Opinions on the Woman in White

crazy smiles Profile Photo
crazy smiles
#0Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/20/05 at 11:53pm

Is it something to see when it hits Broadway?

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#1re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/20/05 at 11:57pm

i haven't seen it. but i love the london cast recording to death. it's hardly out of my player. i'm very excited to see it once it hits broadway.

kec Profile Photo
#2re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 12:21am

To put it simply -- yes.

#3re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 2:43am

maybe ill see it next week when im in london...how are the tickets for it? id love to see it! whateva shows i see ill tell ya about, kay guys? :)

devonian.t Profile Photo
#4re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 3:37am

It's fairly easy to get tickets most days.

I have to say I find it pretentious, wearing its "artiness" on its sleeve, rather than focussing on gripping story-telling.

I expect I'm in the minority on this, but I feel that in terms of quality and tone, it is far closer to 'Aspects of Love' than 'Phantom'.

kec Profile Photo
#5re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 4:11am

Not being familiar with the book on which the show is loosely based when I first saw the show, I found it gripping. I wss easily caught up in the mystery and the romance. The music sticks with me for a few days whenever I listen to the cd. Fine performances by the cast, especially Maria Friedman and Michael Ball certainly enhanced the visits to the theatre.

#6re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 4:19am

It is always on the official half price ticket booth


Top price seats are £27.50 including all fees (about $48 at todays exchange rate).

Go see it, I find the first Act starts very well and then gets a bit dull and plodding BUT the second Act is fantastic.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#7re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 6:38am

I was not very impressed ! It's not bad, but it didn't do anything special for me either !
bwayondabrain, do anything in your power to see BILLY ELLIOT ! It's unbelievably fantastic !

#8re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 7:53am

I saw it in London and LOVED it...I was floored.
The digital scenery alone is enough to keep any appreciative theater kid interested...and then add the music and story...you will never be bored. AMAZING! let me know what you think!

#9re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 8:17am

It has the ingredients for a wonderful musical - dramatic and absorbing storyline, memorable musical score ( haunting, romantic, soaring, surprising, poignant) and great opportunities for fine acting. Not to mention the innovative staging with the fast-moving backdrop sets and scenery.

I saw it twice in London and will definitely see it again on Broadway. I do think it has great chances to compete for Best Musical when TONY time comes.

I do like the comparison with ASPECTS OF LOVE, as that is my favourite work of Andrew Lloyd Webber re: Opinions on the Woman in White

#10re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 8:48am

Loved it. The music is haunting and I thought the projections were innovative and effective.

The London Cast I saw was wonderful. I'll definitely see it again on Broadway.

"Take Care! When I am thwarted I am very terrible!"

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#11re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 10:31am

Like every other show. Some like it, some don't.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Sally Profile Photo
#12re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 2:15pm

I'm one who liked it---saw it in London, late December, early January. It's a Victorian melodrama but not much like POTO. Don't go expecting that. The music grew on me---I really like it a lot, and I thought the projections worked well, for the most part.

I've heard that they have changed the ending slightly for the new London cast and for the US.

kec Profile Photo
#13re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 4:17pm

"I've heard that they have changed the ending slightly for the new London cast and for the US. "

Yes, there is a thread that covers the new ending:


WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#14re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 4:39pm

I live in New York, so I haven't had the chance to see it. I own the cast recording and love it! It's not something I can listen to all the time, but when I do its amazing. IMO it's ALW's best show! I'm a a big phantom phan.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#15re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 5:04pm

It's an enjoyable show but not a "must-see". As I've indicated in another thread, the show is too operatic to appeal to most theatregoers but also too "conventional" (too ALW) to appeal to the "Sondheim-listening wine and cheese crowd".

If you liked Aspects of Love (the poor man's Little Night Music), you will probably enjoy this show.

I'm not sorry I went to see it but I wasn't blown away by it. I am also not sure why Maria Friedman is such a "big star". The two American actresses in the show (whose name escapes me) were wonderful.

Two things annoyed me about the show- The 3-D projections were annoying (If I want to go see a film, I'd go to a film). Also, the music was often too bombastic and mostly over-amplified. I kept expecting the principals to break into "The Song that Goes Like This" from Spamalot.

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

kec Profile Photo
#16re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 5:11pm

Actually, I thought the use of the projections was very well done, especially for the outdoor scenes.

When you say "too operatic" do you mean because it's mostly sung through?

To refresh your memory re: Opinions on the Woman in White, Jill Paice played Laura and Angela Christian played Anne. Both were excellent in their roles, and I very much enjoyed the trio they sang with Maria Friedman near the end of act 1. The three voices blended beautifully.

mallardo Profile Photo
#17re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 6:33pm

For me the production by Trevor Nunn, with its amazing projections on a constantly moving cyclorama, topped the show itself. As Officer Lockstock reminds us... "Nothing kills a show like too much exposition" and this one is loaded with it. It's the most plot heavy musical I can remember and, in true operatic style, the plot is revealed in endless recitative. Much of it is clever thanks to the lyrics of the brilliant David Zippel, but nevertheless it is wearying. There is a decided lack of dramatic thrust.

The second act plays much better than the first, in part because most of the explaining has already been done.

The score is effective and atmospheric without ever erupting into a truly memorable "big tune". And then there's the fact that the Lead is really the comedy relief - Count Fosco, now smartly played by Anthony Andrews. Things perk up whenever he appears but the fact remains that he is decidely peripheral to the main action. By far the biggest audience response was for his second act showstopper, You Can Get Away With Anything, in part thanks to an amazing white rat that scampers over his arms and shoulders and truly stops the show.

All of that said, I must admit that when things finally approached a conclusion I discovered that I was quite moved by it, perhaps because Ruthie Henshall, now playing Marian, brought so much force and charisma to her role that one couldn't help but be affected.

I honestly don't know how it will do on Broadway. It's not Phantom. It's more like Masterpiece Theater with music.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

#18re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 10:40pm

can someone explain this show to me? I've listend to the first CD out of the two and I wanna know what the "secret" is. I wish it had a synopsis. I'm just kind of confused as to what's going on and whose who. Thanks. Updated On: 7/21/05 at 10:40 PM

#19re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/21/05 at 11:11pm


I have sent you a PM re your question.


ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#20re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/22/05 at 12:32am

see the show if you can. It's a good show, most mature show of ALW's I think. But the set to me were unappealing. I am VERY looking foward in seeing the new Westend cast with Ruthie!!! and ALL the changes that will be brought to Broadway!

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Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#21re: Opinions on the Woman in White
Posted: 7/22/05 at 2:33am

I havent seen it but I loved the cast recording but I am not sure about the new ending. I personally loved the original one.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado
