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Poor Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do?- Page 5

Poor Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do?

tazber Profile Photo
#100Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:20pm

FOA, apparently her staff wanted to comply but were too afraid of Davis to disobey:


Perhaps most significantly, Watkins also says that he learned that Davis’s deputy clerks would issue marriage licenses to all couples legally entitled to one, but that they are too afraid of Davis to do so. If Judge David Bunning, the federal judge who is expected to hold Davis in contempt after a hearing Thursday morning, orders Davis’s deputies to issue marriage licenses, Watkins says, the deputies will comply.



....but the world goes 'round

#101Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:23pm

Kim Davis has one and only goal:  $$$$$$$$$$$$

tazber Profile Photo
#102Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:23pm

She'll be in jail until she agrees to comply.



So just like she told the couple who said they'd wait for a licenses "you're gonna have a long day", now we can say the same to her in regards to her jail term.


I wonder how long she can be held in jail though. I mean, if she doesn't resign is she going to be incarcerated for the next 3.5 years when her term is up?

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 9/3/15 at 01:23 PM

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#103Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:30pm

Interesting, taz. I can't remember where but, I remember reading that, of her staff, four stood with her, one was undecided and one was willing to issue licenses.


Now, I don't know if "stood with her" means they were also unwilling or if it means they share her beliefs but are willing to issue the licenses anyway.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde
Updated On: 9/3/15 at 01:30 PM

#104Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:38pm

As much as I wish it weren't true, this creature (to put it politely) will certainly publish her story and the followers will purchase it.

What keeps returning to me is reading the various stories that all seem to cycle back to "if you worked in a supermarket as the cashier at the register and a customer wanted to purchase a product that went against your beliefs - you couldn't decline to sell it to them!" Most articles seemed to lean on the Pork/Jewish side but it could be Beef/Hindu, Birth Control/Catholics.

There is no religious liberty being stepped on! If you do not want to proceed - quit and go find another job! There is no law that protects your job if you do not want to do it. Has nothing to do with your religion and being able to practice it. You cannot force your religious beliefs on others while in your job!

sorry - really ticked off at this...insert expletive here 

tazber Profile Photo
#105Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:39pm

I love this too:


Ms. Davis’s supporters, prepared with an ice chest filled with water, also gathered ahead of a hearing they called critical to protecting religious liberty in Kentucky and elsewhere.

“They’re taking rights away from Christians,” Danny Kinder, a 73-year-old retiree from Morehead, said of the courts. “They’ve overstepped their bounds.”

He declined to predict the outcome of Thursday’s hearing and what would happen to Ms. Davis.

“I’ve been praying about it, and we just have to turn it over to the Lord,” he said. “She has got to stand for what she believes, and I have to stand for what I believe, and I’m behind her 100 percent.”



So they prayed and god answered. You may not like the answer, but why don't you pray on that for awhile.

Maybe the answer was that you should be more tolerant.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 9/3/15 at 01:39 PM

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#106Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 2:00pm

"The Associated Press reports that Davis said “thank you” when she was told by the judge that she’d be sent to jail for not issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. "


I'm sure she she counted that money in her head.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde
Updated On: 9/3/15 at 02:00 PM

#107Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 2:09pm

LOVED the comment someone made at the end of one of the news articles online: "Can you imagine the nuclear-level 5h!tfit some conservatives would have if a liberal clerk refused to issue someone a gun licence because they didn't like firearms?"

Updated On: 9/3/15 at 02:09 PM

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#108Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 2:16pm

Thanks Brian for another profound way to look at this and it's so true; don't mess with guns and don't mess with God in the US, and in that order.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#111Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 2:52pm

Brian, I'm glad you were able to find a happy place. You sounded so angry before I was worried for you. But you just can't not laugh or smile with Mel Brooks. From hitler to the Sapnish Inquisition, Mel knows how to find or make something from humorous to hysterical in almost anything. Hopefully every hotsy-totsy-nazi knows this by now. (Good Choice too ; I love the Esther Williams Nuns.)

