Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 6:57pm

Count myself & Mrs R as shills for ATOTC

We saw it today & it was absolutely great. Barbour alone was worth it with his booming voice & bravura performance. The rest of the cast was great as well. I initially was not to impressed with the set but eventually thought it fit in fine due to the way it was integrated into the production.

I swear the critics saw a different show. The crowd was wondering the same thing with some of the comments we heard. See it as we highly recommend it to one & all.

Poster Emeritus

#2re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 7:02pm

You are nuttier than a squirrel turd.

winston89 Profile Photo
#2re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 7:06pm


My first thought when you said that the title said WOW was WOW bad not WOW good. I am glad you loved this very good show.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#3re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 7:33pm

To Yankee Fan

Stick it where the sun doesn't shine.


You speak the truth O wise one.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 10/26/08 at 07:33 PM

pharmer2000 Profile Photo
#4re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 8:05pm

Glad you enjoyed it!!!! It really is a great show, but for some reason the critics had a chip on their shoulder from even before day one. I think that the set is brilliant, actually. It is very symbolic of how the "skeleton" structure of the set can change drastically in our minds based on who resides inside or what backdrop surrounds it.
Updated On: 10/26/08 at 08:05 PM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#5re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 8:28pm

I'm definitely looking forward to going on Friday.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Neverandy Profile Photo
#6re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 8:50pm

How well was the performance sold? Lots of Empty seats?

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#7re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 10:41pm

Downstairs was packed. No idea about upstairs but it was a madhouse @ intermission.

Poster Emeritus

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#8re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 10:46pm

So glad you guys enjoyed the show!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#9re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 10:48pm

Glad you both loved it !!!

Think the critics missed the boat on this one, but just my opinion.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#10re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/26/08 at 10:51pm

<< You are nuttier than a squirrel turd >>

Why, Yankee? Because they enjoyed a show that you didnt?

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#11re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 6:14am

I sure hope this show lasts a while. I enjoyed the concept recording. I know there have been changes, but I'm sure they are changes for the better. :O)

StageFan2 Profile Photo
#12re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 7:32am

I'm glad you and the Mrs. enjoyed the show Mr. Roxy. I saw it a couple of weeks ago with friends and I'm sorry to say I saw the same show as the critics. I, like one of my friends, didn't enjoy it at all; yet the third friend with us thought it was a the best show he'd seen in years. It seems to me there's a bit of a love/hate relationship going on with this show. It did received the obligatory standing ovation at the end; not by all, but those who did stand were very enthusiastic and vocal in their show of appreciation.
Barbour has a booming voice yes, but I've never cared much for his acting style. I found the music forgetable, the lyrics regretable, and the sets and costuming - no big deal. I enjoyed the lighting however. re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Admittedly, I found the second act more tolerable than the first but in the end I didn't care much for the show as a whole. I wish all involved the best of luck, but I think it will be a struggle to keep the show open for any length of time; especially with the economy being what it is and theatre patrons having to pick and choose the shows they can afford to see. AToTC, in my opinion, will have the cards stacked heavily against it once the some of the other supposed 'big' musicals come in.
Still, it's part of the variety of Broadway and why NYC is the theatre capitol of the world (IMO). There's a bit of something for everyone. re: ATOTC Today - WOW

#13re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 8:07am

I absolutely loved the show and can't wait to see it again! I've seen it twice already and I'm going back for the holidays with family.. Luaghter turns to tears .. i just love the range or emotion..

#14re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 8:30am

a couple of weeks ago ... It did received the obligatory standing ovation at the end ...

I saw it again yesterday (third time). The theater was packed, except for the "box" seats at the extreme sides of the upper level.

There was no obligatory standing ovation. A few people stood immediately, but many more began to stand and cheer as Natalie Toro took her bow, until just about everyone was up and cheering for James Barbour.

p.s. Notwithstanding the crowded theater ... thanks to the theater manager (Albert Kim) for relocating us from behind a very tall person.

#15re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 8:40am

"Think the critics missed the boat on this one, but just my opinion."

