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ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?

ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?

#1ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:52pm

I mean, now with The New York Times rave? Let's cross our fingers!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#2ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:56pm

Correction - the NY Times review is a rave for Murphy not the material. No way. No run on Broadway. But a revival of MAME starring Donna? Maybe...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:57pm

Did you actually read the review?

Accept that “Anyone Can Whistle” is never going to work as a fully integrated show, and it’s possible to have a swell time at this production

What about this review screamed Broadway transfer?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#3ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:19pm

The original poster is clearly a Cookie.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:24pm

Did you read the review? It says that as fun as this production is, the show is never going to work. That doesn't scream transfer campaign. Esparza has an upcoming commitment, anyway.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 4/9/10 at 10:24 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#5ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:24pm

No reason why a show with an original run of 9 performances can't be successfully revived.

Poster Emeritus

April Saul
#6ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:35pm

Emcee, what's Esparza got going on next? I can't get enough of that man's voice...

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#7ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:18pm

I was at the show this evening and had a blast. Id like to know what the hell Laurents was on when he wrote this book. So bad it's good. Campy (now) and lots of fun. The plot is beyond ridiculous and weird. But this is a great production with a truly flawless cast. Murphy is hilarious as always and is really exceptional. Esparza can do no wrong in my book and ditto to Sutton. They're both wonderful as usual. So many numbers got insane applause that I lost count! The audience ate it up. For the record the seats in the front gallery are great. High up but great view. Unless there's a head in the way. I'd love to see a life after Sunday for this production but it's not gonna happen. And it's probably better off that way. It would flop all over again. But go see it at City Center if you can for sure! I kinda wish I was seeing it again!

Kad Profile Photo
#8ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:23pm

The only way this would be seen on Broadway is through some sort of limited run.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#9ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:25am

Never. Read my lips: NEV-ER.

April Saul
#10ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:32am

Wicked--I couldn't help myself Thursday night and gave them a standing O, but I think I was the only one! Was the Friday crowd as excited as I was?

#11ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:45am

And Laurents would never let this move.

lull89 Profile Photo
#12ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:46am

I definitely think a transfer wouldn't work and would do very poorly, even with a great cast. It'll sell out a weekend at the City Center, but that's probably the large majority of anyone who would have any interest in seeing it, so really, it'll have had its run.

My hope, though, would be for a recording with this cast. I know Encores! used to record a bunch of shows, and I'm not sure why they stopped ($$$ I assume), but it would be great to get this cast in the studio for a proper full recording of the score, as has been in fashion lately for all the Sondheim revivals.
Updated On: 4/10/10 at 12:46 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#13ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:00am

Emcee, what's Esparza got going on next? I can't get enough of that man's voice...

Leap of Faith. Tryout in LA this summer, Broadway, if all goes according to plan, next season.

This is doing great at City Center because obviously there are people who want to see it -- but that particular audience who is going to run to see a show that flopped miserably because now it's become a piece of history is VERY limited. It would never sustain a real run.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#14ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:00am

They were filming for the Lincoln Center archives tonight.

Although I enjoyed parts of this production, it really left me unsatisfied for a number of reasons. I love the score and now think that "So Little to be Sure Of" is one of my favorite Sondheim songs. I thought Raul was wonderful, just daffy enough but also full of innocence and feeling. I felt that Murphy and Foster performed beautifully if superficially. The dancing was phenomenal. The book scenes were frankly dreadful. I'd love a recording, but can't imagine any producers willing to write a check for this to transfer.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#15ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:02am

The only option that I imagine is possible is for Roundabout to pick it up. But that's even doubtful.
Plus it's likely they will be doing Merrily next season.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#16ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:09am

Ooh, I'm so glad it was filmed. I was wondering about that.

I felt that Murphy and Foster performed beautifully if superficially.

Well, their characters ARE superficial. Hapgood is one of the only ones who's really able to feel anything, which is supposedly because he's "crazy." Cora is a caricature, really, and Fay's whole problem is that she can't truly feel.

I never really weighed in on the whole. I've seen it twice, and I really had a great time. The book is pretty horrendous, and all over the place, but the score is just lovely -- lovely enough that I was only minimally bothered by the fact that the book and the score don't really fit together. And lovely enough to make "lovely" my overall impression of the show. Sutton didn't really do it for me, though she sang beautifully. Loved Donna Muprhy, and Raul was adorable beyond words.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

emilyfaye48 Profile Photo
#17ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:26am

it'll never happen, but I wish it could. I feel like they could sell a limited run. I've listened to the music for a while and loved it but this was the first time I saw and understood the whole show. Maybe I'm a cookie but I thought it was genius.

Without bread we'd just be hungry but without theatre we'd be dead

#18ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:40am

Emcee - they had two cameras in the center portion of the front row of the grand tier.

Raul's "reveal" line got a big reaction from the audience so they were definitely following the story well enough.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#19ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:48am

I wish they'd do a cast recording. It really deserves a definitive studio recording.

Seeing this on Sunday. Beyond excited and happy that it's going over so well. The book doesn't bug me as much as some, but I completely understand the criticism. There's a lot going on thematically. But that score is a gem and it's a fascinating look at devices Sondheim would eventually perfect.

Donna Murphy needs to do another musical comedy on Broadway soon. She'd be an ideal Mame.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#21ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 7:52am

Well, it's not exactly a hard story to follow! And I think a large portion of the audiences for this already know the show, to varying degrees.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

emilyfaye48 Profile Photo
#22ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 7:57am

yeah, I'm actually a little confused why people say they have a hard time following the story... I was with it the whole way and the audience seemed to be in it the whole time (except the guy next to me who may or may not have been sleeping during songs grr) I understand why people call it a wacky musical, it totes is weird and out there, but it's not insane or hard to follow IMHO. I think the book is pretty brilliant.

Without bread we'd just be hungry but without theatre we'd be dead

PalJoey Profile Photo
#23ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 8:19am

Maybe after Arthur is dead, someone will take the score and write an entirely different book around the songs. That would be terrific.

Bwaynerd Profile Photo
#24ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: maybe a Broadway run?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 9:23am

maybe roundabout can pick it up for a limited run. when you have big names like Sutton Foster and Raul Esparza, it can be successful

"(in a sweedish accent) Oh! What a lovely T-shirt you are wearing!"- Catherine Zeta-Jones refering to my ALNM shirt at the CD signing. Say NO to drugs and YES to Jackie Hoffman Live At Joes Pub! "ITS THE DAY OF THE SHOW YA'LL!!"-Bwaynerd
