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BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#0BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 12:20am

I just got back from seeing WICKED in Toronto. This tour is in fine hands; the changes from the New York production are minor and unnoticeable, and the talent onstage is top-notch -- perhaps even more impressive than on Broadway.

I'm still not a huge fan of the show, but I will admit I enjoyed it more this time around. My first time seeing WICKED was last May in New York, but after revelling in heavier, craftier shows like THE NORMAL HEART, AVENUE Q and BARE on my trip, I found WICKED to be rather fluffy and dorky. It seemed too overbloated for its own good.

This second visit was more enjoyable. I still think the book is weak, the score bland and the lyrics cringingly banal, but nevertheless the whole production is enjoyable and pretty to look at. Maybe it was the cast's thrill of opening a new, hyped show, but there just seemed to be a lot more enthusiasm in the theatre tonight. There was a certain passion on that stage that you couldn't help but celebrate with the performers.

Despite the criticisms I've heard from others, I find Joe Mantello's direction rather fun. He uses not only the full depth and width of the stage, but the height as well. It's a colourful, sparkling show despite some major plot holes and some honorable-but-faulty stabs at having a message. But for a night of flashy entertainment, why not? Despite the many flaws, I still left the theatre smiling.

I must apologize for expressing any reservations I previously had with Kristy Cates, because she delivered a fine, memorable Elphaba. I'm still curious about what Stephanie Block will bring to the role, but Cates' trained and controlled voice was a welcome change to the wailing vocals of a certain other Elphaba (you know which one), and she gives an otherwise-banal score a certain sheen. Her "Defying Gravity" brought down the house, and although I wish she were beltier in that number, she hit those high notes just fine.

I felt the weakest lead performer in the show was Kendra Kasselbaum. She doesn't quite have the charm required for the character, and her lack of charisma reveals how poorly written the role really is. I found her Glinda excrutiatingly annoying. Her "Popular" is still good, but she was noticeably breathless and having trouble with the number.

It was so lovely to see Jenna Leigh Green onstage again, beaming so beautifully. I was lucky enough to catch her in BARE, and seeing her in a big show like WICKED warms the heart. The Nessarose role is too small for her, but she's awfully good in it. It's her Elphaba I'd like to see most, because this girl has got some lungs on her.

Carol Kane and David Garrison are likewise perfect in their respective roles. Kane's voice cannot be mistaken, and her Madame Morrible is always a delight onstage. I daresay David Garrison's Wizard is much better than Joel Grey's rendition; Garrison just seems so natural in the role. It's quite a treat to have these two veterans on this tour.

It occurred to me, watching the somewhat mundane love triangle unfold in the second act, that WICKED reminds me a bit of AIDA --and not just in some of the similarities in the romantic subplot (1 ditz + 1 general + 1 righteous crusading heroine). I found that both shows have potential of being great, but they instead bow to the expectations of the megamusical. (Both also contain some pretty embarrassing dancing from the same choreographer.) Why not retain the poetic spirit of their dark source material? Why give in to every demand of the family crowd, and forfeit some truly daring and truly moving possibilities?


My companion, who enjoyed the show very much, was nevertheless disappointed with the ending, and felt that it would have been more poignant had Elphaba really died. As it is, she thought the conclusion was "hokey."


I agree; somewhere in there is a great show. If they'd only remove such terrible numbers as "What Is This Feeling" and "Dancing Through Life," if they hired a new choreographer and excised the cheesiness and predictability, if they focused on the drama and not on the sentimentality, WICKED would be a great show. But as it stands, at least it's entertaining.

Oh yes, and they've gone back (for now) to using the stage trap -- probably to avoid the malfunction that befell Stephanie Block.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."
Updated On: 3/19/05 at 12:20 AM

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#1re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 2:44am

Very interesting and well written review, BlueWizard. I'll be seeing the Broadway version (3rd time) in June and the tour in L.A. the following month and I'm looking forward to being able to compare the two current casts. It's good for those who can't make it to N.Y. that you found the tour pretty much at the same level as the Broadway production. I loved Kendra Kassebaum as Maureen in Rent last June (she was understudying) and felt I was seeing a future star, but I've always wondered if she was right for Galinda. You and others make me continue to wonder that. Good that the rest of the cast shines, and hopefully Stephanie will be as good as if not better than Kristy. But I must beg to differ with your analysis of the score as "banal." Had I found it so, the cast recording wouldn't have remained constantly in my car CD player for over a week, playing and replaying, with me unable to switch to another CD. The mostly gorgeous and quite powerful score proved addictive in a way that something "banal" could never have been for me.

