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Election 2024

#475Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 7:31pm

MysteriousLady said: "You constantly insult everyone you interact with. I don't dislike you because you are a conservative; you just aren't very bright and you are mean to everyone for some reason."

Re-read this topic, and then report back who started with the insults (it wasn't me).  In fact, YOU started with me before I ever insulted you.  In fact (again), you insulted me in another topic where I had not commented on that topic.

Why you think it's problematic for me to push back against insults spewed at me is reflective of how bright you are - or not.  What the hell is wrong with you?


Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#476Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 8:30pm

Pauly3 said: "his stance on policies more so align with mine"

Such as his policy that it's OK to cheat consumers out of their hard-earned dollars by getting them to sign up for a make-believe University?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to sit by as President of the United States eating bonbons and doing NOTHING while insurrectionists stormed our Capitol Building and threatened to hang his Vice President, resulting in injuries and DEATH?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to sexually assault women?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to state on camera "You can do anything.  Just grab 'em by the "P***Y".   You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that's it 's OK to be a convicted felon with dozens of counts?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to stay inside at a Normandy event to honor those who died on D-Day because he didn't want his hair to get wet in the misting rain, while world leaders did attend, rain or not, and put himand the United States to international shame?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to malign the memory of Senator John McCain, a true HERO and POW, by saying that he likes heroes who don't get captured; while he was a cowardly draft dodger with nothing more than a little corn on his ugly toe?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to insult the world press for asking the hard questions?  You're in line, huh?

Or his policy that it's OK to say "My Vietnam was avoiding getting a veneral disease," while he sat at home enjoying the good life as TENS OF THOUSANDS of American patriots died?  You're in line, huh?

You're in line, huh?  You're in line with this wannabe dictator, huh?  Of course you are.  You're a good little MAGA TROLL.  Just own up to it.


Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 8/8/24 at 08:30 PM

#477Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 8:54pm

Pauly3 said: "MysteriousLady said: "You constantly insult everyone you interact with. I don't dislike you because you are a conservative; you just aren't very bright and you are mean to everyone for some reason."

Re-read this topic, and then report back who started with the insults (it wasn't me). In fact, YOU started with me before I ever insulted you. In fact (again), you insulted me in another topic where I had not commented on that topic.

Why you think it's problematic for me to push back against insults spewed at me is reflective of how bright you are - or not. What the hell is wrong with you?


No I didn't. You are telling lies like your beloved hero Trump. 

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#478Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 9:22pm

Did anyone watch the CONVICTED FELON'S mess-conference from his Florida mansion today?  I could stomach only bits and pieces of his jibberish and lies.  What an embarrassment for what at one time was a Grand Old Party.  This has-been, wannabe dictator is the best they could offer to the American voting public?  Seriously?



Non sibi sed patriae

#479Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 9:27pm

Highland Guy, I'm not in line with any of those "policies" as you say.  That I will vote for Trump doesn't mean I am in line with his many faults demonstrated in the past or in the present.  I have previously explained he is one of only two available candidates who is aligned with significant interests that are important to me.  I will simply say those "policies" you refer to are not what I have referred to, and given what I have said previously and restated here, there is no legitimate reason to think I am in line with those "policies".

I'm picking my poison, and you are picking yours.  You don't see it that way, and I understand that.  Maybe you could attempt to at least understand that I understand, that for myself I am picking my poison.  And given what I have clarified, maybe you will see that attacking me for things I've argued (omitting the trading of insults) isn't as warranted as you have previously thought.  Or maybe you can't see it, in which case I suggest you do as others who also who can't see it and ignore me.

#480Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 9:39pm

MysteriousLady said: "No I didn't. You are telling lies like your beloved hero Trump."


Nope.  Here is the truth:

In the Is It Going to Take Some Woman Getting Killed To Stop It? topic, look at post #58 for proof of what I claimed of you.  I had not made any comment in that topic, and in post #58 you agreed with a previous insult made by South Florida:

MysteriousLady said: "South Florida said: "Ever notice how many paragraphs trolls write They have no life."

Yep. I can guarantee you that Zep and Pauly never get laid."


Now let there be an alternative to displaying integrity and admitting you were wrong.

#481Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 9:58pm

"MysteriousLady said: "South Florida said: "Ever notice how many paragraphs trolls write They have no life."

"Yep. I can guarantee you that Zep and Pauly never get laid."

Juvenile response, are you still in HS? Ever notice how many topics HG has created on this board, speaking of no life.

