I searched and dug through this forum but it appears the long lasting "The View" thread got removed.
Anyways, anyone think their "surprise" today was a bit awkward? Seems like they ran out of time and Whoopi didn't know how to improvise and the special effects didn't work properly. Just find it odd also that a show with such a strong advance gave away tickets this early in it's run.
Yes it was super awkward, but that's Whoopi for you. Another host should have announced it with more enthusiasm and clarity. Also they waited till the very end of the show, strange placement.
More importantly though, where did the View thread go?? Mods??
The surprise at the end of The View was that the studio audience was treated to tickets to Frozen.
I caught only the tail end of The View today. Was this episode current or one from a few weeks ago? I thought I heard Whoppi say the studio audience was heading to a preview performance.
Again, I was multi taxing, and not totally focused on the show today, so it is likely that I misheard.
ACL2006 said: "Anyways, anyone think their "surprise" today was a bit awkward? Seems like they ran out of time and Whoopi didn't know how to improvise and the special effects didn't work properly. Just find it odd also that a show with such a strong advance gave away tickets this early in it's run."
That's how you keep a strong advance, no?
Littleshopofcarrie said: "Can’t stand Paula on todays show."
She was very irritating today, especially about the toddler feminist shirt.
I think the problem with Paula is that she's not there enough. She's not even there every Friday. Sometimes every other only, especially if Whoopi decides to do a random Friday show. They really should have had Paula on more when Sarah was out.
Is it just me, has Meghan been much more tolerable these past few week?
^I really think her dad's illness and Trump (and his aides) treatment of him has definitely changed something in her.
I can agree with that. I met her for the first time a couple of weeks ago, incredibly nice. Ratings are skyrocketing so any word she's on the way out isn't true.
She's definitely relaxed more and tolerable. Her and Whoopi seem to have really formed a solid friendship. I just hate it when Sunny ALWAYS interrupts Meghan.
ACL2006 said: "She's definitely relaxed more and tolerable. Her and Whoopi seem to have really formed a solid friendship. I just hate it when Sunny ALWAYS interrupts Meghan."
Well, Meghan needs to not want to rattle off 6 data points to back up every single thing she says. Sunny interrupts her paragraphs, but rarely her sentences.
Tag said: "^I really think her dad's illness and Trump (and his aides) treatment of him has definitely changed something in her."
I agree. Also, I think the unconditional support the ladies have given her throughout this has softened her.
She does need to work on not relating EVERYTHING back to being a Republican, or mentioning that she is one. We get it and not everything is about politics.
She need not preface everything she says with “I just wanna say” or “can just say?”
Or "Can I just say, as the Republican on this panel" :P
I like Meghan. I don't always agree with her but she's genuine.
Tag said: "Or "Can I just say, as the Republican on this panel" :P"
THIS! I hate it when she says this!
We all know she's the conservative voice at that table. No need for the disclaimers all the time. She needs to be coached on this.
And maybe she was coached TO say it. Who knows?
This issue with Meghan is she takes any and every criticism of the republican party as a personal attack on herself. I wish people would stop treating political parties like sports teams.
I feel the show is really flowing lately and everyone has settled into their "roles". Meghan still has her moments, Sunny still cuts everyone off and Joy is, well, not my favorite. But there hasn't been any episode lately that made me feel uncomfortable or made me stop watching unlike when Meghan first joined.
From what I was whispered, they are all staying on...and all got significant raises.
Whoopi announced on Jimmy Fallon last night that she is sticking around for another year.