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Annie Preview Thread

jayinchelsea Profile Photo
#275Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 12:31am

Wow, I feel as though I killed someone's first-born. I totally get it that many people love this show, I'm just not one of them. No, I haven't seen it this time around, and probably won't. But I did see the original production, it was slick and professional, it was extremely popular, but the show is not particularly good. And yeah, I think Katie Finneran is a very talented actress, and she has two Tony awards to prove it.

#276Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 11:57am

Saw the show finaly! I looked forward to it for so long! I enjoyed it very much, but I was so disappointed to have missed the Annie.
Updated On: 9/13/13 at 11:57 AM

Matteo Profile Photo
#277Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 12:28pm

Saw the evening performance yesterday, and felt the need to share my review. I honestly don't think I have ever left a show so skeptically.

First off, Taylor was on in Lilla's place. Overall, she is definitely a let down in the role. She sings fine, sometimes a little too screamy, but when she hits her belt notes she really fills the theatre. The problem is her accent; she does this horrible NY accent that fades in and out and by the end of the show, she sounds British. Why they are having Taylor go on and not the Annie standby, I do not know. Even in a community theatre setting, I would have been disappointed with Taylor.

Kate Finnieran was absolutely amazing in the role. I definitely thought there were a few times where she didnt play it up enough, or let a funny moment go, but overall her performance was fantastic. Clearly he has been polishing her performance and she is definitely at a good point. Wonderful, believable performance.

I dont see the interest with Anthony Warlow. IMO, Warbucks is the character that experiences the biggest change throughout the performance, and Warlow seemed to become a "new man" in about 4 seconds. I don't think he did everything he could have done with his lines either. Maybe its just me.

Thorell was absolutely horrible in the role. No sense of evil or badness, and very flat. And his rooster crow? Horribly weak.

I am sad to report that J. Elaine Marcos is back to being foreign Asian woman, and it does NOT fit. Numerous times I had a hard time understanding her, and the character just did not seem to fit in with her scenes. And, when her character is "Annie's Mom", she does a completely normal voice, which Asian woman with such strong accents have a hard time doing. Very disappointed.

Brynn is wonderful in the role of Grace. She handles her with elegance and brilliance, in a way that I firmly believe she should be played. Was definitely a highlight of her scenes.

Now for the set:
I was a fan of the clothes lines, I thought it was a very cute idea. I am thrilled that the overture was back in, and the orchestrations are great. I really did not like the movie reel though.. I really like the concept, but whoever read it was way too over the top, and to me were trying to make it funny. I think everything in the video was a pretty serious topic..

The orphanage set piece was very interesting and a pleasure to look at. That is, until, I took a closer look. The entire piece is nearly flat with the paneling painted onto the piece. It looks very cheap, and reminds me of the non-equity third national tour set quality I saw years ago. Wish they had just put a little more effort into it.

The set for Hooverville? Horrid. It looks like a cheap afterthought that wasnt even built properly.

The mansion set I was definitely a fan of. When people described the "pages turning to reveal different rooms", I was not a fan, but loved how there were also things flown in and slid in in addition to the "book". I didn't like or dislike the book idea, just again didn't like how flimsy and cheap the "book" looked.... the cast had to hold it as it moved for it not to fall all over the place.

The mansion set at Christmas, however, I though was absolutely beautiful. Like said on here before, I wont describe what happens as not to ruin it, but it was stunning.

Now, these are 2 very simple scenes, but the sets for the radio station and the White House I just loved. They were wonderfully simplistic and attractive to look at. It was funny, though, a wheel fell off of one of the Cabinet's chairs and he had to hold the wheel throughout the spinning of the table and they all got a chuckle out of it!

Other miscellaneous thoughts:

During Little Girls, they had some very odd lighting. During her final notes, there were flashing pink and purple lights all over the set which just do NOT fit this show. I would work on taking that out, it definitely pulled me out of the story.

Easy Street is uninspired and very heartbreaking. I, regretfully, watched the original cast on the Tony's the day before and fell in love with their energy, and yesterday there was no energy. It was flat. (and back to Thorell and Marcos, they barely got applause during the curtain call. the audience did not enjoy them)

The tap number at the end of the show was absolutely adorable. I loved it, and thought it ended the show on such an incredible high!

Now, I know that the majority of what I have said is negative. However, I still overall enjoyed myself. It was a wonderful night on Broadway, and I would still encourage anyone to go see it. I just really hope they fix some things and work out their kinks before the show is set in stone.

