I like your list disneybroadwayfan.
I wonder what kind of supporting roles are in Something Rotten.
And It Should Have Been You has Tyne and Harriet. Never count them out.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
I mostly like you list, disneybroadwayfan, except for 2 things. No way Judy Kuhn gets left out of Featured Actress, and I am still one of those people that doesn't see Chita winning. Do I think it's possible? Yes. Going to happen? I really don't think so.
I'm willing to be proved wrong though!
Just a reminder that the acting categories this year could end up with as many as seven nominees, depending on any ties in the nomination process.
From Variety's news story:
"The committee also decided that for any of the eight performance categories, a two-way or three-way tie for the final nomination slot will result in all tied actors receiving a nom. That could potentially expand the usual five-name list in an acting race to seven candidates — i.e., four plus the three tied thesps."
Full story: http://variety.com/2015/legit/news/tony-awards-eligibility-2015-committee-supersize-1201406361/
We have yet to see Kelli Barrett in Doctor Zhivago. She has a chance too
I agree with you Phillypinto---Kelli Barrett could come in and take a slot.
I think we also need to wait and see just how The Visit and Chita perform after previews start.
I agree she is probably a lock on the nomination---but she might not win.
I have seen Kelli and Kristen and both are at the top of their game in their respective shows.
I think we also need to wait and see just how The Visit and Chita perform after previews start.
Well she did get raves in Williamstown, from Brantley as well, who was more mixed on the actual show.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
She got great reviews, but nothing like Chenoweth got for OTT. Also, I expect Kelli to get great notices as well. But I don't think anyone's coming close to the universal raves Chenoweth received.
Updated On: 3/24/15 at 06:39 PM
reviews don't even really matter when it comes to giving awards. I think Chita will ultimately get it because she's Chita, and she's given us so much, and she's a legend, and is probably going to be brilliant in The Visit. Also, is this for sure her last show?
Stand-by Joined: 7/30/12
Kristin will be nominated this season. And if she isn't they need to just stop pretending that the Tony Awards and the nominations and winners are about artistic merit because in the last 15 years at least, it hasn't been - I only need to mention the fact that Jan Maxwell hasn't taken a prize home to prove my point.
There isn't a soul out there that can do justice to this role in On The 20th Century, except for Kristin Chenoweth and I doubt there is an existing one in the wings. Considering what is passed these days as singing and acting talent on Broadway is amusing at best and disappointing at least. These screech queens are considered wonderful singers and yet they have no ability to sing other than screech. What is cast these days on the stage exhibit no understanding of the roles they play, the relationships with the other characters, the ability to listen to the other characters (making it real), the actual spatial relationship of the stage, much less the audience, the use subtlety of acting through spoken word, and please forget conveying communication through singing as part of conveying real emotion and thought - that is truly rare. What I am saying isn't new - there have been complaints throughout the history of theatre on the fact that lesser talent gets on the stage, but really, is the pool from which to fish for talent that small?
The gift that Kristin Chenoweth has been given, by whatever diety you wish to credit that accomplishment with, comes once in a lifetime, i.e. Julie Andrews, Barbara Cook, Shirley Jones, even Marni Nixon and do not forget Christine Ebersole.
She can dance, she can act (comedic and otherwise - do not underestimate what she can bring to a role)and she can sing. Everyone says she was miscast or terrible in Promises, Promises, but just perhaps could it have been the lack of direction and the ability of the director to direct the show? Because, no one sang those Bacharach/David songs in history better than Kristin Chenoweth. Could it be that the director wasn't up to the job? If you know your history about My Fair Lady, they had to take Julie Andrews away for a weekend and work her with the director until he got from her what was needed for the role. The talent was there -they just had to work. Today, no one thinks it is the director's job to bring out the character and help the actor find the kernel of truth of a role or the music or the lyrics. I don't think directors these days have that ability. By far, Kristin Chenoweth is a musician and artist among singers. She is extraordinary in the fact that she has been doing this role unabashed and 100 per cent even with a cracked 10th rib and a less than perfect leading man. Yes Chita, in her prime could dance well beyond expectations of what choreographers demanded of her and thrilled the audience every night, and she can act and her comic timing is impeccable but she really cannot sing and even in her best days it would be called "carrying a tune." Kelly O'Hara is a good singer, but not great - a good actress, but not necessarily a great one, but she understands what is needed and makes the most of her talents, as did and does Chita Rivera but Kelly O'Hara cannot be considered a comic actress. You don't think, Oh Gee, let's go seek Kelly O'Hara in a show - she is really funny." Dancing in a hoop-skirt and singing lovely ballads and walking with a can and gravelling out the brilliant songs of Kander and Ebb cannot compare with what Kristin Chenoweth is doing eight times a week. If Angela Landsbury were doing the role - it would be a true horserace, however these roles cannot be compared to the difficulty and the strength it takes from a performer to do Lily Garland in On the 20th Century, something that Kristin Chenoweth accomplishes with ease and aplomb and she never, ever lets the audience or any seasoned and well trained professional see the work involved. She is saving Roundabout's ass by delivering no less than brilliance on every level at every performance. And, you all who have the temerity to criticize Kristin Chenoweth for doing and bringing the absolute best and represent beyond the best to Broadway in years, and have the gall and rancor befitting someone who can only be described as an "arm-chair quarterback" (including those nasty and needling professionals in the business),cannot do what this singer/actor/dancer does in the remotest of ways in a live performance for 2 1/2 hours, 8 times per seek.
