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13 - Insulting and Amaturish.- Page 4

13 - Insulting and Amaturish.

#75re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 2:06pm

Is "Tell Her" any good? I usually love JRB "love" duets, so I have high hopes for that song.

bwaybud: Because if you don't like 13, you're obviously a Wicked fan.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

me2 Profile Photo
#76re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 7:16pm

I, personally, wouldn't write it off yet. It's just previews, and I have great respect for JRB.

I do find the ads interesting. From the concept, it seems like a show that would appeal to adults (different but mature), but from the ads, it looks like they are going for the HSM/SHE'S THE MAN/SAVED BY THE BELL crowd. But it's hard to tell. Are they using these labels to hint at the innet depth of characters with these traits? Or is it a story about kids at a kids' level?
Broadway Mouth: High School Musicals, Part 1: The Most-Performed High School Musicals

defyinggravity42694 Profile Photo
#77re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 7:29pm

It's really just the story of what teens go through. It's much more real than the Disney Channel shows/movies.

I doubt it already has a target crowd, it had a little something for all ages.

Updated On: 9/15/08 at 07:29 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#78re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 7:54pm

SporkGoddess, you will be more than likely disappointed with the "styling" of JRB's score in this one. Being a pretty big fan of 'Songs for a New World' (we have similar tastes LOL maybe that's your fav)'ll find that about 4 songs sound like his previous work that I've heard (granite, I have NOT listened to even most of his stuff, some of it here and there and most of Songs...). Preatrice's (sp?) songs are all for the most part written in "his" style with the piano sounding throughout. It has lots of electric guitar (obviously) rather than the piano which I always found to be the most beautiful pieces he wrote. Oh well.

That being said, "Tell Her" and "What It Means to Be a Friend" (I think that's right?) are the most sounding from my knowledge to his previous 'hits' & probably the best in the show. This actress/singer was pheonomenal, regardless of her age.

This will attract JRB fans, and that's about it. I think more "teens" would rather see Legally Blonde (which the dancing in this is a cheap imitation of for some of it) or THe Little Mermaid. The end.

best12bars Profile Photo
#79re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 8:01pm


Sounds like this one is CARRIE bad.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

philly03 Profile Photo
#80re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 8:18pm

^^Said that earlier.

Minus the huge money thing, it seriously has huge potential to be the next Carrie. I already said I think there was a song about "tongue," '70s disco-underrythym stuff (as an intended joke), there's a song about terminal illness; Patrice is a CARRIE like character. In fact I had hoped they pulled some prank on her, but the ending was somewhat a disappointment. Nothing HUGE happened in the second act, too much like a movie. As in, why have an intermission besides the fact that the bizarre DDR "Here I Come" song needs to sort of have abreak between hte next scene.

It may be one of thsoe that split audiences, but it certainly gave off a bad impression for me. I still cannot truly see an adult totally loving it. If there intended audience is young teens, and they only let them in, then it would possibly be a hit. Kids don't care what you're making fun of at all.

They even didn't let the kid have the best of [both] was either Patrice & "the kid with terminal illness" or "the cool kids who have myspaces."

I sum up Carrie as bizarre. This is just as bizarre, wihtout the song about cutting pigs/blood/etc...

#81re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 8:36pm

Haha, my favorite JRB is actually Parade, but I love Songs for a New World as well. re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.

I think that's why I don't like 13's score that much--it doesn't sound like JRB's typical work. I like "What It Means to Be a Friend," so if "Tell Her" is like that song, I'll probably like it as well.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

philly03 Profile Photo
#82re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 8:58pm

Yeah basically any song that Patrice (the red-haired girl) sings in is of JRB's style. Everyone else? Nothing similar to it really minus a few notes here and there of piano, as you'd expect.

#83re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 9:50pm

I think that it is "insulting and amuturish" that people will say the show is terrible because there is a song titled "What it Means to be a Friend" If you have seen the show and not liked it that is fine, but to say that a show is terrible not having seen it or heard it is ridiculous. I liked the show, and please keep in mind that these reviews are from teenagers. I'm seventeen, and I hardly saw anyone around my age. It was full of young teenagers. I recomend this show to anyone. Kids will appreciate the cast their age, and the theme of being 13. And adults will appreciate the humor. I admit there are some kinks, especially the terrible direction, but I will see this show again.

philly03 Profile Photo
#84re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:19pm

I'm 17. I don't think anyone said anything about a problem with a song titled "What it Means to be a Friend"? Infact, I said I liked that and Patrice's other song.