As to the ending, I had no idea whatsoever how it was going to end when I first saw it last June and (you should have written spoiler for those who haven't seen it yet!!!), the suprise at the end took my breath away and had me cheering. I guess I'm too much the romantic to have accepted anything other than the joyous way the show ends. It would have left a bitter taste in my mouth had it concluded any other way.
Updated On: 3/18/05 at 02:44 AM

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#2re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 3:09am

Yikes! -- thanks eslgr8 for the spoiler alert recommendation. I've changed my post accordingly. I'm glad someone's reading the post. re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

shira467 Profile Photo
#3re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 3:30am

I'm sincerely looking forward to the tour in LA!

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

Mimi Imfurst
#4re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 3:39am

I still havent seen the show.(anywhere.) I've lotto'd 35 times and lost.

NYC's Most Retarded Drag Queen The Mimi Show: hosted by Mimi Imfurst features Broadway stars Tuesdays @ 10:30pm Weekly! June 13th: Hairspray's Michelle Dowdy, June 20th: Aida's Lori Ann Strunk, June 27th: Composer Katie Thompson No Cover- No Drink Minimum OW BAR: 221 E 58th Street (between 2nd and 3rd)

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#5re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 4:06am

You're missing absolutely NOTHING.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

amasis Profile Photo
#6re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 6:47am

Very fair and nicely written, BlueWizard. Thank you for the review.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#7re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 7:05am

great review wiz, but i'm gonna disagree with you on 1 thing: i love "What is This Feeling"... keep it in :P!!

::bust a move::

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#8re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 11:03am

Respectfully disagree with Mukustrap's thumbs down. Thumbs up from elsgr8, way up (as the Roger would say).

#9re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 11:19am

i must say, wicked is my favorite show in the world but i can see how some people may not like it. but saying ur missing nothing is an understatement. it is def. something to see! im happy u enjoyed it :)

#10re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 11:20am

i must say, wicked is my favorite show in the world but i can see how some people may not like it. but saying ur missing nothing is an wrong. there is def. something ull remember or smile about when leaving the theatre, and if not...thats dissapointing. it is def. something to see! im happy u enjoyed it :)

Tigger Profile Photo
#11re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 3:57pm

I too have just seen Wicked in Toronto and it is always interesting how impressions differ from one to the other.I had seen it on Broadway over a year ago with the original cast and fell in love with its inventiveness and the way it delivers its message.

In Toronto, the physical production approximates closely the Broadway one with seeming added sparkle to the sets and costumes.Musically however,I found it less sharp and involving. Perhaps they hadn't balanced the sound mix properly yet.

Kendra Kassebaum was in my opinion an excellent Galinda reminding one of a young Goldie Hawn. The audience delighted in her.Her delivery of "Popular" was right on the money with great timing and comedy chops. Taking the prize though was her superbly complex and very moving rendition of "Couldn't Be Happier".

Kristy Cates does a lovely job of Elphaba and the conviction she brings to the role is solid and centered- however this is not what one could call a star performance.It is what one would expect from a solid performer playing a lead role in a first class tour and nothing more.

For me the weakest link in the show is Derrick Williams as Fiyero.I loved "Dancing Through Life" when I saw it on Broadway and when I hear it on the CD. Here it is so badly sung it is virtually unrecognisable. It is a good solid pop tune that needs a voice with edge that can sell it.Here it becomes a disappointing wash-out.Williams is unfortunately devoid of much charisma and his lack of sexual chemistry with either leading lady is glaring. It also sadly and completely neuters the love duet in the second act.My companion who had not seen the show felt,like I, that he was miscast.

Logan Lipton as Boq delivers a fine and tragic performance as does Jenna Leigh Green as Nessarose. Both shine in their few moments onstage and one wishes one could see more of them.

David Garrison as the Wizard is okay with a pleasant singing voice but does nothing to make one forget Joel Grey as he is devoid of the impishness tinged with malevolence and charm Grey invested in the role.

Carol Kane, stunt-casted here, plays Morrible like Scarlet's Aunt Pittypat in Gone With The Wind. Whilst unable to sing a note, she amazingly still manages to pull the role off in a different take compared to Carole Shelley's.

The rest of the cast is uniformly very good playing the myriad characters.Vocally they are strong and are good dancers where required. The flying monkeys however don't really fly (I thought I remembered that they did on Broadway) but are no less enjoyable.

Overall I don't think this production of the show has completely gelled yet and still needs quite a bit of priming before officially being declared open.It has a way to go to become fully engaging and emotionally involving.

Also I have to comment that it is very disingenuous of the producers to sell it at full price for what basically are problem busting previews.

In summation it is my (and my companion's) opinion, the show's greatest liability is its Fiyero and as unkind as it may sound we would re-cast him in a New York minute.Its greatest visible assets so far are its Galinda,Boq,Nessarose,Morrible,ensemble (and Elphaba for now)costumes and sets.

I shall be going again to the closing performance on April 24th in the hopes of seeing Stephanie Block who was supposed to play Elphaba until she was sidelined by injury. She impressed me in Boy From Oz and seems to have break out potential.


