I just realized I haven’t seen Cupp on CNN in awhile? Did they let her go?
bwaylyric said: "Does this show need a fifth co-host? That's one extra voice who will cut intoMeghan's air time."
I do think they'll get a permanent co-host for the next season just because McCain will go on maternity leave come October. So they'd have Whoopi, Joy, Sunny and the new co-host for the majority of next season. Sarah Haines, Yvette Nicole Brown and Ana Navarro can fill in whenever.
It wouldn't surprise me to see her back by November though in time for the election.
abby huntsman's dad just lost the primary for governor of utah. so maybe she'll come back to the show. I really liked her on
Pretty sure her joining her Dad's campaign was just a cover for her to leave the show. She won't be back.
Abby just never seemed comfortable on the show. Highly doubt she returns.
I love Sunny. They’re pretty much all one note, really. I think they need a fifth voice to push and pull a bit, someone fresh with strong opinions and intellect.
I do think they need someone new. They're all one note lately. Joy just bashes #45. Sunny has become redundant and Meghan still goes off on how hard it is to have a conservative voice on the show. I've been watching less and less lately because they are just talking about the same three things: 1.) #45 and the election 2.) Coronavirus 3.) BLM
Bari Weiss is available! Just announced that Bari is leaving the New York Times. I really liked her as guest host.
Ultimately they need to get rid of Whoopi (who doesn't know where she is half the time). They need a strong and smart moderator.
Meghan mentioned on Watch What Happens recently that whenever Whopi leaves, she's leaving. Considering Joy's age, she might be in the same boat. Maybe the show needs a whole new panel? We'll get everyone back for the next season plus someone new(or Sarah Haines). But possibly for their 2021-2022 season it'll be a whole new set of hosts at the table.
I think how the election goes will determine how the show goes (in regards to hosts). With that being said, the last time they tried to refresh the entire show it was a disaster...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
SouthernCakes said: "Would Meredith ever come back?
Rosie would never come back considering how much she has bashed the show since she left. Doubt Viera would come back.
Yes epic insults today, but curmudgeony Joy takes some blame too!
Watch from around 5:20min
I don't know if it is just with everything else going on that I don't watch the show as often as I used to. One day I was watching and my anxiety just kept building. I thought why am I doing this to myself.
I mean, Joy knows how to get under her skin. But Meghan really needs to learn how to react more professionally.
Meghan was way out of line. I actually enjoy that Joy just laughs it off. Meghan was so nasty today. Joy wanted to interject and actually stopped herself. How often does Meghan interrupt? Multiple times per episode? There’s no need for her to be so snippy and then pout and huff and puff and roll her eyes for the rest of the episode. I kind of thought she had matured past that behavior. And all her opinions today were whack. Sunny’s face while she spoke said it all.
I wonder why we haven't seen Ana Navarro more? I know Whoopi's still doing every show, but when one of the other cohosts are out, we've typically gotten Sarah Haines or Yvette Nicole Brown. Navarro's only done 2 or 3 shows since they've gone "virtually". If Meghan wants to sit out once a week, I'd prefer Navarro over Haines or Brown.
Odds are we only have three more weeks of new episodes before they take their summer hiatus. The new season will likely start on Sept. 8.
How interesting that Meghan wasn't on the show today. She was terrible yesterday. Don't come at Whoopi with misinformation about herself, because Whoopi will check you.