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#112Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:11pm


Three of the six deputy clerks just told the judge they will issue the licenses. The other three--including Davis's son--are awaiting their hearings.



tazber Profile Photo
#113Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:14pm

I think her idiot son is riding his bike to California in protest.

....but the world goes 'round

haterobics Profile Photo
#114Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:22pm

5 of the 6 clerks say they are fine issuing marriage licenses to all, with her son being the only one saying he wouldn't. So, if 5 people in the office will issue licenses, her son will not be held in contempt. There's a new hearing at 3:30p to decide whether jailing her is necessary if they are able to issue licenses.

One way or another, Judge Bunning says, couples need to be able to walk into Rowan Co clerk office Friday morning and get a license.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#115Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:28pm

No Taz, he is coming by car! Film at 11!


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
Updated On: 9/3/15 at 03:28 PM

#116Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:29pm

Steve C. said: "Brian, I'm glad you were able to find a happy place. You sounded so angry before I was worried for you. But you just can't not laugh or smile with Mel Brooks. From hitler to the Sapnish Inquisition, Mel knows how to find or make something from humorous to hysterical in almost anything. Hopefully every hotsy-totsy-nazi knows this by now. (Good Choice too ; I love the Esther Williams Nuns.)"

Yes I was angry but it is only one of the things currently on my "I'm pissed off list" The other just has me shaking my head because it will never be resolved by throwing the idiots in jail. The destruction of historical treasures in Syria by that idiot group who's name I do not even want to acknowledge. Those temples and relics are forever gone. 


#117Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:35pm

SNAFU - HAHAHAA that clip is hilarious!!! thank you

tazber Profile Photo
#118Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 3:53pm

SNAFU - thank you! I really needed that.


I don't know why this case got me so upset. Out of all the crap there is to be genuinely concerned about this woman just made my blood boil.


Maybe it was the heart brake in those two guys faces, maybe it was her hypocrisy and attitude, or maybe it was just the blatant bigotry.


But now she's in jail and I don't feel any better. All the hate and memes that are going to pour forth from the right wingers over the next few days are going to really be hurtful. Not that I care about what they say, but this will definitely galvanize them to start with counter suits and getting bills sponsored etc.


I hope the Dems can keep their **** together because I fear what will happen if a Republican gets into office at such a fragile time in the fight for equality.



....but the world goes 'round

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#119Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 4:18pm

Apparently, though 5 of 6 deputy clerks are willing to issue licenses, Kim will not issue them the authority to do so.


According to the judge, this puts the licenses issued in "legal limbo" and urges couples to "marry at their own risk."


Of course, the lone deputy clerk hold-out was her son, who will not be held in contempt or jailed.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

tazber Profile Photo
#120Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 4:45pm

Wow. That's a twist I did not see coming.

That really sucks.


The only possible positive outcome is that she resigns.



....but the world goes 'round

NYadgal Profile Photo
#121Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 5:09pm

I've been sidetracked by some personal stuff, so apologize if I'm asking something that has already been answered - but - is there no way to remove her from her position?   

Can't anybody over-ride her 'authority'?

This is so WRONG and everyone should be upset about it!   The implications for all of us are frighteningly enormous.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#122Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 5:19pm

NYadgal...I believe I read that since she is an elected official she cannot be fired. The only way to remove her from this position is impeachment. The powers that be do not want to waste tax payer money to impeach her (read between the lines - because the button pusher also in an elected position - is backing her)

NYadgal Profile Photo
#123Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 5:21pm

Ah, yes, that makes sense.  Terrible sense.  But that's the unfortunate truth about our elected officials.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#124Kim Davis, whatcha gonna do do?
Posted: 9/3/15 at 5:23pm

To be fair, I do recall reading that their state legislature is not currently in session, so in order to initiate those proceedings immediately it would require a special session being called, which would indeed cost a fair amount of money. Should this drag out until they are back in session then it may be a different story.
