Matt, I really like you too (and owe you a message I think), but I'm not sure I follow--why should I be insulted or upset if you didn't lkike a line in a review I liked :P
Personallyt, I think it's a fair comment, even if you're always playing with fan fire when you bring up either singer in reviews. But everyone does, and there's a reason--for much of the public the Madonna of the past's place in the public consciousness has been "co-opted and perverted" by Gaga. (Perverted is meant in the original sense I'm pretty sure, since the same guy has done some pretty interesting but postive reviews of Gaga as well on allmusic). I don't really see the issue. Whether you think it's a bad thing or a good thing, I think in the image of the world it holds some weight. (*prays this doesn't turn into an argument about whether Gaga is the new Madonna bla bla).
Listening to the album for the first time tonight, and I F**KED UP is an instant favorite.
Today actually was my second full listen, and first time hearing it blasted on a decent sound system--made a big difference (i still wish the three better tracks on the pointless bonus disc had been mixed into the album itself...)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
I bought the cd Monday. Madonna remains one of the artists that I will buy, regardless of any reviews. I also do four full listens of any cd, before making an opinion. Some cds upon initial listen (Mary J Blige new one) I didn't like, but after listening multiple times, I ended up loving. Listening to MDNA for the first time, I hated it. The lyrics were juvenile and the songs were not catchy to me. Upon the second listen, I liked it a little more. But to me, it will remain just an okay cd. There are a few songs I like, especially Girls Gone Wild. But when there are artists who are putting out "dance" cds, like Britney and Kylie, and every song either has a good beat, catchy lyrics or all of the above, Madonna's new one, just doesn't fall into that category for me. If I gave it a grade it would be C+ or B-.
I've been listening to it pretty much non stop since Monday and it's moved up to one of my top 3 Madonna albums. I'm surprised at how much I love it actually.
There are so many songs I love 'Turn Up the Radio', 'I'm Addicted', 'Love Spent', 'I F*CKed Up', 'Gang Bang' and 'Masterpiece' are stand outs for me. And I love the production on the album overall.
It's the first Madonna album I've been able to enjoy as entire album since American Life. Instead of having to pick out a few songs that I like.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
What a week! I can't go anywhere without not hearing songs from this album!
Well its detractors have pointed out that it makes great clothes shopping change room music (it's funny to me how in the past 10-15 years muzak in many shops has been replaced by pop/dance).
I think I've come to regard the album as good if not better than many similar dance/pop albums out in the past few years (I like it much more than Britney, but I liked Kylie's more--at least musically--partly due to her using Stuart Price for it all--I tend to prefer albums that rely on one or two producers). As a Madonna album it sorta rates above the middle, which I'm fine with--I admit after I was so deflated by Hard Candy maybe my standards are lowered, and I've never been a huge fan of Madonna's confessional lyrics.
To bring up the age issue again:
"Madonna should have made a breakup album. Not some dreamy, melodramatic teen-pop breakup album, but a record by a middle-aged mother about the failure of her marriage. You can tell that she wanted to"
Oh lord. and that says it all. Has this woman heard when Madonna tries to make prolonged stabs at that kinda music? It doesn't go well. She calls the album vapid but, and I say this as a fan, Madonna's confesional lyrics themselves have always really been pretty vapid. I don't know what anyone would expect.
On the other hand, while once again, I don't wanna hear a slew of divorce songs, I think this is one of the more balanced and thoughtful comments on the (seemingly) inevitable age issue
If you want a breakup album that covers all the bases of what it can do to a person step by step, listen to Alanis Morissette's last album FLAVORS OF ENTANGLEMENT. As one of Alanis' biggest fans, this is my second favorite album of hers besides her sophomore album, SUPPOSED FORMER INFATUATION JUNKIE.
I wouldn't want Madonna to make an album like that though, it wouldn't feel honest coming from her. Even a collection of ballads though would be amazing, something along the lines of SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. It's just been so damn long since we've seen that side of her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I think this IS Madonna's divorce album and that she doesn't have the right help to pull it off. I'd be much more interested in Katy Perry's divorce album (now that we can admit Madonna's music is best when considered of a piece with the likes of Katy, Brit-Brit and Rhi-Rhi).
Couldn't we always admit that? I think I've always considered her albums in the context of the other pop/dance heavy acts--particularly female--out at the same time...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Well, I have to say I think this album proves that what Gaga is putting out at this time is head and pointy angular shoulders above it. Madonna's album is a producers project. Gaga's a singer/songwriter/musician. Madonna should just be compared to the cream puffs.
Pop stars have no requirement to be any of the roles you assign them--but I do agree that Gaga's album has more coherence despite using as many producers (though Garibay is her new RedOne I suppose).
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Anyway, a lot of good music came out last week. Including Paul Weller's Sonic Kicks.
Okay, so it's not terribly coherent, but I'm kind of in love with Gang Bang and I Don't Give A. Masterpiece is kind of an odd track, but I still really like it.
And if she doesn't release Turn Up The Radio as a summer single, it will have been the worst decision for a pop star to not release a single since Britney chose Criminal over other "Femme Fatale" tracks (see: Up N' Down, Trouble For Me, Drop Dead Beautiful).
The album is really growing on me. Some songs come close to be being pretty brilliant. So far my favorites are 'Falling Free' and 'I F**ked Up.'
Some songs sound like they are from some of her previous albums. 'I'm a Sinner' sounds like it's straight from RAY OF LIGHT. 'I'm Addicted' could easily be from MUSIC. 'I Don't Give A' is a great song, but it's certainly reminiscent of early 90's Madonna.
It's a pretty great album. Certainly more original than HARD CANDY. I actually really like the majority of HARD CANDY, but the problem was that Timbaland, Timberlake, Pharrell, and Danja gave her too much of a generic sound. It was the right time for her to return to an R&B/Urban pop sound, and I really like some of the songs, but the album doesn't have much originality.
Updated On: 3/31/12 at 04:38 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Give her time. She seems to be releasing a new song every three weeks. One week for new single hype. One week for sales. One week disappearance from the charts. Repeat.
I guess I can see why people think "Turn Up The Radio" should be a summer single, but it doesn't have what it takes. At the exact moment when something huge should happen (two minutes and 50 long seconds in), nothing happens. A good summer single has effervescence that overflows. This song does not.
I think on the whole, it's a decent album, but there are 2 songs that are complete awful duds. The lyrics of Superstar literally make me cringe. And then there's B'day Song. WTF. Really? what the hell is that? It's almost insulting. I'm not sure if that's a bonus track on the deluxe album, but still, WHY BOTHER?
Because that song will be played at every gay club/bar from now until the end of time because it's ALWAYS going to be someone's birthday and they want to dance to it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Except she's not getting played in gay bars. Wherever I have gone the past two weeks, this album's the one thing I am not hearing.
I guess we're going at different times. Lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I go for the early bird specials when Madonna's cohort is out and about.
lol Namo, yes the gay clubs are not playing her because the ones you go too have apparently not played her haha.
Well this weekend all we have heard is Madonna's Girl Gone Wild and Gang Bang remix played whilst we were out on Manchester's famous Canal Street, so it would seem some gay clubs are very much playing her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
That sounds fun. What's Canal Street famous for?
it's the biggest gay only area in the UK (Possibly the world), holds the most famous UK pride, basis for Queer as Folk etc etc
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I hope there's lots of shops with lots of gorgeous little, you know gorgeous little things and wind up boxing nuns and the like.