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Donald Trump's Fatal Errors- Page 2

Donald Trump's Fatal Errors

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#26Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 3:35pm

Oh Petra you troll, if you've paid any attention over the past 8 years you would know I didn't think Obama was a saint, and I wasn't a fan of HIS immigration policies either.


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Petralicious Profile Photo
#28Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 3:36pm

Okay Eric if that's the case and I'll take your word for it then I apologize to you

When They Go Low, I Go High

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#29Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 4:36pm

PJ, we still have to hope the best for the powers that be.  Let's take McMaster and cutting Kelly Anne off as a good sign for our sanity after a month of this.



javero Profile Photo
#30Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 5:43pm

Let's all hope that McMaster sticks around for at least Trump's first term.  He's not going to take any crap from Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.  I suspect that Bannon and Miller have already been uninvited from some key intelligence briefings that neither should have been read into in the first place.

Regarding Kellyanne Conway, I had long suspected that she wasn't offered a high-profile post in the White House or a cabinet position for a reason.  She spun it as time constraints placed on a working wife & mom which I won't dispute.  However, she always struck me as out of her depth among the major players in the White House.

Next target...Jared Kushner.  I'm convinced that there are operatives in place now capable of pulling it off.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#31Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 6:05pm

If the absurd Stephen Miller shows up again as a spokesman..... I just don't know



#32Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 8:53pm

javero said: "Let's all hope that McMaster sticks around for at least Trump's first term.  He's not going to take any crap from Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.  I suspect that Bannon and Miller have already been uninvited from some key intelligence briefings that neither should have been read into in the first place.

Regarding Kellyanne Conway, I had long suspected that she wasn't offered a high-profile post in the White House or a cabinet position for a reason.  She spun it as time constraints placed on a working wife & mom which I won't dispute.  However, she always struck me as out of her depth among the major players in the White House.

Next target...Jared Kushner.  I'm convinced that there are operatives in place now capable of pulling it off.


Kellyanne Conway is a mid level political operative who caught a break timing-wise. I don't think anyone ever saw her getting a cabinet position although admittedly the bar for Trump's cabinet isn't all that high.


javero Profile Photo
#33Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 9:09pm

Dubya's work-wife Harriet Miers was named White House Counsel before nabbing a SCOTUS nomination.

Word on the street is that Kellyanne's husband George Conway is on the short list for U.S. Solicitor General, the third-ranking position in the Justice Dept.  A candid pic of George and Kellyanne Conway.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#34Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/22/17 at 9:40pm

She was reportedly Drumph's pick for Press Secretary, but Reince convinced him to go with Spicey. 

Updated On: 2/22/17 at 09:40 PM

#35Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 12:12am

Nobody going to point out any of the positive things Pres Trump has done over the last month? Or will I be considered a "troll" for even mentioning such things!?

#36Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 12:23am

Withdrew from TPP, negotiated cheaper airplane costs and military costs, brough back thousands of jobs throughout multiple companies, including building plants and keeping things made in USA, the pipelines, reinforced trust between USA and Israel with PM Netanyahu, stopped taxes on people who don't have the UNaffordable Care Act, set up women's work force offices with Canadian PM. extended anti-workplace discrimination for LGBT citizens, ended catch-and-release, and appointed an excellent SCOTUS judge. 

Yes, he has done some things that I don't agree with, and acted so in ways at times as well, but that should not overlook the the positives, too.

A Director
#37Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 2:16am

@z5 - Much of what you post is BS.  You've been fooled by Trump's smoke and mirrors!

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#38Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 9:03am

@z5 said: "Withdrew from TPP, negotiated cheaper airplane costs and military costs, brough back thousands of jobs throughout multiple companies, including building plants and keeping things made in USA, the pipelines, reinforced trust between USA and Israel with PM Netanyahu, stopped taxes on people who don't have the UNaffordable Care Act, set up women's work force offices with Canadian PM. extended anti-workplace discrimination for LGBT citizens, ended catch-and-release, and appointed an excellent SCOTUS judge."

I support free trade and free markets, so I condemn Trump's withdrawal from the TPP and his use of secret deals to bribe or threaten companies into making the decisions he wants them to make. As I've said elsewhere, I'm basically pro-Israel personally, but in terms of US policy, I'm one hundred percent pro-neutrality and pro-disengagement. I also am pro-immigrant and pro-due process, so I will never support Trump's stance on immigration.

