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BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...- Page 4

BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...

#75BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 11:48am

Zenoiba, Dracula was a hit in Switzerland. The Graz production was supposed to be a limited engagement. (The show is touring Germany atm)

Rudolf did really well in Budapest, which is why it even made it to Vienna. Still playing in parts of Hungary atm.

You're right that it didn't do well in Vienna though.

I saw Carmen in Prague and loved it! No way it would do well on broadway though ha.

Updated On: 12/7/11 at 11:48 AM

#76BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 12:03pm

I too saw the show last night. What a powerhouse! Laura Osnes (especially) and Jeremy Jordan gave stunning performances. The music has stayed with me, to the degree that I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night with "Dyin' Ain't So Bad" driving through my semi-conscious brain and found myself whistling "How 'Bout a Dance?" at the coffee pot this morning.

Coming from the point of view of having been a practicing psychotherapist for many years, I was mesmerized by the depth present in the character development, motivation and social context depictions for the main characters.

Despite the frequent gun play, this may not be a show for those seeking a lot of razzle dazzle. What it does have is delicious music, a fascinating story anchored in history and brilliant star performances by the two leads. The supporting cast, especially Melissa Van Der Schyff (Blanche) and Clayborne Elder (Buck), was also excellent. It was easy to see, both on stage and talking with cast members at the stage door following the show, how much the performers love this show and how eager they are to delight their audience. Don't miss seeing Bonnie & Clyde before it closes.

#77BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 12:23pm

wait, is this show closing? I am confused..i didn't see a closing notice anywhere.

#78BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 2:50pm

Hey Sam, that was a great review....I couldn't have said it better myself. For those of you who haven't seen it, do everything you can to make sure you see this show before it closes.

#79BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 3:19pm

For those of you who happen to be in the theater district this afternoon and would like to help out, cast members and fans are meeting by the stage door of the Schoenfeld Theatre at 4:45pm to pass out fliers around the city, per this cast member's twitter:
Updated On: 12/7/11 at 03:19 PM

theatrefreak0109 Profile Photo
#80BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 3:57pm

I just got my tickets for the 23rd such a shame this could have been a great opportunity for Laura and Jeremy

Rabekriegerin Profile Photo
#81BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 4:45pm

It's a bit disingenuous to compare Wildhorn's Rudolf to the success of a mega-hit like Elisabeth; why not, instead, put it side-by-side with Mozart!, 3 Musketiere, Marie Antoinette, Barbarella, etc...?

The VBW and the German stages have had their share of hits and misses, and there aren't easy lines to draw between the composer and the success of the product. (Looking at the creative teams of Rebecca & Elisabeth...)

Now I'm not saying, and I don't think anyone is, that Wildhorn shows earn universal overseas raves, but that he has generally had more commercial success overseas than on Broadway is hard to deny. I don't mean just Europe, but also S. Korea and Japan (which has also staged Rudolf, by the by).

In all honesty, I tend to like the overseas incarnations of Wildhorn's work more than the ones back here at home. Why exactly that is, I haven't quite figured out yet. It'd tickle me pink to go to Europe to see Bonnie&Clyde in, say, German, if it doesn't stay around here long enough for me to see the Broadway production. Talk about killer irony!
Updated On: 12/7/11 at 04:45 PM

#82BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 4:55pm

I like Wildhorn's overseas productions better as well. One reason why might be the like 80 piece orchestras that accompany them ha. I find the direction and staging to be better as well. The South Korean Jekyll & Hyde for example, from clips, looks like the most incredible thing ever.

#83BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 7:49pm

Thanks, broadwayfever.

phantom39 Profile Photo
#84BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 8:25pm

I don't get it.. what are people trying to "save"?
Telecharge has already refunded all tickets past December..

"Movies will make you famous; television will make you rich; but theatre will make you good." - Terrence Mann.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#85BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 9:17pm

Did anyone here say they got refunds? As I said, I currently hold nearly 100 tickets for March: I haven't been told of a refund as of yet. (I'm not concerned that I won't get it, I know I will.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#86BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 9:26pm

There were some posts on ATC from people who have already received refunds.

