Sarah's been the nice middle ground between Meghan & Joy/Sunny. Very welcomed this season.
Kudos to [most] of the women on The View for staying in check until the end of their interview with Kim Klacik. Sunny & Joy really let her have it at the end.
Kim Klacik on Trump’s Views on Race
I guess Meghan is out on maternity leave? He last show was Wednesday(9/23). Nothing's been said though unless I missed it.
Meghan gave birth today to a baby girl named Liberty. I have to laugh a little.
Enjoying the show without Meghan and having Navarro there instead (most days). So much for any special guest cohosts while McCain is out.
Meghan's grandmother, Roberta McCain (mother of Senator John McCain) has died at 108. A wonderful Navy wife and mother. I am a lifelong Democrat, but the McCain family is one that I have always admired and respected.
Thank you, Moderators
Cindy McCain was wonderful as guest co-host today.
I really surprised Meghan wasn't back today. Did they mention her? How can she NOT be back for the election week?
I thought the same thing. Maybe she joins tomorrow? Though I'm loving Navarro more & more.
The show has been splendid this week without McCain. Really surprised she hasn't returned yet.
I thought I read somewhere that she was taking something like 5 weeks off for maternity leave.
Apparently Meghan isn't returning until the beginning of the New Year. They basically have just two more weeks of new shows before going on their Christmas hiatus.
Tag said: "Meghan is back tomorrow (Jan. 4)."
I figured.
Her first day back and Meghan & Joy are going at each right where they left off.
Meghan pointed out at the beginning of the show that she was originally supposed to return to the show by the election, but had complications from her pregnancy.
Joy really knows how to push Meghan's buttons. That second segment went completely off the rails.
TotallyEffed said: "Meghan is such a shrew. "Party of family values." Give me a break!"
Unfortunately Joy has become just as much a "shrew", if not more so, then Meghan.
I was never much of a fan of Joy, but I think she needs to retire after this season.
Joy has become more insufferable than Meghan. Regardless of what I think of Meghan's views, at least her comments are cohesive and coherent. Joy's emotion-fueled ramblings add little to the conversation, and Meghan is the only one who'll call her out on it.
Joy doesn't bring anything new to the table. Every hot topic she steers the conversation to #45. She just repeats herself daily. I would actually like to see a week of shows without Joy there.
ACL2006 said: "I was never much of a fan of Joy, but I think she needs to retire after this season."
There were reports last spring that Joy would retire in 2022 when her current contract expires.