You are right about the crowd. Very young for the most part, but there were plenty of older people that couldn't have had kids in the show, but were older than I was. If the people reviewing on here found it somewhat offensive, I'm going to assume their elders would too. Maybe I'm wrong. But I honestly felt this was one of the worst I've seen, and certainly a disappointment for some of JRB's fans. Like I said I don't know all of JRB's stuff, but from what I know and admire, it wasn't that similar sounding.

It wasn't worse than Saturday Night Fever if that makes anyone feel better, which from what I remember was the worst thing I PERSONALLY ever saw!

Updated On: 9/15/08 at 10:19 PM

#85re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:39pm

I'm 17 and I felt very out of place watching that show, not to mention I didn't like it much nor do I think ANY of my friends would either.

philly03 Profile Photo
#86re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:43pm

I brought friends. One was a big JRB enthusiast and she hated it. My other friend didn't seem to think it clicked and thought it was awful as well.

And by saying it's not as bad as Saturday Night Fever, I meant it's the second worse thing I've seen!

#87re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 6:44am

philly, "I mean there is a song titled "What It Means to Be a Friend" for God's sake! " And there have been similar posts to it.

And, I have nothing against people like you who saw the show, didn't like it and are intelligently explaining why. It's the people coming on here saying, "it sucks" "the show is terrible" without backing up their opinion. (wickedrocks and a few others)

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#88re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 3:32pm

God, guys, remember, it was a first dress rehearsal!!! I remember when many of the same posters trashing "13" were completely writing off "A Tale of Two Cities" and saying it was the next "Carrie" after some previews, only to turn your opinions around after a few weeks. Please, everyone, give the show a chance. Don't let your opinions be influenced by those harsh, untrue comments.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise
Updated On: 9/16/08 at 03:32 PM

jrblover Profile Photo
#89re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 3:53pm

I saw 13 in its very first preview in LA and really didn't care for it at all. I thought it was juvenile and stupid, but there were a few really beautiful moments in the score. Then, I went back towards the end of the run and was completely swayed. It made a lot more sense to me, and, a few HUGE flaws aside, it was enjoyable, and the score was fantastic and infectious.

That said - it sounds to me that the numerous changes from then (early 2007) to now (late 200re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish. have done nothing to improve the show, as the changes during previews and performances at the Taper did. It seems like they got a little too happy with the eraser and the red pen and "fixed" it more than was necessary. It is a shame, really, because I actually thought it had potential.

uncageg Profile Photo
#90re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 4:29pm

"granted" not "granite". Sorry, it just bugged me a bit!

Just give the world Love.

go_Billy! Profile Photo
#91re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 4:48pm

I'm still trying to figure out why he's jumping all over 101 Productions. They are just the general managers, why are they even being brought up? I could understand bashing producers, but sounds like someone just has a vendetta against 101 Prod.

philly03 Profile Photo
#92re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 6:30pm

"God, guys, remember, it was a first dress rehearsal!!! I remember when many of the same posters trashing "13" were completely writing off "A Tale of Two Cities" and saying it was the next "Carrie" after some previews, only to turn your opinions around after a few weeks. Please, everyone, give the show a chance. Don't let your opinions be influenced by those harsh, untrue comments."

Yes, but ATOTC took years to get on Broadway (although I agree with you about everyone wanting to bash it...I've be waiting for a few years now for it to come. No wonder why people like jaystarr have been missing after entirely dissing hte show beforehand, as well as many others; after some of them saw it I loved how they all of a sudden knew it'd be a hit all along and were the #1 fans seeing it four times), unlike 13 which was like what a matter of months (correct me if I'm wrong?). And Carrie was completely bizarre. This show (13) is completely bizarre. ATOTC is atleast based off completely proven material that many people are familiar with. 13, is not, and with people saying it's stupid for ATOTC to open when it is--it's more stupid for 13 to open when it is. Honestly, it probably would have been a smarter move to have either opened back in July or wait until atleast April-ish. Kids don't have free time when school just starts up re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish..

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#93re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/16/08 at 11:42pm

I saw the final dress today and loved it, although I'm not sure how I felt about the songs about handicapped people and the act 1 DDR finale. I loved the music (especially the "phone gossip" song in the second act and the absolutely brilliant posse of Brett's) and the jokes were hilarious. I walked in expecting to hate it. It's nothing like High School Musical - so much more real. I felt like I wanted to cover the ears of the kids in the audience.
Updated On: 9/17/08 at 11:42 PM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#94re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 1:08am

I was one of two people waiting for Jason Robert Brown after the show. He was very nice and in addition to signing my playbill, he also signed my Parade CD covers (Bway and London) and my CD cover of The Last 5 Years.

