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13 - Insulting and Amaturish.- Page 3

13 - Insulting and Amaturish.

philly03 Profile Photo
#50re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 1:54pm

I'm not a big fan of it at all. There were only I believe 3 songs that even resembled what you'd immediately pick up as a JRB song (in the style mostly of "Songs for a New World") which was a little disappointed. "What It Means To Be A Friend" was one of them, and probably one of three songs I actually really liked.

Someone said something about the dancing being sloppy. I'm sorry to say that I have to agree. There were some people that had it down pat but the star of the show (Evan, I'm forgetting his name, forgive me) looked like he wasn't sure where to turn/move/etc. I mean there were kids bumping into each other. Not to take away from their talent, because in general, they were all either strong actors, strong singers, or strong dancers. Not everyone at 13 is a triple threat obviously & I was pleased with the people they put on stage. Honestly, I felt like it was a little too difficult for a 13/however young they were to be doing, and it showed. It really did look like a similar, yet scaled down-ish version of LB.

The crowd last night was an awful judge. There were plenty of people who were NOT 18 (parents, maybe of the show's kids?/and plenty that were NO doubt younger than 12. They had an awful time staying in their seat). The crowd was extremely anxious and hyped up, which was nice until they cheered/screamed/screeched exessively upon entrances and at the end of songs. Which is fine, but when the songs not over it's not. Also, they got laughs out of about every line, including the one mentioned above about hte Jewish thing(s), which were intended to be serious.

I honeslty don't believe that the adult Broadway audience will not only not appreciate it, but won't like it. There were ethnic, handicap, religious, gay (or it alteast from the sounds of it!), etc. that everyone who sees it will be offended in someway during the course of the show. And how could no one mention about the song about "tongue"??! That song was a bit awkward from what I vaguely remember?!

#51re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 1:59pm

Is Brand New You the curtain call then? - most underrated performers on broadway

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#52re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:01pm

"It looks like the same three people like it and everyone else hates it. But they have to spend their time trying to make the others like it."

Are you making fun of the people who are defending what they enjoy? If you are... that's sort of a fascist attitude... no? Of course... that wouldn't be new around here either.

Jesus saves. I spend.

#53re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:03pm

Anyone who's finding the Jew jokes offensive or unrealistic has clearly never been their friends' "token Jew". It's really like that.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#54re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:04pm

The Song What It Means To Be A Friend from 13.


"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise
Updated On: 9/14/08 at 02:04 PM

#55re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:04pm

And since the jew jokes are mostly about jews always complaining... you're really just reinforcing the stereotype. So. - most underrated performers on broadway

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#56re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:15pm

Wow, this show sounds absolutely legendary. I have to make it to the city before it closes!

defyinggravity42694 Profile Photo
#57re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:20pm

I'm Jewish, I loved most of the Jewish comments, and found them funny, growing up in a Jewish home, they struck my funny bone easily.

Although there was one comment I didn't like, which I rather not repeat, but that is something a teenager would really say in this day in age, which again makes the show so true to life.


chip08ME Profile Photo
#58re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:22pm

The show was very sloppy. A lot of that, in my opinion, lied in the staging. During the act one finale, Evan stumbled around the stage awkwardly before breaking into that horribly awkward and out of place dance break.

I thought it was obnoxious, but couldn't help enjoy some of the more innocent moments. I really enjoyed the song "Bad, Bad News." However, very few of the kids seemed to be extremely confident in their role. I think the actors playing Lucy and Archie were the only ones who seemed to fully commit.

And please don't get me started on the crowd. I knew when a kid declared during intermission that this was "THE BEST SHOW EVER!" something was wrong. This audience ate it up. But it was an audience of friends of the cast and 13 year olds.

I'm interested in seeing the show in two months (if it's running) to see what changes they made. Because they need to make a lot.

"I'm afraid that the children that the two of you would spawn would come out in costume, off book and belting Merman."

#59re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:23pm

defyinggravity, thanks!!

wicked_beast, you might want to let people know what you're linking to, since it isn't obvious, especially when you're using TinyLink -- if I had known it was a link to a song (for those that are curious, it's "What It Means to Be a Friend"), I wouldn't have clicked, because it made my browser crash while it tried to open it.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#60re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 2:35pm

The show isn't THAT bad.

The talented cast saves it... but the staging is really terrible and the material is questionable.

it will find an audience and will last for a few months. don't expect anything else!

JohnMs2 Profile Photo
#61re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 10:45pm

Yeah, the Act I finale is dreadful, but again, the whole show is.
They're comping this show like CRAZY. Don't pay for your ticket! Believe me, even for the sake of seeing a Broadway bomb, it's not worth your $1.00

Jane2 Profile Photo
#62re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 10:52pm

"I think it sounds as if we have a new standard of bad. lol This show is from the producers of Altar Boys"

Altar Boyz is bad? You're entitled to your opinion, but you're part of a tiny minority. The show is still running, in its fourth year.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#63re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 10:54pm

"And since the jew jokes are mostly about jews always complaining... you're really just reinforcing the stereotype. So."