#278Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 1:17pm

To Matteo and fanofwhiteway, are you stupid? For some reason you can't figure out why Taylor would go on instead of the standby? As if the label standby automatically means most qualified. Do you not think the powers to be would have put in the standby instead of the understudy if they felt she was the best one to fill in? And to assume that because of the title standby she must be more qualified to be Annie is nothing short of ignorant. To compare Taylor with Lilla who YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN is one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. And to say something a dumb as you would be disappointed even in a community theatre really makes me think that you and your post are made up. It's as if you and the other post have some kind of agenda to rip down a little girl who has received nothing but absolute praise for not just her performance but for stepping into the main role with extremely little practice. I believe there are very few children that could handle that responsibility and stress and come through with flying colors. You and fanofthewhiteway are jokes. no one reading your posts should consider either as serious. You should be embarrassed.

Updated On: 10/21/12 at 01:17 PM

Matteo Profile Photo
#279Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:30pm

I honestly do not think there is anything to be embarrassed about... the only reason I am confused about the standby not going on is because if the standby performed, taylor would play duffy as usual. But, because Taylor is going on as Annie, now there is an understudy Annie and the standby Annie is playing Duffy. It requires 2 understudies instead of just the one. And I believe you should know that standbys are the ones who are taught the role first and are the one who should be ready to go on. Sorry you don't understand how theatre works.

Also, it is my OPINION that she was not very good. Did I say it was fact? No. I, as in just MYSELF, believe she is not good in this role. I realize that other people disagree, and I am glad of that. I was just sharing my experience, but I am sorry that you cannot handle any other opinion than one you want to hear.

Good day.

Updated On: 10/21/12 at 02:30 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#280Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:33pm

So we are down to calling people stupid? I guess the show did affect you all deeply since you are behaving like children.


Matteo Profile Photo
#281Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:33pm

And to add on, not once did I compare to Lilla. Not once. I haven't seen Lilla so obviously I cannot and did not compare them.

Also, in case you actually read anything that I wrote, I obviously did see the show. Not really sure how I would know anything about the show had I not seen it.

If you are on the board to start arguments, get off. Thats not what this board is for.

Updated On: 10/21/12 at 02:33 PM

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#282Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:42pm

The set for Hooverville? Horrid. It looks like a cheap afterthought that wasn't even built properly.

Most Hoovervilles did, so if they're striving for accuracy...

Formerly gvendo2005
Broadway Legend
joined: 5/1/05

Blocked: After Eight, suestorm, david_fick, emlodik, lovebwy, Dave28282, joevitus, BorisTomashevsky

Matteo Profile Photo
#283Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:46pm

In the show, they are just 3 flat pieces that roll out and connected to each other at the bottom that is the mechanical piece that pulls them on/off stage. That piece doesnt work very well, so nothing to do with the scene itself, the pieces need to be fixed. However, I have seen productions of this show that have very grand Hooverville sets. Obviously they are dingy, but they are made to LOOK dingy. They are actually complex sets. These pieces actually seem to be dingy and, like I said, quite an afterthought

#284Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 3:31pm

Why do you think an understudy would go on before the standby? Why would the director make such a choice? How dare he go against the rules of theatre. Here's a thought: maybe, just maybe he made a decision based on what he thought was best for the production. Maybe he thought Taylor was the best choice for the production. Yes, you have the right to your OPINION, and I have the right to disagree with you vehemently. You have the right to make rude unnecessary comments and I have the right to defend anyone, especially an eleven year old against BS, distasteful and hurtful comments especially when there's an agenda involved, not to mention those comments run so counter to every other that praise her for the amazing job she has done. As long as you have the right to be stupid, I will keep my right to argue.

Matteo Profile Photo
#285Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 3:48pm

I agree with DAME, calling people stupid on here is childish.

Just like any other performer on Broadway, we are allowed to like them or not. I disliked her accent, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is so common on here to think someone is miscast, while others think they are brilliant. That is all that this is, and I do not understand why it upsets you.
Updated On: 10/21/12 at 03:48 PM

morosco Profile Photo
#286Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 3:50pm

Whatever happened to the "ignore" feature on this site?

#287Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 4:23pm

Can't we all just get along?
I've been fortunate to see both Lilla and Taylor perform. Both are excellent and gifted girls. We should keep down the stupid remarks, but I also think it should be beneath us to make comments that a child would be a disappointment even in a community theatre. After seeing both perform equally well I sadly feel you would be just as disappointed after seeing Lilla or the standby.

