Would A Soldier's Play fall under the revival category?
bandit964 said: "Would A Soldier's Play fall under the revival category?"
Yes, I would think so. It would similar to The Waverly Gsllery which had never played Broadway before but was an established play with at least one off-Broadway run in its past and came to broadway without major modifications to the script.
bandit964 said: "Would A Soldier's Play fall under the revival category?"
I'd say yes. Debuted in 1981, won the Pulitzer. Would fall in the "classics" category that will allow it to be considered a revival.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Thanks, I wasn't too familiar with it but I just moved it over to revivals.
I feel like the last couple seasons this board hasn’t had nearly as much confusion about what’s a revival and what’s original. We were doing so well! Nobody even batted an eye when the Tony committee stopped announcing when shows qualified for the Classics Rule.
But it seems like there’s suddenly a lot of confusion and mistakes around it again. Rule of thumb: if the producers are reviving the show, it’s a revival. Doesn’t actually matter much if it’s been on Broadway before.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
JBroadway said: "But it seems like there’ssuddenly a lot of confusion and mistakes around it again.Rule of thumb: if the producers are reviving the show, it’s a revival. Doesn’t actually matter much if it’s been on Broadway before."
How can you find out if the producers are reviving a show? I might be wrong but I don't think I saw it in any of the press articles.
It’s not about looking at press releases, it’s about looking at the context. We just have to look at the origin of the material and timing of the new production, and ask the question: what is being DONE here? Is someone (the producer) taking an established play and REVIVING it (i.e, bringing it back after the original production had been left for history) or is this a culmination of a show’s road to Broadway?
For example, shows like Hadestown and The Visit had been around in some form or another for over a decade before they came to Broadway. But every production along the way was a step on the same “road” that eventually led to Broadway. There was a progression that was very slow, but never abandoned. As opposed to shows like Three Tall Women or The Waverly Gallery, which had their premiers some time ago, then everyone went about their merry way, and later someone decided to take that material and create an all new production of that had no affiliation with the original. To continue the metaphor - the road reached its conclusion, then someone started a new road (sorry, not a perfect metaphor, but hopefully I’m making my point).
Or in the case of things like A Christmas Carol and To Kill a Mockingbird: is someone doing another adaptation of the same source material, or are they bringing back an adaptation that already exists?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Doesn't that put How I Learned to Drive in a very gray area though since it's the same director and original stars so we don't know if behind the scenes they just decided that now was a good time to remount that original production on Broadway (not saying that's what they're doing but could be a possibility). Like I do find it curious that producers don't just announced their intentions to revive something in a press release but I suppose the Tony committee has final say if there's ambiguity.
It could also just be that many producers are taking the opportunity to bring celebrated off-Broadway works to Broadway more often now so there's a bit of change involved in adapting to that (ie allowing the playwright to accept the Tony for revival).
Also, another new musical hits the boards with Flying Over Sunset: https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Harry-Hadden-Paton-Carmen-Cusack-Tony-Yazbeck-Will-Lead-FLYING-OVER-SUNSET-At-Lincoln-Center-Theater-20190820
chrishuyen said: "Doesn't that put How I Learned to Drive in a very gray area though since it's the same director and original stars so we don't know if behind the scenes they just decided that now was a good time to remount that original production on Broadway (not saying that's what they're doing but could be a possibility).
I ageee that the remounting of the original staging makes it a tad confusing. And so in this case you’d have to look at the amount of time that has passed (too much to credibly call it a new play) as well as the fact that in the intervening time, play has entered the canon and become a modern “classic” (hence, the “classics” rule). In this regard, it also isn’t just about what the producers intend, so much as the context behind what they are doing. Even if these producers said they are trying to transfer this to Broadway as if it were new, everyone else would look at that and say “No you’re not, you’re reviving it,” because that’s just the literal nature of the circumstances.
It could also just be that many producers are taking the opportunity to bring celebrated off-Broadway works to Broadway more often now so there's a bit of change involved in adapting to that (ie allowing the playwright to accept the Tony for revival).”
I agree! We’ve been getting a TON of these “Broadway debut revivals” in the past few years, and I think it’s great that it has become a trend,
I was confused by The Waverly Gallery only because it was less than 20 years since it performed off broadway. Sure, its been a minute but it hadn't been on Broadway before and didn't necessarily feel revived it felt more of a transfer finally, which I guess also makes it being "revived" so I think its just complex honestly. Like you said though theres a clear distinction for the most part between a Hadestown workshop and a show that ran successfully off broadway only to make its Broadway debut more than a decade later. Im all for it though if it means we keep getting productions like How I learned To Drive, Soldier's Play, and The Waverley Gallery!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Slava's Snow Show in the Sondheim: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/22/theater/slavas-snowshow-broadway-holiday-shows.html
And word on the street is Company is going into the Jacobs, but no official announcement yet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
And we finally have the long-awaited announcement of Company!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Lehman Trilogy http://www.playbill.com/article/the-lehman-trilogy-to-open-on-broadway
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
I feel like the Billy Crystal show is a long shot!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Plaza Suite revial http://www.playbill.com/article/matthew-broderick-and-sarah-jessica-parker-to-return-to-broadway-together-in-neil-simons-plaza-suite
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Virginia Woolf is officially playing in the Booth: http://www.playbill.com/article/revival-of-whos-afraid-of-virginia-woolf-starring-laurie-metcalf-and-rupert-everett-sets-broadway-home
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Added American Buffalo and For the Girls
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Looks like KPop is having a lab, so maybe they are reworking it into a more traditional musical for Broadway? With KPop at such a hype, it could be a smart move.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
The Minutes finally gets an official announcement!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Hangman transfers to Broadway!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Stand-by Joined: 3/29/19
Found an interesting list of upcoming shows in consideration for participants of a summer teaching workshop to attend. Three shows on the list I have not heard announcements for. Do they know something we all don't?
Not to mention Almost Famous, which has not made an official announcement either. Pretty much all of those have been heavily rumored, minus The Heart of Rock & Roll.
I am curious how much BroadwayTeachingGroup are in the know because it would seem very scummy if they are just guessing what shows will land this summer and asking people to pay money for the chance to see them.
TITANIC & the London JOSEPH revival are coming next season.