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Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!

Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#1Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:29pm

Here are my reviews for the 3 shows I saw in New York with other notes of interest!

Legally Blonde: Tiffany Eagen on for Pilar and Asmeret Ghebremicheal was on for Brooke.

Where Do I begin? The show was most definently a light hearted, fun show to see on our first night in the city. Tiffany looked like she has been playing Pilar since day one. She was very comfortable in the role and definently made the white girl playing a black girl role funny. Asmeret. Bless her heart. It was her first time I was told of covering Brooke and it showed. She was saverely out of breath and stomach was going 90 to nothin when she should have froze and her jump rope got caught in her legs and got messed up but i will say she went on with out any other problems.

During the Irish kickline Amber Effe fell, caught her self then ran up grabbing her ankle. Was never see back in the show. I hope she is well.

Laura Bell- Hmm. By all means she gave a good performance. But she was a little to over the top. I kind of felt like she was in the mentallity of "Hey whatever,I'm about to leave the show".

OH! I forgot to mention...Why waiting at the stage door i noticed a side door was open and who was inside? LBB and producers. I went to get an autograph and the guy said "SIR THIS IS MEET WTH THE PRODUCERS ITS PRIVATE!"

Overall a A.

Wicked-Ehh. Not giving a review its over done. I will say Stephanie J. Block was the best I've seen and said. "Oh heck yes I'm so excited" when asked about 9-5. A+

The Little Mermaid- Hmm. Sherie was out and we had Cicily Daniels who I thought was brillant and really worked the role. WE had Robert Creighton as Scuttle and Price Waldman as Grimsby. I thought the costumes were fun and creative. The songs were good. The set and lighting were good. The storyline I feel was very weak. If Disney doesn't get there act together they are going to keep producing flop after flop.C

On a fun note I went to the TONYS and stood right where the stars got out of there car. I saw Cody Green of Step It Up And Dance outside of Legally Blonde he was SUPER nice and we talked.

Any questions?
Updated On: 6/17/08 at 01:29 PM

shh282 Profile Photo
#2re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:33pm

What Irish Line are you referring too in LB? was Amber on for Orfeh or something?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#2re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:35pm

If Disney doesn't get there act together they are going to keep producing flop after flop.

What are you talking about? Little Mermaid and Mary Poppins are making buckets of money. Both will be hits by definition. Neither is a flop.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#3re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:37pm

"they are going to keep producing flop after flop"

Dude, go look at the grosses for The Little Mermaid - it's making a killing. (not to mention all the merchandise profit!)

"As we all should probably have learned by now, to be a Stephen Sondheim fan is to have one's heart broken at regular intervals" - Frank Rich

Dearest, how can this be so? You were dead, you know. - Candide

Oh my god, this show has everything! Half naked guys and girl on girl action! - [title of show]

(My avatar? Why, yes! That is Laura Benanti making out with a chick!)
Updated On: 6/17/08 at 01:37 PM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#4re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:38pm

I tried to read this but the typos all over the place just irked me.

The US education system never fails to upset me.


millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#5re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:44pm

"The storyline week."

When is that? I heard it was sometime in August after costume week.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Anakela Profile Photo
#6re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:46pm

During the Irish line Amber Effe fell, caught her self then ran up grabbing her ankle. Was never see back in the show. I hope she is well.

I am guessing this means during the Legally Blonde remix number (?), so what happened, did they sub in someone for the judge track? (Or is Amber still not on in this track?)

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#7re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 1:53pm

Laura Bell- Hmm. By all means she gave a food performance

What kind of food -- Mexican, Italian, Japanese...? (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#8re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 2:20pm

I hope Amber Efe is alright! Always a pleasure to watch in the ensemble and I got to see her as Paulette, very good. I guess they were able to get someone ready pretty fast since she is back on as the judge right after that song?

Not Barker, Todd. Profile Photo
Not Barker, Todd.
#9re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 2:23pm

Some people use the word flop to denote the quality of a show.

PLEASE! Do not post anything negative or dramatic! DidYouReallyHearMe has LOST the ability to ignore such posts and he will comment! Please, help him.

With Clay Aiken in Spamalot, all of Broadway is singing a collective "There! Right! There!" -Me-

"Not Barker, Todd is the only person I've ever known who could imitate Katherine print." -nmartin-

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#10re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 2:29pm

re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!

blaxx Profile Photo
#11re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 2:37pm

Any questions?

One, did he really say "Sir this is meet wth the Producers"?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#12re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 2:39pm

While Paulette is singing Ireland, Amber is at the counter as the store-manager. I am guessing that she ran-off here, which gives loads of time to get someone else on.

BrianS Profile Photo
#13re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 2:43pm

"Some people use the word flop to denote the quality of a show."

And do you agree with that Barker? It sounds like you're supporting it.

There are plenty of ways to describe the artistic merits of a show. Do we really need to start appropriating words that already have a very specific meaning? As someone with an obvious respect for a show as complex as Sweeny Todd, I'd have thought you would be encouraging our youth to strive toward quality writing, not supporting the degradation of our language by arguing that mediocrity is acceptable since it is becoming the norm.

imho... lol

If the audience could do better, they'd be up here on stage and I'd be out there watching them. - Ethel Merman
Updated On: 6/17/08 at 02:43 PM

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#14re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/17/08 at 3:42pm

what is a food performance? and why would you give Legally Blonde an A when LBB gave one?!

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

charmer88 Profile Photo
#15re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/18/08 at 12:59am

hey there,

i was just wondering what was the date that you saw Legally Blonde when Asmeret was on as Brooke....

#16re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/18/08 at 1:28am

When amber is on for paulette someone else plays the judge. I don't remember who covered her track when I saw her, but someone else did

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#17re: Blondes, Witches, Memaids Oh My!
Posted: 6/18/08 at 1:42am

"Any questions? "

Have you considered a typing class at your local community college?

