Since the tour has come to North America I don't think she's gone on before 10. There have been different DJs opening for her at each spot. Last night in Boston it was Martin Solveig.
I'll be there tomorrow night too. Hopefully the weather is nicer!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It's a shame to start so late in a city where public transit is not 24 hours a day.
That is a shame. How do Bostonians manage to cope with other events that end around baseball games? Or are they generally home in bed by 11pm?
Updated On: 9/5/12 at 06:23 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
AVICCI is DJing both NYC Yankee STadium shows at 8pm.
Get ready for an all night party.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It depends on their access to cars. Or how close they live to the event, whether or not it's within affordable cab distance. If a person only has to take one subway line, with no transfers to another line or god forbid a bus, they can usually make it if they're at a subway stop by 12:15.
If they're on a commuter rail line, they're screwed.
People seeing headline acts at clubs generally try to find what time an artist is really scheduled to be on, and that usually helps them plan accordingly.
A show at the Garden or in a theater is generally over by 11. Starting so late in a arena show with no real opener runs the risk of loss of a tremendous amount of goodwill. Maybe Madonna wants to be the new Axl Rose.
The Boston show started at 10:15 pm last night. Great show. Don't know how people dealt with public transportation and it getting over after midnight as we drove in and didn't have that issue. For those who are going to the show, have a great time!
The public transportation rant is my favorite addition to Namo's Madonna manifesto to date. Even better than the faux outrage over her using fake guns in the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It wasn't a rant. I said it was a shame.
I am seeing her in October. I had no idea she would start so late...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
subway is 24/7
who knows when she will show tonight...
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/09
Saw the show tonight. She was in good voice, high spirits and danced her ass off.
"NO FEAR" was replaced with "OBAMA"
Avicii was good. Madonna didn't come on till 10:17PM. Almost 2 hours after posted ticket time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
10:17 was ridiculous/ She certainly worked her ass off.
Thought it was good but lots of people had to leave before the last song as she went on so late....
I don't understand why the shows are starting at 10:15 for an 8:00 ticket. In Philadelphia, she came on at 10:25 and apologized for the late start, but it sounds like all the shows are going to start around that time. There was a lot of booing before the show started.
A lot of people had to leave early. And the tickets are expensive. It seems pointless.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It's a shame that a lot of people had to leave early.
To be fair tickets don't say she comes on at 8, the show starts at 8 (support acts) and she is due on between 9 and 9. 30pm, so yes the cheeky sod is still late but only by an hour ( which is still far to late). I don't understand why she is late in indoor venues but I know outside she likes it to be totally dark when she goes on, that's why she was pissed off in London because the curfew meant she had to start whilst it was still sunny and with the opening of the show been so dark it did have an effect
It was dark at 8pm last night. The tour has been announcing she'll come on stage around 10 when they announce the opening DJ via Facebook and Twitter but I'm sure the majority of people going never see that. We asked an usher what time she was going to come on and she said 10:15 so it must be scheduled that way. It didn't bother me because I knew beforehand and I really enjoyed the AVICII set and was surprised at how long it was....a full hour I think. It turned the floor into a giant dance party and it was a good way to set the mood for the show. For me it was more for my money.
But there were people who had to leave early. The woman next to me had to leave early because of babysitting issues. Which sucked because she was enjoying the show. So they either need to do a better job getting the word out or adjust the start time.
I thought the show itself was fantastic. A gigantic improvement over the garish Sticky and Sweet tour. Super high energy, I don't remember her dancing nonstop this much since Blonde Ambition. And she sounded great. Highlights for me were Girl Gone Wild, Express Yourself, Gimme All Your Luv, Open Your Heart, I'm Addicted and the most rousing rendition of Like a Prayer I've seen. I wish she would drop Revolver and close with something other than Celebration.
Had a great time overall and judging from the mood in the subway after so did most of the crowd. But I'm sure the people that had to leave early were pissed.
Updated On: 9/7/12 at 12:12 PM
What a steaming pile of poo that show was.
The DJ was about as as exciting as one you'd find at one of the poor kids' bar mitzvahs.
The opening sexualized gunplay extravaganza light of certain events that have happened in the world, let's go with 'unfortunate.' I actually thought it was awful. Offensive, but only because it was pointless.