Pauly - sorry you got included in that comment. 



Updated On: 8/8/24 at 09:58 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#482Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 10:11pm

Wish I could be in Vegas this weekend for Saturday's Harris-Walz Rally.  Vegas is always wild and wonderful and wacky, but I bet this rally will be supercharged.

This, from the Bellagio Hotel Fountains, for our next President, Kamala Harris.



Non sibi sed patriae

#483Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/8/24 at 10:24pm

Pauly3 said: "MysteriousLady said: "No I didn't. You are telling lies like your beloved hero Trump."

Nope. Here is the truth:

In the Is It Going to Take Some Woman Getting Killed To Stop It? topic, look at post #58 for proof of what I claimed of you. I had not made any comment in that topic, and in post #58 you agreed with a previous insult made by South Florida:

MysteriousLady said: "South Florida said: "Ever notice how many paragraphs trolls write They have no life."

Yep. I can guarantee you that Zep and Pauly never get laid."

Now let there be an alternative to displaying integrity and admitting you were wrong.

I was trying to see if I could get you to waste time typing all that out; it worked! 

#484Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 8:15am

MysteriousLady, I proved you wrong, and you won't admit it.  Instead of admitting it or simply remaining silent on the issue (as most cowards would), you play here like a six-year old (like only some cowards would).

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#485Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 9:16am

MysteriousLady said: "No I didn't. You are telling lies like your beloved hero Trump."

THANK YOU for standing up to BWW trolls and MAGA bullies!


Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#486Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 10:12am

I just don't understand what "significant interests" could possibly outweigh basic humanity.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#487Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 10:14am

Highland Guy said: "MysteriousLady said: "No I didn't. You are telling lies like your beloved hero Trump."

THANK YOU for standing up to BWW trolls and MAGA bullies!"


MysteriousLady was proven wrong.  Not an opinion.

Highland Guy, why are you so willing to demonstrate being such a snowflake, a troll and a hypocrite - (at least one such) things you appear to despise?  What explains it?

#488Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 10:47am

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I just don't understand what "significant interests" could possibly outweigh basic humanity."

You don't allow for differences of opinion regarding this, which is why "Basic humanity" is too broad a term and isn't suitable to allow as simple a comparison as you believe it to provide.  In other words, you offer nothing more than a simpleton quip-style argument intended to "state the obvious" when it says nothing instead.

I've addressed this previously, but I don't mind clarifying:  "Significant interests" include my and my family's economic future.  It includes the handling of the border and how that relates to the prosperity of many American's who would be negatively impacted by downward pressure on wages if the issues with the open border aren't addressed - and not addressing it will be a tax burden to me and tens of millions of others.  I believe in the Madison approach which is not to tax the people for the benevolence of others.  We do far too much of that today.  I'm not saying no taxes for the benevolence of others, I'm saying the balance is skewed far too much.  The safety of our military, our people and the people around the world are at stake - very much in the present.  All of this was better addressed in Trump's first term than in Biden's.  Harris terrifies me with respect to these concerns. That she does not terrify you is fine.  Because unlike you, I'm OK with people holding their opinions and disagreeing with me with respect to political concerns and their choosing the candidates they vote for.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#489Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 10:51am

Pauly3 said: "Highland Guy, why are you so willing to demonstrate being such a snowflake, a troll and a hypocrite - (at least one such) things you appear to despise? What explains it?"

When I was 19 years old, I raised my right hand and swore an oath before our American flag that I would "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".  Almost six decades later, I continue to honor that oath, and will do so until my final moments.  

Our country is in crisis because of a wannabe dictator and his MAGA thugs and trolls.  I will not be silent.  I will always speak the truth.


For my message board signature here, I adopted the phrase "Non Sibi Sed Patriae" which means "Not Self, But Country".  It is associated with the United States Navy, and is an important reminder to those of us who have served or serve today..



Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 8/9/24 at 10:51 AM

#490Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 11:09am

Highland Guy said: "When I was 19 years old, I raised my right hand and swore an oath before our American flag that I would "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Almost six decades later, I continue to honor that oath, and will do so until my final moments.

Our country is in crisis because of a wannabe dictator and his MAGA thugs and trolls. I will not be silent. I will always speak the truth.