#87BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 10:24pm

A little late, but here's a quite positive review from Rex Reed.
Rex Reed review of B&C

gfaustswa Profile Photo
#88BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 10:43pm

I know I am grasping at straws here, but you never know (well, we kind of know) Did anyone notice the new Discount Code for Bonnie and Clyde that was added today for 40% off? The expiration date isn't until 1/31/12. Here is a thought...Maybe tix are on sale until Dec 30 to motivate locals to get to the show asap and generate cash flow. If enough cash come in, then maybe it will continue on for another month or so. Just using my creative mind and hoping some else was on the same wave lentgh. Tying to look on the bright side of things!

#89BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 11:11pm

^ What would really help do that would be a cast album!

#90BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 11:21pm

Gfaustswa, our brains are on the same page. I'm really hoping that's the case, especially with the help (hopefully) of some extra ticket sales as we get closer to the holidays.

Also agreed about the cast recording. Besides the fact that I've been listening to the 4 demo songs on repeat for about a month now and would like the rest of the score recorded and on my iPod, I think it's definitely easier to sell tickets to people who don't necessarily see a lot of theater if they've already heard the songs (and liked them).

gfaustswa Profile Photo
#91BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/7/11 at 11:31pm

AMEN! God knows only one person living in Nashville can do so much, but I'm trying!

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#92BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 1:07am

I would be very sad to see this terrific show close so soon. I think it's moving and exciting, it's got a wonderful book, a gorgeous score, clever direction and design plus that remarkable cast.
I am quick to admit a show's shortcomings, but I truly can't understand the critical hatred aimed at this production.
Someone asked why critics would gang up on Wildhorn. I say it's because it's fashionable to hate Wildhorn. I used to be fashionable in that respect too, but "Bonnie & Clyde" turned me around. I'm surprised and disappointed that the critics weren't turned around, or more likely, refused to be.

#93BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 1:47am

It's a case of Broadway eating its own young, thanks to its cabal of cannibalistic critics.

(Don't you know I had fun writing that sentence!)

dented146 Profile Photo
#94BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 2:02am

When you follow this site for many years and dozens of reviews you often see a considerable disparity between the views of critics and the people here.

Often shows that are well received such as The Scottsboro Boys never find an audience. Sometimes it's the reverse like Wicked. But usually when a show is crushed by the critics on opening night the folks on this board have already had their fun ripping the show during previews.

It seems to me that this time the disparity between the general feeling here and the very negative media reviews has never been greater.

I find that very disturbing. We can write this one off and say well these guys just don't like Wildhorn. Fine, it's clear they don't. But then, how do we know when they are being honest and fair with their opinions if they are allowed to make exceptions.

The best liars are not the ones who lie all the time. You can easily spot them. The best ones are the ones who are almost always truthful and just sneak a lie in now and then.

That's what we are looking at here.

#95BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 2:44am

^Very well said...hopefully, it'll go on tour.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#96BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 5:07am

Not to burst your bubble...but they are not going to REFUND all thier advance sales, just to get people in for the remaining 3 weeks of December and THEN put the tix back on sale.

A HUGE percentage of the presale (no matter how low that number might be) would not be re booking...they will just move on to something else.

I am really suprised that now two days after the telecharge change AND refunds going out (if that's so) they have officially announced the closing!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#97BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 11:10am

Strange that there's been no official announcement yet, but I just got confirmation that not only are tickets being refunded but that it's indeed closing the 30th. Seems odd that they're waiting so long to announce the closing, though.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

AC126748 Profile Photo
#98BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 11:26am

I have a close friend in the show and saw it yesterday. Said friend confirmed that it's closing at the end of the month, unless something drastic changes. Believe it or not, I really don't care, but this is coming from someone directly connected to the show.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#99BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
Posted: 12/8/11 at 1:56pm

Well, looks like someone still believes!! Here's Jeremy Jordan's latest tweet:
There is no truth to Bonnie and Clyde closing on December 30th. We're still fighting. It ain't over til its over, folks. #bcforever