#288Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 4:33pm

I'm seeing the show on Thursday. I'm in favor of it not being so sqeaky clean and perky. I just heard lilla sing "tomorrow" on youtube. I'd link it . But, have no clue how to do that . Its clearly iphonesque in recording. But, that Lil' voice... Whoa!
Will the show be frozen by then?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#289Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/21/12 at 11:48pm

I am sad to report that J. Elaine Marcos is back to being foreign Asian woman, and it does NOT fit. Numerous times I had a hard time understanding her, and the character just did not seem to fit in with her scenes. And, when her character is "Annie's Mom", she does a completely normal voice, which Asian woman with such strong accents have a hard time doing. Very disappointed.


(Full disclosure: I'm a 4th generation Asian American and I'm pissed off. I liked pretty much everything I saw in a preview last week EXCEPT this Lily accent BS.)

What I found most weird about this was that Lily started out with that accent when she first met Miss Hannigan, but then totally dropped it. I took this to mean Lily was putting it on, and that she was a native English speaker. The other question is: why would she do that? I really liked J. Elaine in Act 2. I also have enjoyed her in other things. She's fully capable of being funny without the accent. Lily's fun when she's crafty and just as much of a con artist as Rooster is, and she can do that. So what's up in Act 1?

It really bothers me that they even went this route. By having Lily use that in Act 1, not only are we going back to Mr. Yunioshi, we're just not making any sense. For the entirety of that act, you're assuming the accent is her own accent and that it's part of the joke, that Lily is HAW HAW ASIAN -- a foreigner with an accent that's okay to laugh at, and in a way, is just another asinine continuation of the "perpetual foreigner" stereotype that WE ARE STILL stuck with in 2012.

What's up, creative team? What's up, J. Elaine? I want to know YOUR rationale for all this as well.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 10/21/12 at 11:48 PM

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#290Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 1:47am

I had read about that earlier in this thread and dismissed it as a joke. The lack of concern made me forget about it. It was too absurd to be true anyway.

Not exaggerating when I say I can't believe what I'm reading. I've seen J. Elaine Marcos twice as Connie Wong in A Chorus Line and know she bears your standard American accent. It's puzzling to me, this offensive route they're taking.

It's so thoughtless, I'm incredibly curious to know who's idea this was. Why they thought that'd be funny? And just...why?

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#291Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 1:52am

When I saw the show last week I was really pleased that Marcos wasn't using the accent but then all of a sudden in Act 2 she was full on Christmas Eve. My friends and I just looked at each other with that "....the fvck.......?" look on our faces. It was very odd.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#292Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 1:58am

Same thing happened when I went. She also didnt look like she was having much fun with the part, at all. She was phoning it in and then went full "herro, prease" Asian out of nowhere. I completely understand why and how you'd be annoyed, lizzie.

But she's clearly just bitter she had to shoot ping pong balls out of her cooch 8 times a week while singing "Pop Muzik" when she was in PRISCILLA.

....things I will never get over.

Johnnycantdecide Profile Photo
#293Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 2:30am

Dear NYCSky,

No one is saying that your daughter Taylor is not talented.

Please calm down

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#294Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 3:03am

I did find the two posts referenced by NYCSky as somewhat odd and suspicious before it was suggested they were "made-up." Even if they weren't, and NYCSky was mistaken, I did find the focus on the understudy thing (especially how it made it a point to zero in on a child actor specifically by name) bizarre. Like a not-too-mild suggestion that because an understudy isn't the principal cast in a role, that they are by default inferior and much better suited deep in the chorus.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

#295Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 4:09am


you took the words right out of my mouth!

there are about to be a **** ton of mommy shills up in here.

buckle up.

#296Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 4:09am


you took the words right out of my mouth!

there are about to be a **** ton of mommy shills up in here.

buckle up.

don't know why this posted twice. sorry!

Updated On: 10/22/12 at 04:09 AM

#297Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 9:03am

For the record..., I never compare.I have only seen the show one time. Who knows
I was wondering if you have been at every show, and if not how many have you seen?

I think you have lost your relevance on this thread.

Updated On: 9/13/13 at 09:03 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#298Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 9:27am

The lack of concern made me forget about it. It was too absurd to be true anyway.

The lack of concern itself gave me cause for more concern -- I've seen a bit more speaking out about it on other social networks and not so much here. I'm glad people were mentioning it at all here, at least. It made me wonder if it was totally gone at some point (someone here said so, I think?), which may account for the lack of posts about it.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#299Annie Preview Thread
Posted: 10/22/12 at 9:42am

We saw Annie during the first week of previews and to be honest, we were a bit disappointed. For those who have seen the original movie, the show just doesn't have the same magical, special, and fun feeling. Annie the actress is talented, but her voice is a but off and pitchy at the high notes. The show just lacked the excitement of the movie...