It's quite possible - this is turning into a real word of mouth show, and while I wasn't impressed with the concept album, I give props to the producers for their faith in the show and keeping it open long enough for audiences to build. Critics or not, you can't knock success and if the show is putting bums on seats then it's doing something right, and though many a London critic would hate to admit it now, most of them panned Les Miz when it opened and that's still running here 20-odd years later.

Of course, we'll see what the grosses say about ATOTC today. As Goldman pointed out 40 years ago, there really are two weeks on Broadway - F/Sa/Su when most shows are packed and M/T/W/Th (depending on schedule) when they can't give away tickets sometimes.

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#16re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 8:48am

It's like 'Blood Brothers' all over again- the producer ignores the critics, listens to the audience and the show runs.
I personally didn't like the show that much when I saw it in the last days of it's previews but I can certainly see how it will appeal to the masses- they don't have 'Les Miz' anymore so this is the new crowd pleaser in town! Updated On: 10/27/08 at 08:48 AM

#17re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 10:38am

Oh Roxy, you and your crazy "opinions" that conflict with Yankeefan's.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

ljay889 Profile Photo
#18re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 10:42am

It's doing pretty awful business, so I don't know how long it can run on word of mouth.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#19re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 10:50am

What's funny about the two or three fans that this show has is that they all insist that the house was "packed," that the show has great word of mouth, and that it's going to run despite of what the critics say. Then every week the grosses come out, the show does incredibly mediocre in terms of capacity, and it makes no money for a show with this kind of cast and production values. So that just proves that while the show might be packed, it's obviously heavily papered (if it's packed at all), that the word of mouth is actually pretty awful (for a show with great word of mouth that was dismissed by critics, I introduce you to two little things called WICKED and MAMMA MIA), and that it's a crappy show that will inevitably close at a loss--hopefully sooner rather than later.
It just baffles me that anyone could think THIS is a good show. Maybe a guilty pleasure, but to actually come out and say it's a good show????? Oh well, let the fans keep deluding themselves about the packed houses and the alleged GREAT word of mouth.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

winston89 Profile Photo
#20re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 11:39am

ray-andallthatjazz86, sorry to burst your bubble but after talking to the person at the box office when I was last there there was no papering involved. It was all people paying to see this show. And, I saw it again after it opened and when I went outside at intermission the buzz was great as was the post show buzz. You make it sound like it has numbers that make it look like that it is ready to close at any moment. When, that isn't the case. Yes, it isn't doing as great as it should. But, the holiday rush has yet to kick in. Give it time. I am sure it will pick up business during the holiday run. I don't see how people like Little Mermaid or Gypsy but those are shows people are raving about. (Note, that no one is raving about Mermaid on here but you get the general idea). Different strokes.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#21re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 1:06pm

<< It just baffles me that anyone could think THIS is a good show. Maybe a guilty pleasure, but to actually come out and say it's a good show????? Oh well, let the fans keep deluding themselves about the packed houses and the alleged GREAT word of mouth. >>

The baffling thing is not realizing that people have differing opinions. Its quite a simple premise.

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#22re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 1:10pm

I think it is a terrible bore.

philly03 Profile Photo
#23re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 1:35pm

"It's doing pretty awful business, so I don't know how long it can run on word of mouth."

Jekyll & HYDE managed to run for FOUR years (nearly). It still flopped, it divided fans of the show, but beat the odds of the 96-97 season and outlasted all the other shows, despite no Tony Nomination for Best Musical or winning any Tonys at all. However, I can't say that I'd see any celebrities willing to flock to ATOTC, but who knows.

And I'm definately a fan of the show, but I too have a hard time believing it's packing the house. When I went the orchestra was full (minus two rows-ish), but the mezz. for the most part was not. Maybe all the fans just sit in the orchestra?!

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#24re: ATOTC Today - WOW
Posted: 10/27/08 at 3:19pm

Winston, if there was no papering, and everyone there paid for their tickets, then they either paid $10 a pop or those who keep saying the theatre was PACKED and has been packed for every performance are big liars or were just too drunk during the whole thing and kept seeing double (maybe being drunk is the one way to enjoy the score that I haven't tried). The grosses were just released and the show dropped below the $400'000 mark and is on its way to dip below the 50% capacity.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
