
Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jacobs March 28

Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jacobs March 28

JACXR71 Profile Photo
#1re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 1:33am

Talk about your star-studded cast! Tickets to this thing are going to be impossible to snag. And I don't even want to imagine the stage door...

Very cool, though. Story also sounds pretty interesting. This is a revival, right? Or rather, it's an old show but first time on Broadway?

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Updated On: 11/29/05 at 01:33 AM

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#2re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 1:44am

Tickets are going to be impossible to snag.

But, still, I'm going to give it a shot.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#3re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 1:55am

How would one go about getting tickets? By going to the telecharge website as soon as they go on sale, or is that just hopelessly naive?

dididda Profile Photo
#4re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:04am

Rudd will play Roberts' sister.

i think they mean brother.
oh man. i want to see this. its a great play.
oh fun

""the gays love their presents. just wave something shiny in front of their faces, you can get whatever you want. Thats how we got manhattan from the gay indians" -Karen (W&G)"

#5re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:19am

Man, i wanna see this so bad. Bradley Cooper is one of my favorite actors. I don't even care for Roberts ha. I hope this has a rush haha.

FrancisGumm Profile Photo
#6re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:47am

haha agreed! bradley cooper is smokin! he looked hotter in Alias than wedding crashers though. his eyes were more noticeable. they might have SRO i dont know if theyd do rush. i hope!

"Beating AIDS and extreme, stupid poverty, this is our moon shot. This is our civil rights struggle, our anti-apartheid movement. This is what the history books will remember our generation for--or blame us for, if we fail."-Bono

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#7re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:50am

Had a crush on Julia since I was little. haha

I'd kill to see her on stage.

And Paul Rudd is great as well. BRIAN FANTANA!!

.... I know I'll never get tickets to this though.... **sigh**

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#8re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 9:12am

Hopefully, they'll do some kind of standing room deal along the lines of Spamalot or The Odd Couple. Anyway, I'm more excited to see Rudd and Cooper than Roberts...

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#9re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 9:17am

i will be buying my tickets for this on the amex presale

#10re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:36am

Oh, my! I'm totally in love with Rudd. Can't miss this one...

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

#11re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:53am

Yeah, this show never made it to Broadway (somehow). Thankfully, it'll make it to the boards this season.

I anticipate it to be very well received critically, and because of the cast, it will sell well. It is usually not what is thought to be a sure-fire bet for ticket sales -- but this cast is a nice help to the show's future.

I adore this play, and think it is one of the best written of the last twenty years. I can't wait to see it.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#12re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 1:11pm

Finally a very interesting and good-looking cast, indeed. The people who can get a ticket will be very lucky!

At the stage door...... don't even try to imagine it! I saw how it was with Banderas, now Julia......

Updated On: 11/29/05 at 01:11 PM

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#13re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 1:17pm

The Jacobs (Royale) shares a stage door with two other theatres...There are many alternate exits Julia can use to get out without having to use the stage door.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#14re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 1:23pm

hopefully we can figure out which exit she uses, so we will know where to wait to meet her and get her autograph. i have a feeling she is going to be really nice to her fans...so excited!

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#15re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 2:09pm

Sighhhh....Bradley Cooper.....oh the things I could do to that man....anyone see him in his love scene with Michael Ian Black in WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER?

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
OddExoticCreature Profile Photo
#17re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 9:45pm

I am ridiculously excited about this! I really want to see it, but there is NO WAY I would stagedoor. Oh man...

--Like an odd exotic creature on display inside a zoo, hearing children asking questions makes me ask some questions too...--

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#18re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 9:51pm

Oh man - I'm in love with Paul Rudd. Going to do all I can to grab a ticket to this.. it'll be madness.

Millie42 Profile Photo
#19re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 10:34pm

I am so glad they finally confirmed this.

I don't care what it takes! If Bradley Cooper is there, so shall I be.

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

#20re: Cooper and Rudd Join Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain; Begins at Jac
Posted: 11/29/05 at 10:38pm

Great play...a little wordy. I worked on the Akron premiere last October.

CCM '10!
