Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#0Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:42am

Sweet Charity

First and foremost, Christina Applegate. Her acting and dancing are, dare I say, rather glorious. She IS Charity Hope Valentine - sweet, quirky and undoubtedly lovable from the start. Christina truly can't sing, though. She's putting an irritating touch of vibrato on short notes, and sounds like she's trembling inside, and tends be more than slighlty off-pitch and squeaky, when it sounds like she's using some sort of character voice. It's strange, though, that when she sustains a note, with what seems like little effort even, her voice can actually be very pretty. I tried to draw some sort of parallel between what's going on with Christina and Charity and something like Sally Bowles in Cabaret, where bad singing is part of the character, but the logic falls through; Sally is a performer who is not supposed to be good at her profession, Charity is not. BUT, despite her imperfections, Christina's performance is overall a triumph - even this skeptic had chills during "If They Could See Me Now," partially because of everything she went through to be giving this performance. Her presence and embodiment of this character is beautiful, and she has fantastic chemistry with Denis O'Hare who isn't getting enough credit for his performance filled with excellent comedic timing.

Applegate is far from the worst thing about the production. She does, in many senses, carry it. The bare-bones material is so strong; it's a good, decently solid, old-fashioned(ish...) musical, but this is a revival that's gone wrong in so many places, I think - or, to phrase better, since this is the first production I've ever seen of Charity, things that could've been done better.

I don't think I've ever been much of a fan of Wayne Cilento's work, but I think he was a pretty wrong choice to choreograph this show. I've always found his style awkward, and a bit weird, to be completely honest, though it's not all that much of a bother in something like Wicked or AIDA; Wicked is a fantasy, with no real-life time period, for lack of better explanation, and AIDA's time periodization was already far enough off the deep end (in addition to the story being fairy tale-esque anyway), that Cilento's choreography style at least sort of worked. In Charity, it doesn't feel like it fits the time period at all; I would've liked to see choreography that was a bit jazzier, or something. Cilento's work looks too robotic. For the record, the choreography in the show for individual actors, esepcially for Applegate, is passable, and more... "normal," I suppose. But his ensemble work is all too bizarre, and ends up looking sort of muddy.

My other major complaint was about the costumes, particularly those of the female ensemble members. I felt like the production could've gone with something a bit more subtle and classy, a la Chicago. The bright, flashy colors with modern, cartoony patterns and feathered hats just rubbed me the wrong way. I suppose they're not totally out of question for 60's attire, but I felt like they were portraying a very exaggerated, too-stereotypical 60's scene, and just looked silly.

Overall, though, because the original material is so well-written, I did enjoy the show a lot. The book is quite funny, the music is famous for a reason, and for the most part, it's well-staged. I'd certainly recommend seeing it, for a fun time. Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/30/05 at 12:42 AM

#1re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:44am

Thanks Em, I liked Wayne's choreography, but what do I know??

Blucat5002 Profile Photo
#2re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:47am

I hope it holds on till the 20th!

justme2 Profile Photo
#3re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 1:11am

thanks luv!

agree about the costumes, especially the pink band uniforms (grrr). I understand the costume choices, though, as it is groovy sixties timeframe and all.

Christina certainly does own this role, doesn't she? I've certainly seen MUCH worse performances on stage by supposed " actors", and I don't think she belongs in that category at all.

Most of the choreography didn't bother me, but I hadn't seen any other version of Sweet Charity, so it was fine by me. I actually enjoyed many numbers, including Brass Band and Frug.

I readily admit to not being a fan of Cilento's "Wicked" work, though!

Thanks again!!

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

Thenardier Profile Photo
#4re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 1:32am

Great review.

This reminds me. Someone complained that in "I'm Not That Girl" (WIcked...sorry threadjack) there's a line that says, "And Heaven knows..."

This person stated that they should change that line because there is no "Heaven" in the land of Oz (or that it is all make believe, etc.)

In Wicked the novel, Maguire does use the word Heaven, in the same way we do.

Sorry for the threadjack.

TGIF Profile Photo
#5re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 1:50am

Good to hear your review, Em! I agree with you on your sentiments regarding Ms. Applegate and the choreography. When it boardered Fosse's work (If They Could See Me Now) it was much more enjoyable the rest was just ... bizarre.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

zoran912 Profile Photo
#6re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 1:57am

Wierd threadjack, Monsieur.

I'm glad to hear that you like Mrs. Schaech.

