Dont you hate... (RENT related)

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#0Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:22pm

...the people who all of a sudden decide to become (or attempt to make it look like they are) RENTheads just because the movies coming out?

I mean, Ive loved this show from the beginning. I saw it before it opened at the Nederlander and have seen it there 4 times. Its such a phenomenal musical and Im thrilled its getting attention but like people who dont even like musical theater or appreciate good musical theater even if it bit them in the ass have RENT quotes and "eight more days!" on their profiles and awaymessages and make such a big deal about it in school and I just wanna yell "SHUT UP!"

Anyone with me? Or am I being really selfish and wanting this movie all to myself? :-/

I dunno...those people REALLY REALLY irk me.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#1re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:24pm

To a degree,'s annoying, but if people are excited about this film, and if it resonates with people...then I say that's great. Perhaps they'll even look into discovering more theatre.

elvenprincess971 Profile Photo
#2re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:24pm

I dont know I wouldn't call myself a RENThead but the fact that the movie was coming out made me want to listen to the OBC before anything else so I could at least make some comparison...

Hope thats not bothersome.

Love, Miss Britt

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#3re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:27pm

No, thats not bothersome in the slightest but I mean like really, really REALLY random people in my school have decided to act like they loved RENT from the beginning and I doubt theyve even listened to any songs from the soundtrack besides hearing snippets of Seasons of Love here and there or seeing the 45 second (or whatever) long trailers on TV twice and suddenly, theyre RENT fanatics.
Updated On: 11/15/05 at 07:27 PM

Marlene Profile Photo
#4re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:31pm

Haha...I would love a school wide count down. But everyone's just excited about Harry Potter. As interests for the cast members rise, we just try to get it straight to the masses that Adam, et al. were totally our lusts before the movie. <333

Share the message of RENT, that's the beautiful thing about it. But I'm pretty sure alot of people will just be confused about why I'm so utterly addicted...the less open minded people. I just can't wait for the reactions of the non bway fans since that will be a whole nother animal.

But I cry a little inside, when I think about how RENT is going really, really mainstream. Updated On: 11/15/05 at 07:31 PM

TheatreRatinBlue Profile Photo
#5re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:32pm

i have the same gripe. although i have yet to have the chance to go to New York to see it, i've been aware of the show since i saw it on the Rosie show. My sister (who is 6 years older than me) likes to pretend that she's all about theatre when she knows jack **** about anything when it comes to theatre. This is the same girl who thinks Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dream Coat (THE MOVIE!!) is the best musical ever. it makes me want to smack people!

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#6re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:35pm

I never really was exposed to Rent when it first came out (when I was graduating from high school). I remember hearing about it in college. The movie has made go back and read the libretto's and listen to the OBC recording. So I might be jumping late on the Rent train but I still have yet to see it. I enjoy some of the songs (and no, not just Seasons of Love). Will have to see how I enjoy the movie.

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#7re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:40pm

Well, I love my OBC. ::cuddles:: I've never seen it though, but I have had the cast recording for a long time.

I was very happy that there is going to be (well, now is) a movie, because I never even *saw* anything. (I do have things made up in my mind to go along with the songs. It's not too hard to get the picture of the scene. I just look at the pictures. re: Dont you hate... (RENT related) For example, when Anthony sings the line "to more than one dimmension", I always imagine him doing an "almost crossing knees" thing. Hehehe)

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#8re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:40pm

yea i understand what you're trying to say. Theres this girl in my grade who always is saying things like "one month!" to me, when she actually told me that she only was seeing it because "Idina Menzel is Maureen!" and she actually told me that she doesn't care about RENT she just wants to see Idina. *this* close to punching her in the face, not gonna lie.

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#9re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:45pm

yea i have to agree with you....some of my friends in school arn't even into musical theater and they are like "OMG RENT!"...uhhh yea i just wanna say "SHUT UP! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT'S ABOUT?!" yea i definitly agree with you...I've loved this show from the beginning too and i'm soo excited about the movie, and sometimes when i'm singing a song from RENT they try to chime funny they don't know the words at all...and yea it really annoys me!

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

#10re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:47pm

I saw Rosario on TRL today, and it was annoying how 1.) Damien was pretending to be a fan of the "play" and that 2.) he was portraying her as the star of the show.

Question: Will Esparza win for The Homecoming? BobbyBubby: I hope so. If only for the mental health of many people on this board.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#11re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:47pm

Hahaha xM3L24x!!!