All of this is well and good.  You would better honor this commitment and those who also took the oath, dead and alive, by allowing others the freedom to hold opinions that differ from yours and argue the merits in any disagreement as a form of speaking the truth - and not resort to trolling tactics yourself or being hypocritical yourself - or being a snowflake.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#491Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 11:37am

Pauly3 said: "I've addressed this previously, but I don't mind clarifying: "Significant interests" include my and my family's economic future. It includes the handling of the border and how that relates to the prosperity of many American's who would be negatively impacted by downward pressure on wages if the issues with the open border aren't addressed - and not addressing it will be a tax burden to me and tens of millions of others. I believe in the Madison approach which is not to tax the people for the benevolence of others. We do far too much of that today. I'm not saying no taxes for the benevolence of others, I'm saying the balance is skewed far too much. The safety of our military, our people and the people around the world are at stake - very much in the present. All of this was better addressed in Trump's first term than in Biden's. Harris terrifies me with respect to these concerns. That she does not terrify you is fine. Because unlike you, I'm OK with people holding their opinions and disagreeing with me with respect to political concerns and their choosing the candidates they vote for."

But service to others and service to country are NOT among your significant interests?  Not surprising, cosidering that you are, after all,  a MAGA troll and bully.  And typically, trolls and bullies live by the motto "SELF before OTHERS".


Non sibi sed patriae

#492Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 12:40pm

Highland Guy said: "But service to others and service to country are NOT among your significant interests? Not surprising, cosidering that you are, after all, a MAGA troll and bully. And typically, trolls and bullieslive by the motto "SELF before OTHERS".

I never said nor implied service to others and service to country are not among my significant interests.  You also ignore the fact I have clarified I specifically trust Trump to better serve the country than I do Harris (or Biden before her).  Not just serve me.  Why must someone with such "honor" as you perceive of yourself make such disingenuous "arguments"?

Is placing meritless arguments on to those you disagree with and ignoring the actual argument the commitment you make in speaking truth as a form of honor?

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#493Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 1:27pm

You "trust" Trump? That's your crucial mistake.

Do you genuinely believe that he cares about you? Or America? Or anybody but himself?

Your family's economic interests will not be served by the collapse of democracy. Or the incompetents and crooks he will put in offices that require honor and truth. Or the demonizing of anybody who is not MAGA.

Our blood is NOT being poisoned by open borders. Make it easier for people to come across, welcome them in, legally. Things will work out better. White evangelism might be at risk, but America will not be. Too many confuse them to be the same thing.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#494Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 2:22pm

I don't trust Trump implicitly, such as you are (disingenuously) suggesting.  We have a track record of the economy, the handling of the border and the extent of peace around the world that our current and prior presidents have had or should have had some influence over.  The Trump administration's track record regarding these things, IN MY OPINION, is better than the Biden administration's record.  Why am I not allowed to have a difference of opinion on this and use the word "trust" - IN A SPECIF CONTEXT without being attacked with simplistic disingenuous retorts?

I know why.  "TDS"

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#495Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 2:31pm

It seems likely now that Kamala Harris and the SEXUAL ABUSER will take to the ABC debate stage on September 10th.  The CONVICTED FELON is begging for two additional debates in September, including one (of course) on Faux News.  Can't wait for soon-to-be President Harris to give the cowardly DRAFT DODGER a great big Democratic verbal ass whooping in front of the world's citizens.  YEAH !! 

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 8/9/24 at 02:31 PM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#496Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 4:49pm

What influence on world peace will Trump have?

The fact that Putin, Bibi, Kim Jong Un etc. are not remotely intimidated by him doesn't count.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#497Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/9/24 at 5:25pm

I don't know.  Trump's historical record is better than the current administration's though.  Putin, Bibi, Kim Jong Un etc. will laugh far more hysterically at a Harris administration than at a Trump's.  And not for superfluous reasons.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#498Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/10/24 at 6:04pm

You read people write, I acknowledge all the bad things but I have to think of me and my interests. What if your interests are not better for the rest of us or for humanity as a whole? Dump somehow helps my pocketbook and that's good enough. Pay no heed to the fact that every possible environmental restriction was dumped by Dump. Global warming, suffering future generations, a myth, I care about me now. 


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#499Election 2024, one year from today, predictions
Posted: 8/10/24 at 6:38pm

"I don't know.  Trump's historical record is better than the current administration's though.  Putin, Bibi, Kim Jong Un etc. will laugh far more hysterically at a Harris administration than at a Trump's.  And not for superfluous reasons".

Yeah, Putin is worried that Dump will win. Sad.


