Ljay, you certainly have made me very excited for THE VISIT. It sounds like a killer performance whether she wins the Tony or not.
I think the conversation about the nominees is a bit futile before we know the billing decisions from the Tony committee regarding the productions that have yet to open.
And honestly, O'Hara sounds spectacular in the BRIDGES cast recording (when doesn't she though?), but Jessie Mueller's performance will live in my mind for the rest of my life. Not only is she onstage pretty much the entire time, but she reinvented songs that many of us had listened to literally hundreds of times. The way she modified her voice from the shy, naive songwriter to the stunning, world-class performer she becomes by the time she sings the title song never fails to wow me and her performance during the book scenes was as delicate and electrifying. She earned that Tony in spades.
"You really shouldn't isolate a performance from the overall affect of the production. Kelli' performance couldn't elevate the material enough to make the overall production of Bridges successful where jessie did the opposite and the production was raised because of her performance."
The Tony award should not go to the actress who made their show financially successful.
"Then you must never have seen Audra McDonald perform."
I'm a huge fan of Audra, I just thought that Kelli had a unique sound to her voice that made my ears quite happy. I didn't say that she had the best singing voice ever. She just had a wonderful quality that I loved.
I think that, that 4th slot should go to Beth Malone. The Side Show girls are great, but i honestly don't believe that either one of their performances was better then Malone's. The "twins" belted their faces off and sounded pretty, but i don't think tthat's enough to grant a nomination.
icecresmbenjamin, I'm curious, how many of these performances have you actually seen (as in live...actually at the theater)?
I saw Bridges and Beautiful.
I thought that both actresses were phenominal, but Kelli was a standout. This may be because it was the first time I had heard her.
Updated On: 3/26/15 at 12:07 AM
In terms of placement, I could see Fun Home petitioning Beth Malone in the Leading category. It's not a flashy role, but the whole show is told from her character's perspective, and I believe she has more stage time than either of the Allisons.
Huh!? Lol...Ooooook!
And seriously, do people who say someone who's older has less value than someone who is younger not realize that they will be older one day? Or do they hope to die before hitting a certain age?
EXACTLY. Those ageist comments were horrible.
I like to visit this board because there is just such a high level of knowledge of Broadway. And there is probably so much talent here that deserves a public hearing and probably will never get it. I don't usually post much, but I've been just so excited about King and I and 20th Century that I've been moved to join in.
I'm not sure if you can make ageist statements if you're already above the ages in question. It is just a sad fact that your ability to sing and dance decline as you move deep into middle age. Julie Andrews, as I said, confirmed this, if it needed confirming.
I've already said that Chita Rivera has an astonishing resume. She has been recognized with two Tony awards, a Kennedy Center honors and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It's doubtful that Kelli or Kristin will ever attain the latter two.
Chita Rivera simply could not duplicate the performance of Kristin Chenoweth. I've seen the show twice. In ten years, Kristin Chenoweth will not be able to perform as she is doing now. Sentimentality should not enter into the decision, although of course it often does.
Kelli O'Hara is so grounded that I don't think another snub will affect her much. She has had so much going right in her life with her Broadway success, her marriage, the birth of her two children, that I think she can put this into perspective. Last year was the year that might have hurt her because she put so much into "Bridges."
Tomorrow night I see her live for the fifth time, and I leave you all to just be nasty to each other.
But the award isn't for Most Versatile Performer in a Musical, it's just for the Best Performance- why should it matter that Chita Rivera can't do what Kristen Chenoweth is doing? I doubt Kristen could play Chita's role, or Kelli O'Hara for that matter.
A few yeas back, Mary Louise Wilson won the Tony in her 70s for Grey Gardens. It was a stunning performance, but by your logic she shouldn't have won because she couldn't have done what Charlotte D'Amboise was doing in A Chorus Line that year. I haven't seen any of these prospective nominees, so it's not like I have a dog in the fight, but what you're saying is absolutely silly and bears no weight on who is giving the Best Performance.
"The Tony award should not go to the actress who made their show financially successful. "
I didn't mean financially successful I meant artistically successful. Bridges was unsuccessful on so many levels and her performance was part of that cloth.
As of yesterday, I have now seen Chita Rivera, Kristin Chenoweth and Kelli O'Hara in their respective roles. I'd like to think I'm pretty unbiased in my opinion, as I've never been a die-hard fan of any of them, and I have to say: I 100% think it should go to O'Hara. Chenoweth is great, and is a close second in my book. However, I really hope Chita doesn't take it. I just mentioned this in the Visit thread, but I'll say it again here: I really don't get the hype of Chita's performance. She's very good, but I don't think her performance comes close to that of Chenoweth or O'Hara.
