#11re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 12:09pm

And, sorry to say, Daniel is not going to "get over whatever he has". He's been a mean man for over 25 years.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#12re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 12:14pm

I'm not trying to be mean , and I don't know what happened between you and Mr. Davis - but isn't it time You got over it.

justthefacts2 Profile Photo
#13re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 7:09pm

That so surprises me, TheatreDiva, because the last time I talked to Danny he had nothing but nice things to say about you.

Salmon leap from the womb of the white sea you look on; they are calves, they are lambs of good color, in peace without slaughter.
Updated On: 5/2/05 at 07:09 PM

#14re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 8:36pm

I saw this dreck this past weekend. Sorry to say the show is tired. Goulet looks like a ghost scared the you know what out of him. He sings well; but he is really in limbo on that stage. Gary Beach is a talent. But so miscast. The drag queens were wonderful. But for half the price I can see better in the village.
Updated On: 5/2/05 at 08:36 PM

mebice Profile Photo
#15re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 9:35pm

You know...I must admit...I bought a ticket to this as a last minute thing...was staying at the Marriott and thought what the heck. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The Cagelles were indeed fantastic, Michael Benjamin or something like that (sorry don't have playbill handy) did indeed steal the show- he was fantastic. I saw Goulet in Cleveland doing South Pacific and HATED his performance, so I wasn't expecting anything wonderful. But, I must admit he was good. His singing is indeed superb, and I did feel the connection that georges and albin had (12 rows back too). I was dissappointed with Gavin Creel. Never saw him in TMM, but his acting was HORRIBLE. I have seen high schoolers who have felt more on stage, but I do understand why he was hired. His voice can melt...truly. Gary Beach: the real reason I wanted to see this show. He was WONDERFUL. I loved his Albin. So, overall..I thought it was an entertaing production. It wasnt FANTASTIC, but it was worth the impulse buy.

"Hold up your head. Never be afraid to shine. Viva la difference in my body and my mind. All out with loneliness Such a waste of time. Come in from the outside" ~ Taboo

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#16re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 9:37pm

Sheila: You are correct - the show is complete dreck.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#17re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 9:54pm

I hope this show gets a recording. I would have preferred Mr. Davis on the Cast Recording, but Mr. Goulet is a wonderful musical theatre performer and I'm sure he will be perfect.

#18re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 10:05pm

Why? There is absolutely no need for it.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#19re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 10:25pm

Dr. Rosenberg--you didn't tell me you were in town this weeked! I would have scheduled an appointment.

#20re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/2/05 at 10:27pm

I have one hour on Tuesday. I do housecalls.

mntwister Profile Photo
#21re: LA CAGE does anything but Fall! It rises to GREATNESS!
Posted: 5/3/05 at 10:18am

Mebice: DITTO on the South Pacific, I hated the entire show and especially Goulet. Hope he doesn't tour with La Cage, I would rather see someone else. It's amazing how split the comments on this show have been. I think some that hate it are the Sondheim school of fans, who don't seem to get into the traditional showtune. Then there's the fans of old time show music, who love it.