#95re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 10:52am

I saw it last night. It definitely needs some work, especially the awful end of act 1, but I thought it was really fun and charming. Not a big JRB fan, but I really liked the score, and the cast is sensational. I think it's going to surprise a lot of people.

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#96re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 10:57am

The score is definitely the best thing about the show.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#97re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 1:06pm

I saw the first preview last night and it was an absolute riot for all the wrong reasons. It was an absolute and unqualified disaster. (Spoilers...not that there's much suspense in the plot anyway!!)

When I walked in with WAT and looked at the set we turned to each other and said Prince of Central Park!!! You almost expected Jo Anne Worley to come out and start writing notes on the park bench for Richard Blake to find.

As soon as the show started I couldn't help but keep comparing it to Falsettoland. The plots are kind of similar: young Jewish boy preparing for his Bar Mitzvah/will it even happen/parents are divorced. Unfortunately the comparsions end there. Whereas William Finn produced a brilliant score to couple the dramatic, funny and touching moments on stage, the creative team of 13 was unable to do the same.

The second scene in Indiana introduces the character of Patrice who is instantly and obviously head over heels for our hero Evan, even though she barely knows him. I can accept the crush at first sight, but in my experience a young outcast girl would never tell her crush she liked him two seconds after meeting him. It was reminiscent of Chris Hanke falling in love with Jessica Boevers in the first scene of In My Life.

Next we are introduced to the school jock and bully, Brett. He sings/raps a lovely little ditty called Hey Kendra. Maybe now would be a good time to mention that most of the lyrics are horrible. Some of the tunes are catchy, fun and/or beautiful, but overall the lyrics need a major overhaul.

Archie the school cripple then comes into the story. We are subjected to a dream sequence and painful "dance" break. Archie really seemed to strain and struggle with some of his high notes, and that can be said for almost everyone in the cast. I worry that if these kids aren't careful they will lose their voices.

Brown should really cut this song and figure out how to work in "Love Is My Legs" into this slot, perhaps as the dream sequence. It is a much better song and actually fits right in.

Archie really gets to shine with Evan in "Terminal Illness," a low point of the show. When Evan was holding one of Archie's crutches dancing with him WAT noted that it was just like "Secrets" from In My Life when he danced with the skeleton.

Also during the movie theater scene the song should be cut and replaced with the vastly superior "Girl Can I Kiss You With Tongue?" As it stands there is a lyric about a penis being on fire. I'm not joking.

The act ends with a ridiculous and sloppy dance number. I understand why Evan is singing the song, but why the entire cast comes on to join him when they all hate him has me baffled. Perhaps this is another dream sequence?

Act two is no better than act one expect for the fact that it's shorter. The book continued to be painful. There are so many lines I wish I could remember. An especially bad one was said to Archie. Something along the lines of: "If he (Evan) saw you having a seizure in the bathtub he would throw in his laundry."

The only genuinely funny line came from Lucy when she said "We're like scientology, except no one's in the closet!" For everyone that is claiming that the book is wonderful because it captures how actual thirteen year olds talk, I completely disagree. I can't imagine a thirteen year girl in Indiana making that wise crack about scientology.

The show ends somewhat abruptly, with very little resolution. But don't worry, the lack of closure was definitely made up for by the length of the curtain call. A song not listed in the Playbill was sung, and the cast got to dance hip hop, tap and modern! I think the Seagull actually finished before the curtain call was over. Please, cut it.

Overall, the show is such a mess I don't even know if it is fixable. It's hard to mend a book with a paper thin plot and cringe inducing one liners. Although the score is hardly the main problem, it definitely isn't an asset to the show either. The actors are fine, but they are given one dimensional characters and dreadful material to work with. Yikes!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Updated On: 9/17/08 at 01:06 PM

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#98re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 1:54pm

Whizzer... splendid review. I'm not sure I would consider it a terrible disaster but this show is a mess, for sure.

Great point about the book -- what are the 13 schillers smoking? The book doesn't resemble how young middle schoolers converse. There was another line that stuck out to me... can't remember now... but the Scientology example is perfect.

#99re: 13 - Insulting and Amaturish.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 2:02pm

Wow, this is just sounding worse and worse.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