I also hope Laura Michelle Kelly snags a nomination. I'm not sure who's gonna take that other slot. I thought Kelli Barrett (Zhivago) and Rachel Tucker (Last Ship) were both excellent, but I don't know if they have a shot at that nomination. I haven't seen Hudgens yet, but I hear her performance is surprisingly good.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
JBroadway I couldn't disagree with you more. Kelli was flat and boring as Anna, to me. It's Chita's award to lose. Kelli sings well, but she is doing nothing with that role.
^ Well, agree to disagree I guess. Based on the overall reception I've been hearing, it sounds like yours is the majority opinion, so the Tony votes might very well agree with you. I think O'Hara's performance was wonderful, and I don't think Chita deserves that award any more or less than she did for Drood. I'm not predicting that O'Hara will win over Chita. I'm just expressing my strong desire that she does.
Updated On: 4/5/15 at 08:17 PM
It sounds like Kristin is the favorite to win right now. Could change but I would love to see Kristin win one more Tony.
I could be the only one here, but Laura Michelle Kelly was absolutely phenomenal in Finding Neverland. I cried so hard during her song, "All That Matters."
The best actress category is stacked this year, I think the Finding Neverland producers would be wise to per her in the supporting category if it's not too much category fraud. She would actually have a chance at the win in supporting.
I'm inclined to think it's Chenoweth's to lose. It's a much showier performance, which awards bodies respond to.
I do think Chita is very, very good in The Visit, but it is a much, much more divisive production and her work is more subtle and restrained.
Tough year. You can make a good case for any of them. I would be inclined to vote for Chita just to recognize her great career and her great contributions to Broadway theater. What might change my mind is that she has received two of the highest honors the country can give: the Kennedy Center Honors and the Presidential Meal of Freedom.
So looking at the voting from a kind of sentimental viewpoint, I would want to give the award to the actress who will be hurt the most if she doesn't receive it.
I don't think that Kelli O'Hara is getting bad notices at all for The King and I. The night I saw it the curtain call applause doubled in volume when she took her final bow.
I do think that people may be starting to take Kelli O'Hara for granted. I expect reviews like "It's no surprise that Ms. O'Hara portrayed Anna almost without flaw." She is a hard working actress who goes from one project to the next and always delivers.
But Kelli's life has been going so well with the increasing fame, the good marriage and the birth of two children that I don't think she would be devestated by being passed over again.
I would go to Kristin Chenoweth. At forty-six, it's not clear how long she will continue to attract legions of fans attracted to her bubbling personality. It's not clear how much longer she will be able to play such a demanding role as Lily Garland, physically and vocally. This may be her one and only good shot at a Tony.
And due to her, a very good musical stuffed in the far corner of the attic has been brought back for everyone to enjoy.
Updated On: 4/8/15 at 10:44 AM
"I think the Finding Neverland producers would be wise to per her in the supporting category if it's not too much category fraud."
I loved Laura Michelle Kelly's performance, but I don't think she has a chance of winning in either category. In featured, she'll be going up against the Fun Home women. There's tough competition in both places, so they might as well place her in the correct category.
Behindthescenes2 has to get nominated for one of the categories with that Cheno love letter a few pages back.
This may be easier to predict once we see the the reviews for Kelli and Chita.
and remember that buzz can shift once Brantley and Isherwood announce their predictions, which happens earlier each season now. This shift in buzz was most notable the year of Hadyn Gwynne vs Karen Olivo, when both critics said Olivo should and will win.
This is going to be quite an exciting Tony season.
I think I would actually feel really bad for Chita if she loses. I would love to see Kristin win though especially since she was snubbed for Apple Tree. And Kelli..well, she will get it eventually. What is Kelli O'Hara doing next anyway? Also, is Beth Malone definitely featured?
Hopefully taking a break after this season.
Do we know when the final Tony eligibility meeting is? I couldn't find it on their website. I'm especially curious to see where everyone in Fun Home will land. Cerveris and Kuhn are billed above title with everyone else below, but I can't imagine that being how the final decision falls. I actually wouldn't be against Cerveris going Leading. And Beth Malone could as well. But I also wouldn't be upset with either landing in Featured. Is it enough of an ensemble piece that no one will be called a lead?
I'm curious about what the Fun Home decisions will be, too. Personally I think the only real lead in that show is Beth Malone, but I could see them leaving Cerveris in Leading also. Judy Kuhn is definitely featured even though she's above the title, as are Medium and Small Alison.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
The last meeting has to be after the last opening night and before the nominations. So between the 23rd and the 28th.