WHAT???? Are you serious?

You yourself probably have not turned 13 yet.

Updated On: 9/14/08 at 10:54 PM

#64re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 11:18pm


And yes. I'm seven. - most underrated performers on broadway

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#65re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 11:30pm

we learn something new every day.

that must make COOOLKID 6 years old!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#66re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/14/08 at 11:30pm

"And yes. I'm seven."

Ah, and i was giving you credit for nine.


#67re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 12:15am

Well, to be fair, Ken Davenport (the lead producer of Altar Boyz and My First Time) is A producer of 13, but not THE producer. In other words, he's not the lead producer. He just became involved a few months ago and the show had already had life in LA and Goodspeed though it's lead producers.

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#68re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 2:16am

Well the show sounds pretty terrible and I laughed out loud at many of your explanations of moments in the show. Im not surprised though. The show has flop written all over it. Curtain, your barbour comment made me laugh I have added it to my sig because that was utterly priceless.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

Insider2 Profile Photo
#69re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:46am

This sounds absolutely horrific.
That said, my question is this:

If what has been posted on here so far is true (and I tend to believe these reviews), then how in God's name did this thing:

A. Win the LA Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Production and Best Score at Center Theatre Group in LA back in 06/07?

B. Find producers to transfer this thing to Broadway? I see no fewer than 18 producers listed in the credits. Can 18 producers be completely brain dead?

I've not seen this yet, and again, I am just going off of what has been posted so far, and ignoring the usual shills.

Any idea how this made it to Broadway?

Updated On: 9/15/08 at 10:46 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#70re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:57am

It may be offensive how Evan uses Archie, but let's face it, most of Evan's actions are kind of douchey.

Evan rinses out vaginas on stage? That does sounds awful.

knew when a kid declared during intermission that this was "THE BEST SHOW EVER!" something was wrong.

I heard those exact same words from a twentysomething girl spoken to her rather flamboyant gay friend immediately following a performance of Thou Shalt Not. He was singing and dancing in his seat, clapping along to the music and waving his arms while whooping throughout the entire show. During intermission, I overheard him trying to impress some poor soul with his theatrical knowledge stating something like, "If it weren't the characters, the show wouldn't work!" Oy.

Insider2 - If LA is anything like Chicago, they will give awards to anything. I have seen horribly misguided amateurish miscast productions/actors take home a trunkful of awards in Chicago. And producers having been putting the most horrifying crap on Broadway for over a century. Why do you think they would suddenly stop? I'm not saying this show is awful (I haven't seen it), but bad shows are a constant in Broadway history.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#71re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 11:00am

Because not everything said on the internet is true? As you say, it won awards in LA (and the show is much better now, in my opinion, than it was at the Taper), and 18 smart producers have invested money. It may not be to everyone's tastes, but it's certainly not as bad as everyone's making it out to be.

Is a shill to you anyone who likes a show? Because the people I've seen defending it don't seem to have any affiliation with 13 at all. - most underrated performers on broadway

#72re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 11:11am

Hmmm I don't know, maybe you shouldn't believe attention hungry teens posting about a dress rehearsal.

For everyone who thinks that 13 the musical is "Insulting and Amateurish", don't see the show, why not go see wicked for the 28th time? (I on the other hand, am bored of these generic crowd pleasing blockbuster hits)

I was really entertained by how brave the book of 13 was, and how they didn't need to sensor everything they wanted to say, god forbid they piss off some highly opinionated NYC BroadwayWorld audience posters. Pshhh Come now.
The book is hilarious, if you cant take a joke, honestly what kind of audience member are you? Decide for yourself what you like and don't like, and enjoy yourself.

Watching the show I thought how accurate the characters seemed to be, talking like most 13/14 year olds do these days. This is a year before high school people, if your looking for another high school musical with a generic book, and the same old story, with the same old people telling that story, I don't know what to tell you.

See the show to form your own opinion about it, last I heard no one had a problem with "Springtime For Hitler"- I enjoyed it, but who doesn't think that the very concept is "Insulting and Amaturish". 13 doesn't sink so low, it is moving, original, talent packed, and really honest.

If your interested in my review its posted here:


#73re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 11:18am

All this...

...for a show that plays its first preview tomorrow night.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

Weez Profile Photo
#74re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 11:31am

And please don't get me started on the crowd. I knew when a kid declared during intermission that this was "THE BEST SHOW EVER!" something was wrong. This audience ate it up. But it was an audience of friends of the cast and 13 year olds.

It's a show FOR teenagers ABOUT teenagers STARRING teenagers and with MUSIC PLAYED BY teenagers. Why EXACTLY is it so wrong for a "kid" to think it's the best show ever? Get down off your theatre-snob high horse, you're making the rest of us look bad!