The LBGT protections aren't an achievement of his, and it's ludicrous to bring them up when he's taken several actions hostile to transgender rights. I don't know anything about the women's work force, but it sounds like window dressing. Regarding Neil Gorsuch, the best thing I can say is that he's probably no worse than Merrick Garland, which is nothing to brag about.

That leaves your claim regarding the Affordable Care Act. That sounds like a fine move in theory, but I have no trust whatsoever in the direction Trump will take things on healthcare, neither as a libertarian nor as a consumer.

If I look really hard, I'm sure I can come up with some small things Trump has done that I'd have to consider to be positive moves. However, they are absolutely minuscule compared to the horrible things he's done and has promised to do, as well as the mean, joyless pall he casts over all of society.

newintown Profile Photo
#39Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 9:29am

@z5, all due respect, but you're an idiot. Cast your net wider for your information. Read this:

The things you list in your post are either lies or counter-achievements.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#40Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 9:51am

So much for being banned.
Asked about TV absence, Conway cites family commitments

‘A lot of my colleagues aren’t trying to figure out how to be a mother of four kids, I assure you,’ Kellyanne Conway said.

 Kellyanne Conway explained her recent lack of broadcast appearances Wednesday by noting U.S. President Donald Trump’s ability to disseminate his own message and her challenges as a working mother.

“I don’t think I have to explain myself if I’m not going on TV if I’m out with four kids for three days looking at houses and schools,” the counselor to the president told Fox News’ Sean Hannity during an interview taped from the floor of the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harb

“I’m not [sidelined],” she said. “Somebody’s trying to start trouble.”

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/23/17 at 09:51 AM

javero Profile Photo
#41Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 10:08am

Petra, citing family commitments is the oldest trick in the book. I wrote before and repeat that I don't dispute her claims as most moms tend to be primary care givers by default.  However, the timing is questionable in her case.  Plus, Mika Brzezinski basically put all the business out on Front St days ago.



#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 2/23/17 at 10:08 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#42Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 10:14am

Believing a pathological liar's lies is itself a pathology that requires a doctor's attention.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#43Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 10:23am

Javero,  you really quoting Mrs Mika Brezeznski-Scarborough?

You realize she and her lover, sorry partner have had an ongoing feud and a personal vendetta with KellyAnne and Trump since Joe said GOP should Dump him?

In any event. 

KellyAnne was on Hannity last night, Fox and Friends this morning, and CPAC today as well as being all over twitter. 

3 very high profile appearances.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/23/17 at 10:23 AM

javero Profile Photo
#44Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 11:04am

Petra, I'm happy that Mika has found love again.  Judging by Trump's record alone, it seems to take some people a few tries to get it right.  It even proves elusive for others, but I digress.  

In political circles, Kellyanne's traipsing about is called "keeping up appearances".  The 3 venues you cite are about the only ones willing to set out the welcome mat for her.  She's otherwise burned inside the Beltway.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Theater_Nerd Profile Photo
#45Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 11:07am

It is extremely painful to watch Kellyanne Conway. No self respecting journalist takes her seriously at this point.  It must be tough knowing that no one takes you seriously or likes you. I actually feel sorry for her.

You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

adamgreer Profile Photo
#46Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 11:17am

Petralicious said: "Javero,  you really quoting Mrs Mika Brezeznski-Scarborough?

You realize she and her lover, sorry partner have had an ongoing feud and a personal vendetta with KellyAnne and Trump since Joe said GOP should Dump him?

In any event. 

KellyAnne was on Hannity last night, Fox and Friends this morning, and CPAC today as well as being all over twitter. 

3 very high profile appearances.


Appearing on Faux News and getting lobbed softballs by Hannity and the idiots who host Fox and Friends, and appearing at CPAC in front of a sympathetic crowd is hardly high profile.  The major shows have no interest in booking her anymore, they've said as much. 

javero Profile Photo
#47Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 11:41am

Speaking of CPAC, take a gander at the list of speakers, Petra.  Be patient.  After a half hour or so of scrolling you'll eventually come across KaCon's link.

2017 CPAC Speakers

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#48Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 2/23/17 at 11:57am

I see she had the honour of opening the session today!


Also, really nice to see so many young women speakers scheduled to speak

When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
