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Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!- Page 6

Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#125re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:20pm

re: Tarzan - I think the plan to have that "narrator" role was scrapped.

I'm not arguing this anymore. People will make what they want of everyhing, and if you all want to be convinced that he meant it as some "I'm too good for this" slam, go ahead, hate. re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew! And I really don't see what's so out of line - I'm hesitant to toss out the freedom of speech option, but really - why can't he state his opinion? It was gutsy, not out of line.

Don't you see, BroadwayGirl? We believe what we want to believe. I think Idina's plenty talented, and plenty versatile, but we... well, we see what we wanna see. My perception of Adam's versatility, whatever it may be, is probably not the same as yours. And my perception of Idina's, while I like and respect her very much, is probably not the same as yours. I agree that Adam is limited, but I don't think it to the degree that I'd assume he's getting no offers because he flat-out sucks. I don't becomea die-hard fan of someone's because they have a pretty face and a nice ass. I believe in him. Call me crazy, but I do.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:20 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#126re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:25pm

It just came off as a blanket statement. Sounds like he may be referring to what has been offered to him. But there are things to do on Broadway. Maybe just not for him. It is quite possible that his statement was not printed in full.

Just give the world Love.

#127re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:25pm


Hardly bitter. You're the one who was ever so quick to say that I was. How dare I made some negative statements about one your
favorites??? For that I must be vilified as being bitter.

Your bend over backwards at all costs defending of all things Adam is very transparent.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#128re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:28pm

Chloe, I don't get what I've done that's so insulting to you. And I do know that I've met Idina, and she's been quite kind to me on several occassions, so I guess that puts aside the notion that she wouldn't like me. Not to mention the fact that I have nothing but complete and utter respect for her and her work.

The only thing I've said is that I don't think Pascal is that talented. I made no low blows at him OR you. So why are you taking one at me?

Emcee, I agree. We'll both see what we want to see. And I completely respect that you believe in him. And you know what? I hope he proves me wrong and blows me away. Just for the record, I don't think he's a no-talent. I enjoy his voice, and agree that he has charisma.

And just as a side note, Emcee, you are a CLASS ACT. :)
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:28 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#129re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:28pm

Honey, read your posts. You start off talking about a Broadway actor, and then suddenly it's a rant about the economy? And why must this thread suddenly be about you bashing me? I posted to you two pages ago, and you're still coming back around to slam me? And no, have your high-horse opinions about the actor, but don't you dare make negative statements and far-fetched, disgusting assumptions about ME.

If I bend over backwards, what's transparent about that? That's like implying that he pays me to be his fan, or something. You don't even make any sense. Transparent to what? What's to be seen through to? That's an empty statement if I ever heard one.

ETA - Thank you, I guess, BroadwayGirl.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:28 PM

#130re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:30pm

"That's where I disagree, BSO. Why COULDN'T she play Christina Colgate? And I think she'd make a hell of a Fanny Brice. And Mama Rose years down the road.

But that's just me. Being open minded. And believing in her talents."

Let's backtrack to this quote. I don't see this as being open-minded at all- if Broadwaygirl was, she would acknowledge the possibility that Idina's talents are not universal.

Everyone has a bias. I freely admit to mine; the third leg of an appreciation thread on the OT board speaks loudly for it, but I also acknowledge Adam's imperfections.

Part of my bias would also include my penchant for bluntness. There's no reason why he shouldn't express his opinion. I would say that that comment was out of step with the article's overall tone, but I don't have a problem with it. Would you all hate it less if Bernadette Peters had made it? It's not about how good he is. Anyone's allowed to call them as they see 'em, regardless of status. Just because he's no brilliant actor doesn't mean he can't recognize crap, and frankly, I'm glad he can.

#131re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:30pm

I find it funny you call Emcee a Class Act.

Becaus she loves Julia...and Julia was in A CLASS ACT.

And that's 6 degrees.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#132re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:34pm

BSo, that's less than six. Yes!