Her I WANNA BE A ROCKETTE section was a good deal of fun. And then the fun went away until the end. The very last number was an explosion of light, and spectacle and celebration that was SORELY needed throughout the rest of the concert.
Her bizarre rendition of Like a Virgin was the worst choice made in an artistic endeavor since Diana Ross's hair in THE WIZ.
At least I learned that the new Yankee Stadium upgraded from trough urinals to real ones.
Oh...and it was fun to play 'Who In This Audience Have You F*cked' with my friends. I won.
Updated On: 9/7/12 at 12:28 PM
Yeah I wasn't offended by the gun play section but it was the low point of the show. It was especially bizarre were the room 317 set from Miss Saigon rolled across the stage. I'm never really a fan of her shows "dark sections".
Left the show feeling mostly underwhelmed. It had it's great moments: Opening - Girl Gone Wild, Open Your Heart, Vogue and Like a Prayer. The majority of the show, in my opinion, was rather just plain off for lack of a better word. It's not that I thought it was bad, it just wasn't great. By far my least favorite Madonna concert, and I've seen them all since Blond Ambition. It wasn't until Like A Prayer, which was in her last set, that I actually felt that the audience was engaged, and there with her. There's part of me that thinks Yankee Stadium didn't help the situation. It's too big, the echo was ridiculous, and to make that connection to an audience in such a large venue is almost impossible.'s the first Madonna show I don't feel like I need to see again.
Agree about the stadium. I was in row 19 of the floor and still felt really far away.
"It was especially bizarre were the room 317 set from Miss Saigon rolled across the stage."
^ THAT. Is genius.
I didn't even touch on her starting at 10:18. It was beyond the pale. I think she might have gotten away with it if the show was spectacular. But it wasn't. It was the one thing I never thought it would be. A bore. Even Like a Prayer. It was expected. I would have preferred a deconstruction of sorts of that song instead of that funereal date-rapey like a virgin.
I'll save everyone some time.
Madonna starts the show when she's ready. She can start late because she's Madonna and that's who Madonna is and she's earned the right to start whenever she wants. You either love her for who she is or you've never loved her at all.
If you didn't like the concert, then you just didn't get it. If you buy a ticket to a Madonna concert, then you obviously want to go, so I don't know why anyone would complain about a concert they wanted to attend. It's all just an excuse to bash Madonna. You probably weren't even there.
I just hope Madonna releases a Youtube video mocking the whiners about her late starting time. She is who she is and I love her for who she is when she's being who she is. When she's quiet and kind and generous, she's being herself and when she's a raging bitch or slutty, she's playing a persona. Or being herself because she's earned the right to do anything she wants to anyone for any reason, even if it makes no sense. That's who she is when she's being who she is and that's what I love about her and what you have to love about her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
You forgot to include your assessment of Madonna's looks, which, if the assessment is unabashedly positive should imply that how "great" she looks is a testament to her dedication to working out and taking good care of herself because she is so focused and has an inspiring level of drive.
If your assessment of her looks is negative, it means you are ageist, sexist and looksist and should not judge a person for what she looks like so you are shallow and a terrible person.
PS Erik, it's funny seeing you posting the very thing you criticized me for posting a whole 24 hours ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if the late start-time was pre-arranged with the venue and had something to do with keeping people there longer - say as long as a ballgame, maybe - thereby selling more in the way of concession stand food and beverages.
ETA - Didn't see the show. Can't comment on it. But, in general, not a fan of stadium concerts.
No I didn't post the same thing you did Namo. I felt bad people had to leave early but don't really have a problem with when she went on. I wish the tour would communicate the start time better to ticket holders. You took issue with her not taking Bostons lacking public transportation system into account.
I don't really take issue with how you feel about Madonna. And your countless Madonna posts make how you feel clear. I just think it's funny you can claim to be objective about someone you hate so much. You've gone as far as to say her entire career has been a fraud and the only people who are capable of enjoying anything she does anymore are her ever adoring super fans who haven't been smart enough to figure her out yet. You get so excited to post negative stories that you've even posted false ones.
There's nothing wrong with hating Madonna. I feel the same way about Katy Perry. But I don't pretend that I could objectively rate anything she does or suggest that people who like her just haven't been smart enough to figure out how much she sucks yet.
Updated On: 9/7/12 at 04:28 PM