
My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)

My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)

#0My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 12:51am

Byfar, this is the most visually and aurally stunning production I have ever witnessed. It was an honor to be a member of the audience tonight and witness something so absolutely breathtaking. This production, under the direction of John Doyle, has me - over two hours later - still with hairs raised and goosebumps along my arms.

Where does one begin? Perhaps with the genius but absolutely ODDBALL idea to have the cast accompany themselves. This made everything on that stage so much more about Stephen Sondheim's succulent score and lyrics. Not once did I find myself asking "Why are they playing instruments?" as I thought I would be.


Doyle's main idea revolves around the action taking place WITHIN a mental hospital. Which works brilliantly. I'll say it again: "WHICH WORKS BRILLIANTLY." We all know that Sondheim and Prince left us with Toby losing his mind and the idea that, most likely, off he went to the asylum. So why wouldn't he tell his story? And indeed, it is as if he does. Dyle's toying around with this makes for a much more haunting tale: a bunch of crazed, well, lunatics, telling this horrifying story.


The design team for this is brilliant. Since I don't know too much about lighting or scenic design, although I should at this point in my life in the theater, I won't touch too much on it except that it only adds to the chilly atmosphere Doyle has so perfectly created.

The cast...

First off, Miss LuPone is sheer and utter brilliance. Her Lovett is raw, sexy, and utterly DISGUSTINGLY perfect. This is a Lovett for all of us to stare in awe at. (As a side-note although slightly relevant: LuPone's Lovett was so sexy that I, as a gay man, wanted to jump on stage and lick her from head to toe.)

Michael Cerveris, as always, gives a chilling performance. His Sweeney is wretched and haunting. I have never so much feared someone on a stage.

Donna. Where can I begin? Byfar the strongest link in this cast. Her eyes say everything that Doyle aims for in this production. If anything, see this brilliant production for a performer who understands the idea of body language more than anyone else in the world.

I could go on. But I'm exhausted, and I don't even know what else to say.

Run - don't walk - to this!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 10/5/05 at 12:51 AM

C is for Company
#1re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 12:53am

Much agreeance from me!

#2re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 2:27am

"LuPone's Lovett was so sexy that I, as a gay man, wanted to jump on stage and lick her from head to toe"

Oh my, I can't wait.

(im gonna try to catch the matinee tomorrow (actually today, but whatever))

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.
Updated On: 10/5/05 at 02:27 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#3re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 3:50am

Great review!!! the Margo review was way too long...so i love this review...i will take your advice!!!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#4re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:03am

Aaaaah! I can't wait until December!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#5re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:15am

going this Saturday night and I am *so excited*

#6re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:27am

Muscle, you depress me.

Thank you for your review, iluvtheatertrash. :)

#7re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:30am

Awesome, and couldn't agree more -- two days later, and I'm still thinking about it. It certainly isn't to everyone's taste, but I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic reviews here. May Sweeney live a long & healthy life (or die a long & happy death, if you prefer). I"m already plotting my return.

broadway86 Profile Photo
#8re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:30am

YAY! I just got my tickets for next Wednesday. I can't wait!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#9re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 9:35am

I'm so scared!!!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#10re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:08am

Do you all think this will do a typical Sondheim show run and play only like four months? (Assassins was amazing, but only did April through July.)

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

#11re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:10am

LuPone's contracted for 9 months, and the show is pretty well selling, according to the box office workers.

#12re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:14am

But just because a contract goes that far, does that mean it will be guaranteed to run that long? (I don't know anything about contracts really.) I really want to see this, but won't be able to until early next year. That's why I'm asking.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#13re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:15am

I'm pretty sure people will come for LuPone (half may leave at intermission, or like last night in the middle of the first act, but they will come) and the show will sell well enough to make it at least until she leaves. I want it to last longer, but that remains to be seen, maybe with the new Tony they could get Baranski or someone to replace LuPone?

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

Tir Na Nog
#14re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:18am

"maybe with the new Tony they could get Baranski or someone to replace LuPone?" - SmartPenguin

Baranski should be playing this part right now. Not Lupone. Baranski was INCREDIBLE as Lovett. It's a shame.

"One difference between poetry and lyrics is that lyrics sort of fade into the background. They fade on the page and live on the stage when set to music". - Stephen Sondheim

#15re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:18am

I can't imagine people walking out on Sondheim! OK, thanks for the info, penguin. I'm just paranoid it'll close and I'll never be able to see it. It'd break my heart.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#16re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:26am

You must see this Sweeny, I think Cervaris is certain to make another layer in your sandwhich. He was tremendous.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

#17re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 10:32am

Oh, penguin, that's too tempting to resist... He can be the cheese. As long as George and Len are cool with it. re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

#18re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 11:58am

I too saw the 2nd preview last night and I really loved it. I have to say that the first act I felt was so very much the ensemble working together. Patti didn't stand out like Mrs. Lovett would in a Hal Prince-esque staging. But it was directed that way, and it was only during "Little Priest" did her character come to the forefront. Then, for the second act, she was a force to be reckoned with. Which makes sense in a way becuase it's not until that point does she actually get involved with the "scheme". Prior to that, she's just taken w/Sweeney. I thought it worked marvelously.
I thought it odd that so many times, characters don't look at each other when they're interacting (people upstage are having a conversation with people downstage while they're both looking out through the fourth wall). Then it hit me that only when people are plotting and planning with each other do they make eye contact. A very neat convention.
My last comment is while I completely loved it, I'd be interested to talk with someone who doesn't know the plot to see if they got everything that was happening. Not that anything was lacking, but with no ensemble to help share in the story telling, I wonder if people who were unaware of the plot understand what was happening during songs like City on Fire, God That's Good, and the like.
But everyone should see this because there are 10 phenomenal performers on that stage who are really making art.
OK, that was schmaltzy but.......

#19re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 12:12pm

Not schmaltzy at all, DT -- your review was heartfelt and very perceptive. Thank you!

#20re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 3:21pm

Such a great review! I love you, you said everything I wanted to in much fewer words!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! *still is so excited about this*

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

BroadwayPhil Profile Photo
#21re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 3:51pm

Well my wife has no interest in this. I'm going to play hookey from work next Wendsday and catch the train into the city for the mattenee. I had my doughts but think I will like this production. Great reviews folks.

Don't be the Bunny ....

uncageg Profile Photo
#22re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 5:19pm

Have they at least retained the loud factory whistle?

Just give the world Love.

#23re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 5:24pm

No factory whistle, though the Beadle blows a whistle a couple of times.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

C is for Company
#24re: My visit with SWEENEY TODD (2nd Preview)
Posted: 10/5/05 at 6:16pm

I could have sworn they kept that whistle cause I definitely heard it
