That thread was awesome!!!!
Hath Boobs crowned thee?
Then reign well, my lord, my leige, mylanta.
Have fun...being COTD for the whole weekend!! Get ready!
1) What Inspires You? Any form of art that moves me. Whether film, theatre, letters, dance, music, or any other discipline.
2) If you can spend 1 day with 1 person (dead or alive) who would it be and what would you talk about? Well, I read these books a while ago called Masters of the Far East. It was about this traveler in the Himalayas who came across an incredibly spiritual group of people who seemed to be completely in touch with their souls. To the point where they had the control to mnaipulate energy, atoms, and the make up ofphysical objects. It's all very new-age, but as it was ostensibly true I would love to meet one of these guys.
3) If you were putting together a scapebook of your life..what would be in it? To no one's surprise lots and lots of pics of my family. Pics of my freinds and experiences at NYU, and pics from the various shows I've written. Oh, and pics of my kitty!
and I'm adding a new one just for you....
4) What age range do you prefer your men? As long as they have a good heart I don't care. Kindness and self assurance is too rare a commodity to be bracketed by an age range.
I don't know what you're talking about, Taz, you're great at this!
Congrats tazber!
that's what i was about to say Shamey!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
Here are my standard questions
Here are my standard questions.
1. Would you rather be a nun or a prostitute?
2. In your house, what is the most 'sexual' thing you have?
3. Have you ever used an eraser for anything except erase?
4. What is the weirdest thing you learned in health class
5. Would you rather swim in the ocean with your best guy friend or your best girl friend?
6. If your significant other jumped off a cruise ship- would you jump too?
7. If your doorbell rang and you opened up to see a zebra, what would be the first thing you do- (except close the door)
8. If you had to pick, would you rather smell gasoline or flatulence?
9.Do you enjoy popping bubble wrap?
10. If you were able to kill either Saddam Huessein or Osama Bin Laden- who would you choose?
Not surprised, Tinkerbell!
Tazzy...drinks are on me at the bar and not at the bar.
LOVE your answer to my "special" question to really know the right things to never cease to amaze are a very special young man.
Congrats taz!
And belated congrats to Tink!
What is your ideal breakfast? Ideal lunch? And ideal dinner?
We are NOT counting calories here, so eat away!
(and if Tink could answer those questions, that'd be cool too!)
Shameless (whose screen name I love btw)
If you were recuperating in a hospital, who would you want in the bed next to you, excluding relatives? Seth Macfarlane. Family Guy makes me laugh uncontrolablly
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year? I had to think about this one. I'm gonna say breaking up with my ex. I know it's an odd choice, but I was doing things that I didn't want to b/c I was afraid of losing him. That is a horrible feeling, and I'm so happy to be able to be myself again. And I learned a very important life lesson.
What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?
I'm a lot less "experienced" than people may think.
If your house were on fire, what would you grab on the way out?
My brother Ari and my cat. (For those wondering, I didn't forget Jason, he doesn't live with us.)
If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?
Well, of course if they are important to me they would say nice things. Accuracy is another matter.
Let's see...
they would say I'm laid back, and that I write great music. And that I'm responsible.
In truth, I'm fairly excitable, and no more responsible than any other normal person. I do write amazing music however.
What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try? Sky diving!!
What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given? I gave my twin a new ipod for our bday. He gave me a dvd collection of Truffaut films.
Well, thank you very much.
And, you really are very good at this. It's not too scary, right?
Tazber you cutie (I looked at your photo), congratulations! I don't know much about you yet, but I do know you have great taste in photography *wink*. Let's see-you do love art-do you have any favorites? Feel free to mention artists from any and/or all categories (visual art, music, dance, etc.)
hehe, sure Cookie!
That's an easy one for me.
What is your ideal breakfast? Meatlovers omelet (american cheese, bacon, sausage, and taylor ham), side of bacon, whole wheat toast with butter, pancakes, big glass of tomato juice and cup of hot tea. And I eat this whole thing mostly every weekend, I swear!
Ideal lunch? Arby's Roast Beef sandwich or good fettuccine alfredo with grilled chicken (good bread sticks are a plus)
And ideal dinner? Homemade meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, buttery corn, and yummy soft rolls.
I like food, what can I say!
1. Would you rather be a nun or a prostitute? Am I allowed to say neither? Or maybe a gigilo. They don't have pimps, right?
2. In your house, what is the most 'sexual' thing you have? Well I guess it would have to be the porn. Embarrassing.
3. Have you ever used an eraser for anything except erase? Lol, no.
4. What is the weirdest thing you learned in health class.
I had a teacher who said you should never pop a zit on your face. The gunk could accidentally go inwards and cause brain damage. I thought it was silly in 5th grade, and I still do. She was dead serious btw.
5. Would you rather swim in the ocean with your best guy friend or your best girl friend? It makes no difference. I would have fun with both.
6. If your significant other jumped off a cruise ship- would you jump too? Yes, of course. But to save try to save them, not to follow.
7. If your doorbell rang and you opened up to see a zebra, what would be the first thing you do- (except close the door). Laugh loud and hard. Then stop smoking pot.
8. If you had to pick, would you rather smell gasoline or flatulence? Gasoline.
9.Do you enjoy popping bubble wrap? Very much!
10. If you were able to kill either Saddam Huessein or Osama Bin Laden- who would you choose? Bin Laden, no contest.
I'm heading off to Barnes and Noble for a bit, but I left off at Jane2. I will pick it back up as soon as I return!
Thanks for the questions and the honor guys!
Have fun and buy me something good!!!
Tazzy..pick up "How I Paid for College" if you haven't read it already.
Aww, I love Tazzy! He's a doll. Enjoy your day, kid!
He is a very cute boy.
Tazzy..are you a romantic? I have a feeling that you what would be your perfect romantic night consist of?..from beginning to end sir.
And, they call ME shameless!
Congrats tazzy! Always fun to have you around. I will return with questions later - being that you get the title for the weekend.
I had a standard question that I asked, but I don't remember what it was.
Favorite Jelly Belly?
Meanest teacher ever?
Will you take me to the prom?