
Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?

Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#1Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 4:36am

I was just remembering how much I enjoyed Caroline, or Change. Then I remembered that I saw it after being in NYC for 48 hours with zero sleep. I fell asleep. Not because it was dull, far from it, but because I was dead tired. I was so mad at myself! Didn't miss much, but more disappointed that I missed more than a second of that show. Ever fallen asleep at something you truly loved?

Kevn520 Profile Photo
#2re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 4:46am

I found myself nodding off to Phantom when I saw it for the second time a few weeks ago. I had seen it over a decade earlier, and wanted to see it again. Big mistake.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#2re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 5:01am

Sweeney Todd and Company. Not asleep, but I kept zoning out. Both were on days I had gotten up very early to travel into the city.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#3re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 6:12am

For the same reason you mention. I don't sleep well when I'm away from home. AND when I'm in NY it's a whirlwind of late nights. So, sometimes, when I finally get a dark place to sit...I nod off. I do it a tht movies with my kids ALL the time!

I just hope I don't ever snore!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#4re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 9:32am

I couldn't stay awake during the fourth act of The Seagull at the matinee Saturday, and I really, really wanted to be awake. I was in the front row and I felt like a jerk.

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#5re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 9:42am

Hasn't happened to me recently, but I went through a period some years ago when I fell asleep several times at shows, including some I really liked.

The worst was when I fell asleep in the first row center of No Man's Land, right where Jason Robards and Christopher Plummer surely could see me. I was just so tired. I kept trying to wake myself but then I'd drift off again. Fortunately, by the second act I was awake and fine. I just badly needed a nap.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#6re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:14am

Not a show I really liked, but I actually dozed-off at the 2nd viewing of Disney's THE LION KING. I wasn't tired, just bored out of my ass.

Ever since then... I now refer to it as a one-time-only show. Some shows you could see numerous times. THE LION KING ain't one of them.

re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#7re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:22am

I actually was falling asleep during Lion King...not because I was bored though. I was enjoying the show, but I had very little sleep. Same thing happened at Mamma Mia. I don't think I actually slept, just felt myself dozing off.

Both times I was in the front row...re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#8re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:22am

Too many times on Broadway as I'm usually totally jet lagged from the journey from London. trying to take in up to 5 shows in a weekend can be brain draining!

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#9re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:37am

Oh, you reminded me. The last time I was in London, I couldn't get over my jet lag and I fell asleep at Krapp's Last Tape with John Hurt and was fighting it (and not always winning) at A Song at Twilight. I think I stayed awake at everything else I saw that week. But Krapp's Last Tape is not a good show to see when you're tired.

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#10re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:42am

I loved loved loved the recent revival of Assassins, but I'd been up for 48 hours straight, and could feel myself nodding off. Luckily, my friend and I were in the bar stool seats at the very top of the theatre, so I got up and started pacing back and forth to stay awake.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

CurtisTaylorJr2 Profile Photo
#11re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:44am

I nodded at Wicked in LA the first time I saw it. I had almost no sleep the night before.

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#12re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:44am

There are some shows i do want to fall asleep in!

Calvin Profile Photo
#13re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:46am

I'll admit I nodded off briefly during one of Richard Griffith's monologues in Equus. I had been working a corporate event all day and was not at all helped by the fact that I had three cocktails at the end of the event. And I felt bad, because I did like the show overall.

pc1145N2 Profile Photo
#14re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:48am

It was Grey Gardens for me. I loved the show but the jet lag won out.

Neverandy Profile Photo
#15re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 11:13am

1996-fell asleep at a matinee of Sunset Blvd on Broadway the day after my senior prom!

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

#16re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 11:22am

I had made the mistake one day of going to the city to see a show when I wasn't feeling my best. I got a student rush ticket for Company and wasn't feeling well and was nodding off in the first act. I wasn't feeling well and I felt bad for those around me that I left at intermission making a promise to myself that I would return to see it at some point. Sad part is is that I never returned and never got to see it other then the PBS broadcast

Goodbye Sister Disco

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#17re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 11:30am

Equus. There are just too many scenes of Richard Griffiths sitting there talking, so I closed my eyes a couple times.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#18re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 12:14pm

The Light in the Piazza...the show was wonderful, but all that soothing string music, and I was SOOOO tired, I slept through maybe 20 minutes total! aack!

#19re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 12:19pm

[TITLE OF SHOW]. I managed not to, but I was so close....

Jade Profile Photo
#20re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 2:49pm

I almost fell asleep during Rent, thanks to jetlag. For some reason I thought it'd be a good idea to see Rent almost straight after a 7 hour flight to New York from London.

There was another time seeing Rent where I kept zoning out. It was the day before I received some critical exam results and I was really stressed about them.

Elke Profile Photo
#21re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 3:00pm

Gypsy. Because of the jetlag. I was scared to death though... Can you imagine Patti seeing you while you're nodding off? I'm sure she would have taken that little lamb and thrown it right at me! re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?

#22re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 3:14pm

I'm usually up at 5:30 a.m. to get a train that will get me into the city by 9:00 a.m. It is IMPOSSIBLE to sleep on the train, so I've learned to take a power nap before I go to the theatre. However, when Ralph Fiennes did Hamlet back in '95, I just lost it within 15 minutes and only the audience applause at the end of the first act awakened me. He was so good in the 2nd Act that I got a ticket for another performance so that I could catch up on what I missed and again enjoy the 2nd Act.

I wasn't tired when I went to The Seagull, but I was fighting the zzz's by Act 2 -- what a longwinded bore that was.


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#23re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 3:24pm

I almost fell asleep at Les Miz in 2001 in St. Louis because I was tired from flying in. The show was good, though. From what I remember. re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#24re: Ever Fallen Asleep at a Show You Really Liked?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 3:41pm

I have a friend that often nods off during Act 1 of shows we go to. She justifies it by saying, "Act 1 is just exposition anyway."

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