Kristin Chenoweth, is not perfect, on one is, but she is and will always be as close to it as it comes, and more than what competition is considered her equal on Broadway, especially after this performance in this production this year.
Should the future hold for us the fortune of having Kristin Chenoweth, once again, grace the stage of a theatre in New York City, in any show you should thank your those that made it possible to bring your sorry ass to the theatre and be able to witness it in your life time.
. Yes Chita, in her prime could dance well beyond expectations of what choreographers demanded of her and thrilled the audience every night, and she can act and her comic timing is impeccable but she really cannot sing and even in her best days it would be called "carrying a tune." Kelly O'Hara is a good singer, but not great - a good actress, but not necessarily a great one
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
Hey behindthescenes2, do you like Kristin Chenoweth?
" Dancing in a hoop-skirt and singing lovely ballads and walking with a can and gravelling out the brilliant songs of Kander and Ebb cannot compare with what Kristin Chenoweth is doing eight times a week.
What a tool bag.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
Also, all of your credit was gone when you said Kelli O'Hara can't sing. Kristin's main vocal coach was Florence Birdwell, who also just happened to coach Kelli O'Hara.
Anyone who says Kelli O'Hara isn't a great singer is either A) Deaf, or B) a Troll.
In his defense---he said "Kelly O'Hara is a good singer, but not great - a good actress" So he did not say "Kelli O'Hara can't sing"
My daughter and I saw Kelli O'Hara on a Saturday night, 3rd preview of The King and I, and we both were awe struck in how she was almost perfect---singing, stage presence, acting, etc. I told my daughter---she was the one to beat come Tony night.
Then, the next afternoon we saw On the 20th Century, Miss Chenoweth knocked a home run! I have seen her onstage numerous times and this was by far her best performance. My daughter and I then said that she will give Kelli a run for her money.
We haven't even seen Chita Rivera in The Visit and has been been pointed out she as got great reviews out of town and she is---well she is Chita! I am seeing this next month and am really looking forward to it.
Looks like a very close three way race for the Tony this year.
Understudy Joined: 1/18/15
Regardless of who is nominated this year, I think the race will be very tight.
Chita and Michelle Veintimilla in the stunning pas de deux "Love and Love Alone."
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
That's one of the most beautiful things in the show. I vividly remember that song and dance when I saw it in Williamstown.
Those three ladies are just so remarkable. I don't even care which one wins. I'm rooting for all of them.
"Yes Chita, in her prime could dance well beyond expectations of what choreographers demanded of her and thrilled the audience every night, and she can act and her comic timing is impeccable but she really cannot sing and even in her best days it would be called "carrying a tune."
Yeah, she really sucks on the WEST SIDE STORY recording....can hardly sing in tune on the cast recordings of BAJOUR, BYE BYE BIRDIE, KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN, BAJOUR, CHICAGO, THE RINK and a half a dozen other shows. And when I first heard her sing HOW LUCKY CAN YOU GET? in her night club act before FUNNY LADY opened, I had to put my fingers in my ears to stop them from bleeding.
My nomination goes to BehindTheScenes2 for making the most asinine statement yet on this board for 2015. I know it's still early in the year but I think you'll win hands down.
While I agree that Chenoweth is superb in everything she does, Kelli O'Hara is a phenomenal singer. I don't understand people belittling Chita; she could belt with the best of them in her day, it's only in the last 2 decades that her voice has become much lower. Her voice while she was in The Rink was at the top of her form. Bye Bye Birdie was another vocal highlight. I don't get people who don't think she couldn't sing.
I had the honor of being hit on by Chita's Princess Puffer in DROOD and feel authorized to speak from first-hand experience that she has that rare gifted star quality and musical theatre genius.
Like many here, I think we have a top tier of three (Chita, Chenoweth and O'Hara) and then a lot that remains to be seen. I, for one, think it's a fool's errand to make any predictions before the eligibility rulings for FUN HOME and other shows. Brynn O'Malley is Leading, the SIDE SHOW ladies are invidiuals, and so many other variables remain to be seen. I'll wait to make any predictions until we know for sure who's in which field.
Chita Rivera has an astonishing resume. I wonder why she didn't play Rosie in the film Bye Bye Birdie? It would have made a good film into a much better than good film. And why did she not play Anita in the film West Side Story?
Still, realistically, at her age, competing against the younger actresses in their prime, a win would come from sentiment, plus the desire of the judges not to have to choose between Kelli and Kristin.