It's not about how good he is. Anyone's allowed to call them as they see 'em, regardless of status. Just because he's no brilliant actor doesn't mean he can't recognize crap, and frankly, I'm glad he can.

I think that's one of the smartest things that's been said on this thread in a while.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#133re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:34pm

My posts about the Real World 101 was in response to threads by those who say that they'd rather stay unemployed than take a job with a jukebox musicals like ASU.

The bend-over-backwards at all cost is a comment about your being involved in every single thread about Adam. Your insistent
posts about everything about the RENT movie.
You constant gushing about Adam and Raul. It is more than a little "odd" to put it mildly. Back in one of the RENT movie threads
someone else pointed this out to you. It is like you have some sort
of personal stake in protecting your favorites.

PS It wasn't about you, but when you started calling me bitter,
then I will fight back. When you attack someone, they will fight back. Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:34 PM

#134re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:35pm

I'd also like to add that I don't see any of this alleged respect Broadwaygirl has for Emcee anywhere on this thread.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#135re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:35pm

Insomniak. Idina's talents are NOT universal. She'd probably never be in a show composed by Sondheim or Guettel. She could never play Glinda. She could never be RUth Sherwood, or Millie Dillmount, Jo March, or Mimi Marquez. She could never play a million roles. However, the roles that were mentioned here I wholeheartedly believe she can play.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#136re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:36pm

No, I don't have some personal stake. Obviously. If you mean to say that you see through the fact that I defend him because I'm a fan, well, why else would I defend him? And really, I AM regretfully sorry that you have a problem with who and what I post about. re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!

And the point still holds (which you seem to ever-so-casually be glossing over) that there is NO reason that this thread has to be about why you hate me. Discuss what's here to be discussed, not your problems with me. What's the matter? Nothing else to do? Need a little self-esteem booster? Hate Adam. Just leave me alone.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:36 PM

#137re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:38pm

Idina will never play in a Sonheim show because the girl has horrible diction.

I love her, but she needs to work on her diction.

But hey, Patti played

(Am I comparing Idina to Patti)

P.S. If Idina did Sondheim, then the tweens would flock and say, "It was no WICKED, but Idina was good"

#138re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:41pm

Oh, BSo. Don't suggest it. May the sanctuary of Sondheim remain sacred in all coming days.

Broadwaygirl, I can't win with you.

Edited to apologize for illiteration abuse.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:41 PM

Chloe Profile Photo
#139re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:42pm

BwayGirl, you haven't insulted me (or Adam, for that matter), I just have the feeling that Idina would not care to have her superiority proclaimed as a way of denigrating another performer, who also happens to be her friend. But maybe I'm wrong, and she's much shallower than I'm giving her credit for.

#140re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:43pm

*stands and applauds Chloe*

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#141re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:44pm

Insomniak, where did I not show Emcee respect? (and Emcee, if you feel I was disrespectful, I apologize.) The reason why she is a class act is because she maturely argues her point, and didn't seem to take my difference in opinion on Pascal as a personal attack on her, nor did she attack me personally for thinking differently. And not only do I respect that, but it made me consider what she had to say more. In fact, she made a lot of great points and convinced me on some of them.

You and Chloe on the other hand seem to have a real problem with me because I don't love Adam, and I don't understand why. I never said anything against either one of you. Did I?

EDIT: Insomniak, would "winning with" me be considered making me love Adam and hate Idina? Because I don't see what the problem is. It's a shame really, because I always enjoyed reading your posts.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:44 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#142re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:48pm

Chloe, I was using her as an example of another performer who doesn't exactly fit the bill of a "typical" Broadway performer. Had there been another that came to mind first, I would've used him or her.

Now, if you ask me, calling Adam's friend "shallower than I'm giving her credit for" might not make him so happy. I'm making no judgements about Adam's personality. In fact, after watching his Rent blog video, he seems like a real fun guy.

