Understudy Joined: 10/15/09
I don't really think it's fair to say a show has lost what made it special when you've seen it a dozen times plus. I'm not trying to argue, I'm just pointing out that of course some of the magic is gone when you know a thing inside-out. I think it's human nature to become more critical as the thrill of discovery wears off. May explain what happened in my last marriage, as a matter of fact..... hah!
Has anyone ever seen the Australian Elphaba, Jemma Rix? She is the only Elphaba I've seen and I'm wondering how she compares to the rest of the world.
Also, I'd be interested to hear what Adamgreer's favourite pair is considering he has also seen the show many times...
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/10
FanofGreen, I personally haven't seen it dozens of times. You do have a point, but there are other shows I know inside out and have seen them more times than Wicked, and they still give me pleasure. Wicked definitely is different than it used to be.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/16/06
I think it just comes from being a long running show. The producers have embraced its long run and now advertise it as a tourist attraction, similarly to Mamma Mia and Phantom, rather than a creative, smart Broadway production. It now attracts many more large families, children and foreigners than it ever did before. That's not a bad thing. It's just different. Also, many of the cast members have been apart of the show in some aspect for years and years. It's just stale. It's almost as though the casts are trying TOO hard to be fresh and it actually makes most of the performance too over the top and unbelievable. It's still good. I'm sure first timers enjoy it. However, people used to leave the show in tears... or at least somewhat moved. Now, many of them just leave saying things like "Well that was fun!" Again, not bad. Just different.
Updated On: 4/18/12 at 11:01 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 5/6/11
I saw Jemma Rix as Elphaba durig the Sydney season and I enjoyed her performance....she can certainly sing...but found her a little bland, or at least less quirky and distinctive than some of the others I've seen in the role.
That said, the Aussie Glinda (Lucy Durack, who is now playing Elle in the Australian premiere of Legally Blonde) was far and away the best I've seen in that role: hilarious, touching and with a soaring soprano: a real star performance.
Understudy Joined: 10/15/09
bwayguy: I have seen the same cast give great shows and so-so shows - so, just how much energy is in the theater on any given night can make a huge difference in the show one sees. I was surprised when I found out that, except for the principals, when you sign a contract for a show it's for as long as you can play it. I cannot imagine doing the same thing for hundreds and hundreds of performances. I remember a comment from a Broadway performer that said sometimes when they are singing, they are thinking of other things. When anything becomes that rote, it has the potential of being boring, no? I completely agree with your comment about them going "over the top" to try to keep it fresh.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/26/10
I always loved Shoshana Bean and Megan Hilty!
But I never had the chance to see them live on stage. But I saw Roberta Valentini and Heather Carino in Oberhausen, Germany and they both were terrific, great chemistry and comedic talents!
Hilty + Bean is the definitive answer.
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I cannot believe there was ever a time when Wicked mattered so much to me.
But old habits die hard, so I say Megan Hilty and Shoshana Bean.
Julie Reiber and Alli Mauzey, especially when Aaron Tveit was Fiyero.
Has anyone seen the Zambia production of Wicked with
Zwet Klubutis and Phonesk Arbrarkensic.? They were amazing.
Swing Joined: 10/21/18
okay, it is clearly Mary-Kate Morrissey and Ginna Claire Mason. Like that is a freaking ICONIC duo, you cant get much better than them and i am also pretty sure that out of all the couplings they have the biggest fan base.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
Stand-by Joined: 5/4/18
Amanda Jane Cooper and Jackie Burns were amazing
Obviously from my screen name I've seen Wicked a few times and I have seen 26 pairs of Elphaba and Glinda. I have a list that I update after I've seen a new pair and of this date here are my personal favorites:
Eden Espinosa/Megan Hilty x 9
Donna Vivino/Katie Rose Clarke x 2
Cassie Levy/Megan Hilty x 4 with my all-time favorite Wicked show that I've seen the night that Cassie Levy departed Wicked LA on May 11, 2008.
Stephanie J Block/Kendra Kassebaum
Marcie Dodd/Megan Hilty
Marcie Dodd/Laura Woyasz x 2
Eden Espinosa/Emily Rozek x 2
Cassie Levy/Emily Rozek x 2
Vicki Noon/Megan Hilty
Marcie Dodd/Erin Mackey
Mamie Parris/Katie Rose Clarke x 3
Nicole Parker/Alli Mauzey x 2
Meredith Kaye Clark/Stefanie Brown
Teal Wicks/Megan Hilty x 3
Dee Roscioli/Cassie Okenka x 3
Mandy Gonzalez/Katie Rose Clarke
Nicole Parker/Patti Murin
Dee Roscioli/Jenn Gambatese x 2
Anne Brummel/Natalie Daradich x 2
Anne Brummel/Tiffany Haas
Teal Wicks/Erin Mackey
Teal Wicks/Laura Woyasz
Kendra Kassebaum/Julia Murney
Donna Vivino/Chandra Schwartz x 2
Mariand Torres/Katie Rose Clarke
Emily Koch/Amanda Jane Cooper
I haven't seen Wicked since February 20, 2016 and I'm looking forward to seeing a new pair on Halloween when Jackie Burns and Kara Lindsay return to the show in San Diego.
singer234 said: "Shoshana and Megan 1000% percent."
I love Wicked, and I've seen it 11 times with 8 different pairings:
Donna Vivino and Chandra Lee Schwartz
Christine Dwyer and Jeanna de Waal
Alyssa Fox and Carrie St. Louis
Chelsea Emma Franko (s/b) and Ginna Claire Mason
Jessica Vosk and Ginna Claire Mason
Mary Kate Morrissey and Ginna Claire Mason
Mary Kate Morrissey and Allison Bailey (u/s)
Mary Kate Moreissey and Beka Burnham (u/s)
With all this being said, my favorite PAIR is Mary Kate and Ginna Claire later in their runs. They've become best friends in real life and it shows a lot. There's a very endearing quality to the friendship when they're in it. Like I said, maybe not the best Elphaba or Glinda performance on their own, but together they're sensational.
Definitely Mary Kate Morrissey and Ginna Claire Mason. I saw them twice this summer and they were both phenomenal.