#7re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 2:20am

I can totally understand your view on the show as I can see a little (and I do mean little) about what you're saying about christina as far as her performance. However I think that she is so talented and who knew she could dance. Everynight (I've seen it 4 times and have loved it each time) she throws every bit of herself into the show and the character and I feel that obviously shows. It Especially shows how much dedication and hard work she has gone through for the show itself. And the #1 thing about her I believe is she never gave up when most movie stars who are thrown into shows like this would have given up. As Far as Mr Cilentos Choreography Is Amazing. I do feel the band scene could have been better but let me put this in all caps cause I think it deserves it.....
RICH MANS FREUG (the scene at club pompeii) is the best dancing and choreography on broadway that I have seen in 5 years on broadway and I see every show. That scene alone gives me chills... about wow how about how hard it is to dance that scene.
I feel that Sweet charity much more deserved the best choreography Tony than La Cage. And though I do enjoy jerrys choreography it just felt it was too forced and too showy. Trying too hard to go over the top without any story or background to any of it. Too flowery. I've enjoyed his previous work much more.
As far as costumes.... I'm not a big fan of Mr Iveys work. Yes I enjoyed Hairspray and Cabaret, his work is extremely repetative and don't enjoy how he will sketch an ensemble and say make 20 of them. Or say there is a trio of girls and he'll sketch 1 dress and say make 3 with slight variations. Little to no thought about any of it. And as we all know he is known as broadways costume W#ore. Lets face it... if he does less than 5 shows a year its a good year for everyone else in the industry. And better for broadway for some variation. His work for La Cage I think is his utmost worst work I've seen him do. Its also extremely common for him to reuse similar costumes in different shows with different material. Sort of a mash potatos of broadway costume. You never know what you might find when you go see one of his shows... Sterotypically something that looks like a similar version of something from Hairspray. Sad really. I personally (my opinion) believe that a costumer should not have a style or at least you shouldn't be able to walk into a theatre sit down... up goes the curtain ... and (without looking at the playbill) be able to say.....
"OH, this must be costumed by Mr. Ivey."
Thats not a good thing when shows are suppose to take you to different places and then you go to another show the next night and you feel like you're watching the same show with differnt actors. However I guess this is just all my opinion and don't expect people to have to agree to me.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#8re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 2:21am


"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

justme2 Profile Photo
#9re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 2:31am


Great post and I do agree with you! Ivey's work does tend to be copies of his other work and I was not impressed with much of the costume work in Charity (didn't see La Cage). I understand the importance of having Charity wear the same dress throughout the show, however...if she is wearing red, why PINK to surround her? Those two colors just don't seem to blend well together, do they?

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

#10re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 2:32am

not really. I'm partial to yellow and red. sort of a dark and light.

#11re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 2:34am

I like that Red and Yellow!

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#12re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 6:54am

Eliza, your points about Long are interesting and valid - he does does tend to re-use costumes in different shows. But I don't think it is a bad thing at all that he has a certain 'look' even in shows that have varying periods. All the great costume designers have that. In film, you instintively knew that A Warners film of the 1930s would have drop-dead clothes and gowns by Orry-Kelly - ditto MGM and Adrian, or Paramount & Travis Banton.

I thought Longs' creations for LA CAGE were witty and inspired (they were one of the best things about the production), but I do think his CHARITY costumes are sub-par. There is something dull and mousy about them (which would not be inappropriate for a group of taxi-dancers in a low-class dive...but still).

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#13re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 9:28am

agree about the costumes, especially the pink band uniforms (grrr). I understand the costume choices, though, as it is groovy sixties timeframe and all.

Justme - I didn't even really think all of them were terribly ugly or anything (though some of them were just silly), but even though it is that "groovy" 60's thing, I felt like they really went for an overly-cliche, stereotypical 60's thing, rather than making further attempts to emulate something that felt real. They looked like the Brady Bunch goes to a dance hall or something. *shrug* I'm usually more impressed with Ivey's work, is all.

I didn't want to talk about the Tony for choreography, as I didn't see La Cage, but I do recognize the hard work, etc, he put in to choreograph this show. Of course - I mean, to choreograph such a dance heavy show is a huge undertaking. I'm just saying I think he was the wrong choice. I didn't think the Club Pompeii scene was bad, but I just thought the style he put in there was totally wrong for the show. I think his stuff, as I posted before, more or less works in something like Wicked or AIDA.

(Sidenote, on that topic - it was lovely to see so many AIDA alumni in the cast. re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review)

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#14re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 11:17am

For the most part (except Christina - I saw Charlotte in Boston), I agree with everything you said, emcee. Great review!

uncageg Profile Photo
#15re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 11:35am

I very much ejoyed the show. I didn't think the choreography was bad. for me, it was just a bit repetitive. But good. Ms. Applegate was simply wonderful! I plan to see it again in the fall when I am back in NYC. Can't wait!

Just give the world Love.