Glad to hear Im not the only one...

And what irks me even more is that these people who have RENT quotes on their awaymessages go to a Lyrics website, click on RENT, find lyrics they like that will make them look cool and make it their away message. Theres no reason or context to why they chose the quotes. Its just to say "HEY MOTHERF*CKERS I CANT WAIT FOR THE RENT MOVIE" when they dont know anything about it. If you went up to every single one of these people and asked them who Jonathan Larson was, I could tell you right now, theyd have no idea. Odd for people who consider themselves such big RENT fans. Ask them what two cast members are new to the movie. Theyll have no freakin' clue. Ask them almost ANYTHING about Rent, and I can honestly tell you they won't know. Now, lets step out of the "box" of RENT and move into musical theater history. Ask them who Michael Bennett is. Or Bob Fosse. Or Stephen Sondheim. They will have no clue.

If theres one thing I hate, its posers. GAHHH!!
Updated On: 11/15/05 at 07:47 PM

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#12re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:48pm

Updated On: 11/15/05 at 07:48 PM

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#13re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:48pm

i got a few of my friends into the show--the other day my friend jessica was telling me how chanukah was after christmas this year (shes jewish, i'm catholic) and how i should come over and light the candles with her--shes like "hey mel, just like the song! we can sing it, i know you'll want to" made me laugh.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#14re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:50pm


#15re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:50pm

No- the more people who are exposed to Rent and Broadway, the better. If this movie incites a curiosity about theater, I welcome any interest.

Most of the new fans were probably between the ages of 5-10 when Rent first came out, so being a fan since the beginning was probably not feasible given the show's material.

Atrias Profile Photo
#16re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:50pm

Oooh, fire!!!! I mean, yeah, posers can be annoying. But then again, posers help rake in money...

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#17re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:52pm

If theres one thing I hate, its posers.

and scene.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#18re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:52pm

yea i was five when it first came out.. but i wanted to see it since forever, my mom wouldnt let me, she said i wouldnt like it becuase of the subjects it discussed.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#19re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:53pm

But its not going to ignite any interest in musical theater. Because these people dont give a flying f*** about musical theater and they never will. Theyre just acting like something theyre not for a reason unbeknownst to me. Theyre not curious about theater. Once the movie opens, it'll be like nothing ever happened and theyll forget that they pretended to like RENT.

This BS about these people "dying to see it" is not because theyre intrigued by Broadway or theater. I honestly dont know why but I can say for a fact, at least the people I know, aren't pretending to be RENTheads because of that.

#20re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:54pm

A lot of people who know that I am into musical theatre always tell me "You know they are making RENT into a movie" and I basically want to tell the-- "no sh**, sherlock!" However, on the contrary I do enjoy the fact that alot of people will hopefully go to see this movie with the expectation of something fabulous and still enjoy it. Of course it may not be the same exhilarating experience it is for us RENT-heads on stage, but it will still reach a lot of people whether they be as knowledgable as the illustrious Margot Channing or the infamous "whateverman"

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#21re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:54pm

*rolls eyes* You'd think people being excited about this movie would be a positive thing. What's wrong with seeing a trailer and being excited about a film? never saw the trailer for something you knew next to nothing about and you were suddenly excited about it because it looked like something you'd love?
Updated On: 11/15/05 at 07:54 PM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#22re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 7:56pm

But theyre not getting "interested" in it because its something they may love. Theyre doing it to IMO look more "intellectual" and like they love theater.

I dont know...maybe Im prejudging. It just really ticks me off.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#23re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 8:00pm

i guess you really wont know until the movie comes out and people see it. I mean I know that with a lot of my friends they knew I loved it and wanted to see it on bway before the movie, so I took them. I'm sure there will be a bunch of people who will want to see the show, as well as a bunch of people who wont.

#24re: Dont you hate... (RENT related)
Posted: 11/15/05 at 8:01pm

haha I totally get this.

3 people I went to high school with have seen the show, and liked it. one saw it because Drew Lachey was in it, but the others saw good performances.

umm they all of a sudden just became "Rent fans" over night with the quotes in profiles and stuff.

I thought it was done to make me jealous in the fact "oh look we aren't friends anymore but hey I love Rent"

but it is in fact because "OMG I saw the Rent trailer and gawd Adam is HaWt!!1111!!" *gags*