As for the ending...

...the audience gasped audibly as most never saw it coming and
it was the one genuine moment in the performance that I saw that elevated the emotional energy in the house.

It also unquestionably illustrates the show's core message, by forcing the audience to look at things in a different way.

"Extraordinary how potent cheap music is..." Noel Coward-Private Lives

hyperchet Profile Photo
#12re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 4:07pm


dont read if you havent seen WICKED!

I remember when I saw it, I was in shock! The ending was just like a soap opera!

"Elphaba, I'm your father" (lol in darth vader voice)

"Needless to say the crew is well acquainted with my ass and that's ok because they are the coolest guys ever." - Idina Menzel

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#13re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 5:39pm


Oh, but you could see that plot twist a mile away! At the beginning of the show, when Elphaba's mother brings in her forbidden-squeeze and he sings with his back to the audience -- you know it has to be someone important and is most likely you-know-who.


Funny, I found Derrick Williams was quite good as Fiyero - a suave, sexy black man oozing with charisma seems to fit the profile of the character (I always felt NRB was miscast). The role itself is, again, pretty weak (do you really believe he'd hang around Glinda so long if he thought she was shallow?), but Williams charmed me enough not to care. And I actually preferred Kristy Cates' Elphaba to Idina Menzel's.

Musically however,I found it less sharp and involving. Perhaps they hadn't balanced the sound mix properly yet.

This could just be the acoustics of the Canon Theatre -- yet another reason why I don't think it was the best venue for the show (the perfect-in-every-way Princess of Wales Theatre would have been more fitting). When I saw PHANTOM, PRODUCERS and JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR at the Canon, I remember my disappointment in the acoustics too -- the system they have seems to flatten the sound a bit.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

#14re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 5:45pm

Which ending were we talking about?

Anyway, I think it's funny you said to take out What is this Feeling when most people say that is their favorite song (or up there)...

(Isn't mine though...Nothing beats power - No Good Deed)

#15re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 5:46pm

Thanks for posting the review, bluewizard. I'm going to be visiting family in Toronto next month and will be seeing Wicked while I'm there. Am hoping Stephanie is back because she's an amazing performer but it sounds like I'll enjoy the show even if she's not!

442namffug Profile Photo
#16re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 8:18pm

Bluewizard...that review was so well-written I almost threw up...kind of a weird description of how much I was interested by your style of writing, but I couldn't think of much else. Do you write proffessionally? You could definitley handle it.

I must disagree with you, however...Wicked IS a family show and the Wizard of Oz IS corny and over the top..that's what makes it "what it is". The show has it's silly moments but it acknowledges that. If they wanted to make it more dark and spectacular, a straight drama would suit the idea much better. However, it is "silly" because it needs to be! And the score is most definitley not banal. I feel it is very cleverly written and the fact that similar melodies and themes run throughout all of the songs (both light and heavy/emotional) is nothing short of intelligent.

However, to each his own. Thanks for the review...please clarify what you mean by the "stage trap" being changed. I don't understand?

kim1061 Profile Photo
#17re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/18/05 at 10:21pm

i also saw Jenna in BARE. i thought she was great. Maybe they will fly her to NYC and she will take over for Michelle when she leaves.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#18re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 2:58am


However, to each his own. Thanks for the review...please clarify what you mean by the "stage trap" being changed. I don't understand?

Thanks for your kind words, 442namffug.

The stage trap to which I'm referring is at the ending, when Elphaba pops up to greet Fiyero from a trap door on the stage. It has been reported that, since some theatres may not have trap doors, the tour will have Elphaba fly in from the wings instead. However, this new special effect malfunctioned during the dress rehearsal and resulted in Stephanie Block's injury. For now, the show has gone back to using a trap door -- most likely until they have ironed out the issues regarding the new flying effect.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#19re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 3:14am

Thanks for the great review BlueWizard! :) And how awesome to see Jenna on stage again. I'm looking forward to catching the tour one of these days.

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

#20re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 9:46am

what about timothy britten parker as dillamond?

Tigger Profile Photo
#21re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 11:57am

"what about timothy britten parker as dillamond?"

He was very,very good and I'm sorry I didn't mention him when I was stating what I thought about the production. A baaaaaddd... (pun intended) sin of omission for which I apologise, as he truly was touching in what really is a thankless role.

"Extraordinary how potent cheap music is..." Noel Coward-Private Lives

#22re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 12:00pm

Brock is the last name of the diva from 42nd Street. You mean Stephanie BLOCK...

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#23re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 12:29pm

Sorry, that was a typo -- it's been corrected.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

#24re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
Posted: 3/19/05 at 4:10pm

Oh, Dancing through Life and What is this Feeling are two of my favorite songs...along with "Wizard & I" and "Defying Gravity" and "No good Deed" can't wait to see the tour when it comes to Atlanta.