It's nice to know that you're judging Idina before you've even met her though. She's quite the opposite of shallow, from my experiences.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 09:48 PM

#143re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:54pm

Actually, this marks the first time we've NOT gotten along, Broadwaygirl. We were quite chummy on the Welcome Wagon thread.

Tonally, I'd say you've been a bit snippy towards all of us, Emcee included. I don't deny acting the same way, but I don't claim otherwise. (And yes, Emcee is good about not flaming, but I'm not the doting type so I'll leave it at that.)

I don't like you because you don't like Adam? Is this a cheap shot or a radical misunderstanding? I've never had a problem with someone on the basis of something as flimsy as who they're a fan of. I do, however, have a problem with the way people express their distaste. (See Chloe's comment about superiority and degeneration)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#144re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 9:57pm

... here's where Emcee moves to the sidelines. I didn't want this all to turn personal.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

friesgirl Profile Photo
#145re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 10:06pm

How I read this quote was that he actually sounded reluctant to have to make the leap into film, that he exhausted most of his possibilities of doing something he wanted to do, rather than just took for the sake of keeping up his resume.

Perhaps I'm being too nice, I don't know what he felt when he said it, but the fact that he said "I have to go into film" makes it sound like its a secondary option for him. Not "I'd rather" or "I'd prefer" but "I have to." I think it's unfair to judge someone on this one quote alone.

If Sondheim said the same, I'm sure people would not be having such a field day with this, because apparently Sondheim walks on water with some people. If he said he didn't want to write anything for theatre anymore because the material being produced were atrocious, I'm sure many would agree with him.

Patrick Wilson has also stated that he hasn't done musicals on broadway in a while because he's waiting for a really great role and that the roles being written for men right now just aren't very good. "One of the reasons I haven't done a musical since Oklahoma! is that there hasn't been a role in a musical that has interested me." Much more delicate but the same sentiment, but Adam has never been the best in regard to interviews.

Finally, if you've seen the blog video on the Rent site, he talks about doing Bryant Park for Broadway Cares and even though it's for the film, which is technically not on Broadway, that he is very happy to still be associated with the community. So I'm going to cut Adam some slack.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#146re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 10:12pm

Yes, I'd call it a radical misunderstanding definitely not a cheap shot at you.

Look, understand I'm a trained actress, so in my eyes, I see a lot of what Pascal does as amatuer. Don't take that as me saying "I'm so talented." I'm simply saying my sitting in very detailed, intense acting class has at the very least given me an extremely critical eye, and when I see a Broadway performer acting as he does, I'm critical of it. It's that simple. I can't help but thinking there is often a better person for the role, and I come from a place where I think the best man for the role should have it. My tone can be argumentive and snappy, but I never meant anything I said as a cheap shot at any of you or Adam himself. Just an honest, critical opinion of a performer.

My mention of Menzel was only to show that there is a way for a performer who doesn't fit the "typical" Broadway performer bill to make ways for him or herself. I was merely pointing out a performer who I believe had the talent to do so. It was in no way meant to show Menzel as some sort of flawless, supreme being and Pascal as a talentless hack, as I hardly think that of him.

Good to know you're problem with me is not on the basis of who I'm a fan of. I was starting to wonder whatever happened to insomniak.

AnotherDay46 Profile Photo
#147re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 10:18pm

I have to agree with Emcee on this one. I don't think there is anything Adam could do right now. And I know that dirty rotten scoundrels was mentioned as a top show or something from someone, but did you see what happened when John Lithgow left for vacation? That's how many people go to see the show just for him, not for the show itself. With that responce I wouldn't exactly call it top grade.

And with the responce that this thread is getting over Adam, one preformer, it at least shows that he is noticed because of all of this attention. ^_~

amasis Profile Photo
#148re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 10:22pm


Six pages, because of a 2-sentence statement about a performer considering moving into another medium. Wow.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#149re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 10:25pm

Wow, indeed. lol.
