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I Am Cait

#1I Am Cait
Posted: 7/26/15 at 10:46pm

Haven't watched an E! reality series since I gave up on the Anna Nicole Show when it got too sad and exploitive.  Never seen a Kardashian kashow in my life.  I've already said in other threads that to my way of thinking, the best case scenario would be if Caitlyn realized the old feminist saying "the personal is political" and realized she is part of a movement.  And that seems to be happening, like mad.

The series premiere was really moving.  I mean, it was smart enough to contain an Armistead Maupin epigram. I'm an easy emotional mark, but I was teary within the first five minutes and blubbering by the end.

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ChgoTheatreGuy Profile Photo
#2I Am Cait
Posted: 7/26/15 at 11:40pm

I LOVED this show!  It was so heartfelt and moving.  Loved seeing all of the positive things that she will be doing for and with the transgender community...

#3I Am Cait
Posted: 7/26/15 at 11:45pm

You can see the scales falling off her eyes as she realizes the 1% experience is the exception in these stories.

I also really liked the kind of intense section where her mother looked sort of panicked while saying, as if to reassure herself, "But you still have the same values, the same soul...".  I feel like that, and talking to the therapist about the Biblical injunction against cross dressing, were the two moments of Jenner family Republicanism bumping up against the new reality.

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ChgoTheatreGuy Profile Photo
#4I Am Cait
Posted: 7/26/15 at 11:52pm

My favorite part of the episode was when Kim came over and hatched her plan of revenge against Kris...

#5I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:01am

Ha.  I don't have any investment in those people, but I did think that part was just typical reality TV hokum they probably need to put there for the serial aspect.

I think MY favorite part was when Caitlyn was nervously awaiting the arrival of her mother and sisters (who were meeting Cait for the first time) and when they walked in with their mouths open Caitlyn just kept saying, "It's okay.  It's okay," like an out-loud reassurance for herself but also in that way that sexual minorities often end up supporting people when we come out to them about the reality of our lives.  

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#6I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 8:40am

Much like her ESPY speech, I find it hard to imagine what anyone could hate about this, but I'm sure there will be someone who does, like there always is.  

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 08:40 AM

#7I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 8:51am

Watched it with the girls and Mrs Brd - they are reality jukies. The mother's reaction was genuine and interesting. Kim's revenge against Kris was hilarious.  We will watch it again.  

Liza's Headband
#8I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:02am


CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#9I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:05am

What's with the dollar signs LH?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#10I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:06am

I am genuinely surprised this came out with this much dignity and compassion.

Liza's Headband
#11I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:09am

Carlos. The universally favorable response, based on the premiere, means more $$$$$$$$$$. No problem with that at all. Just pointing it out. 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#12I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:09am

I was not home last night, so I did not get to see it - - - but I did DVR it, so I will be seeing it tonight. I've only read positive things written about the show so far. I'm looking forward to it.

#13I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:27am

Keep us posted.

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Borstalboy Profile Photo
#14I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:29am

Lady Bunny's review

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#15I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:42am

What about your review?  Lady Bunny gleefully posts anti-trans memes about Caitlyn Jenner that originate on right-wing hate sites.  Lady Bunny seems like an effing a-hole, so why should anybody care what he thinks?

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 11:42 AM

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#16I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:53am

I found the show entirely in the part of the solution, not part of the problem department. As scripted as it was, adhering steadfastly to the stay-tuny rules of good soap craft, still startlingly solid in making its much needed points (and frankly, the scripting meant that Jenner fully owned the potential impact of every syllable uttered; a good thing). And then this morning Raven whatever-the-hell-her-name is semi trash-talked it on THE VIEW. I understand the resentment of Jenner's politics and privilege. I understand a weariness, mine included, with the strategic self-exploitation.  But when the show daringly moved out of Kardashian-ville to focus on a suicidal teen's death, we were not in E!'s celebrity-boinking comfort zone anymore.  I checked my cynicism with my remote.  Yeah, earned tears. Brava, the greater good is being served here.  

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 7/27/15 at 11:53 AM

#17I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:59am

Everything Bunny said in the Transsexualism 101 section was true and its potential for causing real change in the world should not be minimized. Everything else reminded me of how frequently people say, "Oh tell me something we didn't know!" when a celebrity comes out. Because EVERYTHING'S old hat to a scenester.

It's hard to take charges of insincerity seriously from a person who wears miniskirts and 9 foot hair.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

javero Profile Photo
#18I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:04pm

Haven't seen it, probably never will, but am I happy that I happened upon a new word, "scenester" in Namo's post.  That word is da biznezz.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#19I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:33pm

I watched the first 10 minutes and then turned it off.  I just can't bring myself to sit through an hour long Tv show about a rich woman, when there are hundreds of homeless transgender-ed youth in our country. 

I never agreed with Bruce's politics and while Cait seems to be learning from Bruce's mistakes, I just feel there are more deserving people to interview about the struggles and battles the transgender community has had to go through. 

Maybe I'm wrong. I just can't justify watching another Tv show about this family. I believe they have 6 tv shows about them?

There's just something insanely wrong about that. 

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 12:33 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#20I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:35pm

During her show last night she interviewed the mother of trans teen who committed suicide.  But Lady Bunny took issue with that because she would have rather watched Caitlyn Jenner swoop in and grab a razor from the hands of kid who was just about to slash his wrists.  

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#21I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:37pm

So what thats she's famous and has money, so what if there are 6 reality shows revolving around her family. Take away her politics, her wealth and privilege and what you have left is that she is a human being...just like the rest of us, flaws and all and her position is something she can use to her advantage to shed light and educate others about the struggles of transgendered individuals from all walks of life.

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 12:37 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#22I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:46pm

You make a solid argument, Carlos. I think if she inspires people and is a beacon of hope for the community, while using her fame to educate bigoted people, then that's great. The show just isn't for me. 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#23I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:51pm

"You make a solid argument, Carlos. I think if she inspires people and is a beacon of hope for the community, while using her fame to educate bigoted people, then that's great. The show just isn't for me. "

I can respect that Hamilton22.


Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#24I Am Cait
Posted: 7/27/15 at 1:08pm

I can respect your opinion also. The thing is, I've never disliked the Kardashian family. They've always seemed like very nice girls with just a bit too much exposure. I have to give them props for remaining pretty grounded throughout the years even when faced with adversity by the media and press. They all seem to love Cait very much and I think that their love and generosity for Cait is speaking to millions. I may not like that they have 6 tv shows on E!, but you have to admit, they are using their fame to break down barriers and are definitely doing genuine good.

#25I Am Cait
Posted: 7/28/15 at 4:39pm

Makes Caitlyn look like a featherweight!

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