#16re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 11:35am

I saw the show in Chicago (With Dylis Chernin) and was so disappointed. I got the cast album this week and had that disappointment all over again. What a missed opportunity.

The Band uniforms were horrible-- I can't imagine how they ever made it in front of an audience-- especially when you had Charity in Red the whole show (What is THAT about, anyways?) and then you have her in front of those rosey, pick uniforms? Is everyone involved with this show color blind?

And Rich Man's Frug was the only good number in the show. And even that was underwhelming. I was stunned by the sloppiness on display in Chicago. For a show in previews to contain such lazy, sloppy dancing was truly appalling.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#17re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 11:46am

I can't say I saw the show out of town. But they say it changed A LOT since than.

The whole point of out of town is to work out the kinks, and apparently they did.

Does anyone else agree that based on her performance Christina was completely worthy of her Tony nom? I feel if LITP never happened this year, and it was Christina against those other women, she would've HAD the award.

gymman Profile Photo
#18re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:14pm

"Rich Man's Frug" copies Fosse's work; that's why it is better than much of the rest. "Brass Band" is hideous; the star is lost in the ensemble, and the number is graceless and without personality. And it's a Brass Band, for God's sake...

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#19re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:15pm

I agree that Bobby Long's costumes weren't amazing and I didn't care for them, however his costumes fit perfectly with the over all look of the show which I don't care for. It's like AUSTIN POWERS meets the Disney Channel. To me, that is NOT how SWEET CHARITY should look. Too much fluff for it to make the impact that it should.

I've said time and time again that even though I am fond of Mr. Cilento by no means do I feel that he did that show any favors with his choreography. Go back and check other SWEET CHARITY threads if you care to know what I think.

Ms. Applegate did a fine job as Charity. She is indeed quite charming but to me she is NOT Charity. I think that she deserved her Tony nomination but she is no doubt the star of that show no matter how lack luster it is.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

shameless Profile Photo
#20re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:40pm

I'm not at all a critic, but I do have to say that I think she has a pretty voice. What I like most about her is that she knows her limitations. She doesn't go for the huge notes. I was impressed with her singing and dancing, and I really enjoyed the show. It wasn't fanatstic, but it was enjoyable, and mostly because of Christina. On a personal note, I wish they would've given the show a stronger ending.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

ljay889 Profile Photo
#21re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:43pm

^^ I agree. I enjoy Christina's voice. I think she does a beautiful job on the finale of the show with the ITBI Reprise, and she really belts out the last note.

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#22re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 12:57pm

I have the cast recording, and I was really surprised by Christina... I wasn't expecting her to be as good as she was. Obviously she doesn't have an entirely stellar voice... but she more than holds her own. I can't wait until I see this show!

justme2 Profile Photo
#23re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 1:01pm


If I remember correctly, the point of having Charity wear one outfit the entire show is to show how she is not changing and is stuck in a rut.

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

ljay889 Profile Photo
#24re: Emcee's SWEET CHARITY review
Posted: 6/30/05 at 2:47pm

I just wanted to say a few more things lol.

I just received the script of the original 66 production of Charity. And I'm a little suprised that Simon did change quite a few things for the revival. He took away the whole "rescue scene." Some of the dialogue is different, but it's better because Simon updated it more for today's audience, the original had quite a few 60's phrases. The only real MAJOR thing changed was the ending as we know. Personally, I find the ending to the original quite corny, it would not have worked in 2005. The whole bit with The Good Fairy coming, is cute, but today wouldn't be understood. I think it's pefect in the revival with Oscar dumping her, she rejects him back - she is still hearbroken but she lets the world know she is okay - with the ITBI Reprise. Fosse DID NOT want this show to have a happy ending, and it still dosen't have a happy ending in the revival, because it's understood she is still heartbroken.

The revival was the first stage production I've seen of Charity, I've seen the movie - so I'm familiar with Fosse's original moves. I've said it before, but I feel the "Theres Gotta Be Something Better..." in the revival is lackluster if you compare it to Fosse's original. Other than that, the choreo in the revival does not bother me. I'm a singer, and actor myself. I'm not a dancer. So I tend to focus a lot more on the singing and acting in shows, although the dancing is equally important, and I still feel the choreo in the revival works fine. I also think the Feris Wheel scene is better than the original idea which took place in a Parachute Jump.

I think the revival is fantastic. I don't really have many complaints about it. I can nitpick about a few things though.
I'm mad they took away the ensembles original lyrics at the end of "Sweet Charity." It would've worked much better if they had the ensemble on stage looking at Charity & Oscar stuck on the feris wheel, then they sing the original lyrics, which would've worked much better than just having them sing it backstage!
