Joseph Cast Album

#0Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 1:22am

I was wondering if anyone knew when the new cd that the touring cast just recorded would be available and where I could get a copy? I read an article that said they were doing a signing at Barnes and Noble but i can't find the cd on there website. Will it be available any where other than at the show?

#1re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 1:25am

Wow...DID they record one?

I find that hard to believe...Troika has produced tours of JOSEPH with Patrick Cassidy before, and with the Osmonds...and not recorded them...why now?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 1:33am

AA, do you have a link to that article?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#3re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 8:47am

Why bother with Touring cast? You should just buy the OBC because NO ONE sings the Narrator as well as Laurie Beechman. Or if you want one of the revised versions, both the Donnie Osmond and Jason Donovan versions are acceptable.

Anne_here Profile Photo
#4re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 9:04am

I think so far it is only being sold at the theater and at select stores where the show is playing.

Patrick Cassidy's website - click on news for article about CD Updated On: 1/5/06 at 09:04 AM

#5re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 11:43am

Ok, I saw Joseph and I loved it. Patrick was good, Amy was outstanding... but if they bring it to Broadway (as it says on Patrick's website), it will be laughed off the stage.

However, it looks like I have to see it in Providence now. I want that CD.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#6re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 11:47am

Oooh, I'd love to know when this cd comes out. I love Wilson, and thought Adams was great on American Idol.

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#7re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 2:18pm

Sorry... the 91 Ldn Palladium recording is not only JUST acceptable.. it's the BEST! I mean... at least Linzi as narrator is the best.... at least for me... Linzi IS the narrator, irreplacble!

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jczelyph Profile Photo
#8re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 2:45pm

I love Laurie Beechman a lot, but she is absolutely no match for Linzi Hateley, who is the definitive Narrator. I love Linzi!

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#9re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 3:01pm

I tend to rank the Joseph albums by the narrators because I don't care much for any of the Josephs. Donny Osmond's is probably the best, in my opinion, but dang I'd kill to have a recording of David Burnham doing the role.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#10re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 3:13pm

I like the DVD soundtrack recording the best because it is the most complete recording.

#11re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 3:51pm

I agree...oh, to have a recording of David Burnham and Kelli James Chase!!!!

#12re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 1/5/06 at 11:37pm

someone already posted the link but yeah they def recorded one! I loved amy adams on american idol and am still a big fan. But the article doesn't say anything about releasing it and that article is the only one that has even mentioned an album!! so i guess i will just have to wait until i go see the show in may to get a copy.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#13re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 2:35am

so now that the CD is available at the theatres and online does anyone have any reviews for it??? how do they sound? what are the orchestrations like??? is it worth having a new Joseph CD on the shelf?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#14re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 9:23am

Well, for me, the definitive Narrator is Kelli Rabke.

parislover87 Profile Photo
#15re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 9:32am

is there a link where we can order amy's version online or anything... or is that even the recording we're talking about?

It's the music and I'm its hapless victim

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#16re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 10:30am

Amy has proved to me that she is my favorite Narrator.

I own the touring cast album, I was able to get it from the theater.

#17re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 10:46am

Patrick Cassidy was arguably the worst Joseph I have seen in the role. He made Joseph very arrogant and cocky; totally reversing the meaning of the show's moral - no matter who you are or how different people may make you seem, your dreams can come true ("Anyone from anywhere can make it...").

I saw the tour when it came to Baltimore - and the show itself was not bad, just Cassidy. I felt Amy Adams sang the role incredibly well, but her direction just didn't allow her to do anything but sing, and then leave the stage. Aside from Cassidy (and the fact that he is STILL TOO OLD to play the role), the show is great; but can't imagine why they recorded it...

If you're going with a quality recording - the original with Tim Rice playing the Narrator is truest to the original Cantata/London version, while Laurie Beechman/Bill Hutton is the original Broadway version. For revivals - Donny Osmond had a few keys changed to make him sound better (and he is the best Joseph of all those recorded - although Sam Harris blew him out of the water...); Michael Damian is boring; Jason Donovan does nothing special...

I would like to see if anyone ever recorded DAVID Cassidy as Joseph back in the show's original run. THAT would be great to hear.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#18re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 11:09am

Patrick was alright, but not the best I've heard. His voice took some time to get used to, but overall I enjoyed the production very much.

I saw it in Baltimore as well, at the Hippodrome. I love that theater, it's very nice.

If I'm not mistaken, weren't you in the Awesome 80s Prom there?

#19re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 3:18pm

I loved LOVED Sam Harris do Joseph... He should have recorded the show. I saw it in Sacramento with him in the round at music circus.

Kev Profile Photo
#20re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 9:30pm

Agreed, the Sam Harris/Kristine Fraelich tour should have been recorded. It was just so soon though after Damien's cast and there would've been Joseph overload. Vocally though, Harris and Fraelich were divine.

#21re: Joseph Cast Album
Posted: 2/13/06 at 10:17pm

Once again for those that are asking where they can order the new tours C.D.
